Chapter 165

"Aren't you going to make it clear to me? Even if it's not what I want. " Ma Xiaoying very light if say, actually from her breathing sound I can judge, she is not calm.

"I don't know how to say it."

"My mother wants to see you!"

"Your mother?" I want to cry, "when?"

"Next weekend." Ma Xiaoying hesitated, "will you come?"

"Yes." What we have to face is always to face, after all I don't know how to say that. Of course, I love Ma Xiaoying. Loving her is a romantic feeling full of longing. Even if her father comes out to stop her, I'm very upset It's worry that you can't love. And the granddaughter It's a kind of love that I have to love. It's not the same, but it's the same heavy. Maybe I'm a bad person, if I didn't have a scene of warm entanglement with Ma Xiaoying at that time. Maybe everything won't be so complicated.

Now I really don't know what to do If sun is here, I will tell her that although it's best to keep these things secret, I need her intelligence. I don't know if it's right or not, and whether it will bring harm to sun. I don't know. I can't find her now.

"See you then!" Ma Xiaoying hangs up.

Well, I have one more trouble. I can't live by myself!!!

The next day, good news came from Lao Chang. Mr. Li was willing to lower his salary a little. He probably found other brands, but they didn't agree with him. I won the bet. Although it was only reduced by 10%, I still accepted it. Lao Chang encouraged me to accept it and signed the contract. Big single, everyone is happy, but I'm a little uneasy, suddenly, I don't know if it's because of my mood, maybe it is!

As soon as the contract was signed, we had to operate. I sent factory director Su to take relevant technicians to test the designated air-conditioning pipes. The test results were satisfactory, so we signed the contract with the other party. However, because the other party's factory was a little small, we didn't dare to sign a large number of contracts with us. We just divided them into three batches in batches. I thought there was a problem, but I had no choice, and the contracts were closed Yes, and There's no way they don't do business, right? Fortunately, the first batch of air-conditioning pipes came out. After testing, the quality reached the standard. We paid the balance with the deposit given by Mr. Li, and then waited for the second batch.

During this period, the production base has been able to catch up with almost all the goods, just waiting for the air-conditioning pipes to come and deliver the goods as a whole, but It's two days overdue. There's no response from the air conditioner. Go to urge. Even the person in charge is gone I realized that there was a problem. I went by myself and finally found the person in charge and delivered the goods. It was only one day before we delivered the whole goods. When I thought the deal was finished, a phone call from Director Su made my blood boil.

Director Su told me that all the second batch of air-conditioning pipes failed and could not be used.

Early the next morning, factory director Su and I went to find the person in charge of the factory, but it didn't work. It was just a quality problem. It wasn't that we didn't deliver the goods to us. Even if we sued him, the court would at most let him produce a new batch of normal goods and compensate him a little more. He didn't lose much, but we were miserable. If it was a real business, we would compensate at most, but … I've come to realize that this is not a real business. Then, I finally know what my original uneasiness was. I was too careless. This is a bureau. Ha ha Zhou Qi set up the Bureau, I saw her, she is in this air-conditioning pipe factory, in front of me. Damn, I'm still trapped by her, and it's very low-level.

"Mr. Li, what a coincidence?" Zhou Qi turned around me and said with a smile.

I don't talk. I don't want to talk to her.

"Speechless? I hate it, don't I? " Zhou Qi's voice suddenly cooled down, "I said that you are not enough for me to fight. Admit defeat. As long as you admit defeat, you don't have to pay a lot of compensation there, otherwise you will pay compensation according to the contract Oh, you should not have so much money. Then, I'll think of a way for you to mortgage blue cat. This is the only feasible way, but You have to pay attention to a problem. My ultimate goal is to let you take blue cat as a mortgage. Once you enter the bank, you can't get out. "

I still don't speak, because what Zhou Qi said is the truth.

"Mr. Li, you won't win. You will lose soon. I told you that at the beginning."

"Chairman Zhou, I can't afford to lose. If you want to win, I'll let you win, but you can't win what you think you can win. I've lost, but I won't give in to anyone, even if I fail a hundred times No, no, no, I'm wrong. I can yield to anyone, but I will never bow to you. You can catch me up. I'm not afraid of you. " With that, I left with Director Su.

Driving back to the blue cat headquarters, I was very calm, unexpectedly calm, I don't know why. Maybe I know it's the result. With my current strength and Zhou Qidou, I can't afford to fight, but I don't have a better way to let her give me time to breathe.

I even regretted the conversation with her that day. I was so angry that I shouldn't have said so dead, and I shouldn't have touched her so early Stop. Damn it, I can't regret it. Now it's not a dead end. It's just a few million dollars. But my air conditioners can still be sold. It's just cash turned into assets, and Damn, there are a lot of raw materials that haven't been paid.When I got to blue cat headquarters, I immediately went to Ding Ling and asked her to do a statistics. Then I went back to my office. Ji Ruolan probably received the wind. She came back from Dahua and sat opposite me. There was Chen Jia. She came in with Ji Ruolan and looked at me eagerly. She didn't know whether to blame me or comfort me.

I have nothing to say. I'm waiting for Ding Ling to come in.

After waiting for an hour or so, Ding Ling came with a copy of the compensation she counted out.

"Ha ha, we have to take more than three million yuan in five days, a lot of them." This is the result of Ding Ling's calculation, including the final payment of raw materials that we are in arrears. I want to laugh, laugh bitterly, and laugh more ugly than cry.

"We can't take it out." Ji Ruolan said, "even if we just scrape it out, we can't continue to operate normally."

"I know. It's a bureau set up by others. Zhou Qi Chen Jia, did you think this man was so terrible before? " I asked Chen Jia, before Zhou Qi showed her face, it should be very difficult for her to accept. Only the sun devil knows. Unfortunately I didn't believe her, and because of my disbelief, many things happened. In the end, the devil sun bought the bill for me. I'm not a damn thing. I'm a killer.

Chen Jia bowed her head and said nothing.

"Don't look like that. Don't you have five days? I bought two sports lotteries the day before yesterday, but I haven't got the right number yet. I don't know if a pair will win five million. " I forced a smile, "besides, don't we have a batch of air conditioners? Mr. Ji, you need to deal with those air conditioners as soon as possible to cash them out. There is not much time. I hope you can bear with this. Now You go out first and let me do something about it. "

Ji Ruolan and Chen Jia go out, ah These two poor shareholders who have implicated me.

I'm thinking of a way. In fact, I'm thinking of a fart way. It's certain to lose money. Needless to say, it's because Zhou Qi and I are together at all. As for what Zhou Qi thought, I have to take blue cat as a mortgage. Isn't that right? I can take back part of the air conditioners after handling them, but it's just a matter of time. Five days is too short And I'm worried about Zhou Qi.

For example, when I deal with these air conditioners, I have to sell them at a relatively low price as soon as possible, but It's hard to find customers in large quantities. It happens that Zhou Qi can beat me with a lower price. There's no doubt that she can lose so much money and kill me. And once this happens, I have to find another way to borrow But my circle is full of poor people. Who is willing to lend me millions? If you want to, you have to have millions first.

Do you have to trade the shares of blue cat? Let's not say whether anyone will buy an unknown company with a great chance to hit the street. Even if I buy it, I still lose the blue cat. This is a result I don't want to see.

It's so fuckin 'annoying. It's all wrong.

After thinking for an afternoon, there was no result. I was very upset. I had to release this kind of worry.

In the evening, Lian Chang drove to pick me up. There was a van with a borrowed license plate covered. Besides me and Lian Chang, there was a security guard in the van. Today, Lian Chang sent this security guard out to perform a task. The task I ordered was to keep an eye on Mr. Li. Now that dog day guy is having a good time in a nightclub. Let's drive over and park at the door. When he comes out, I have to deal with him.

After waiting in the car for more than four hours, the dog came out of the nightclub. Five men and three women, each with a car, waved goodbye at the door. I asked Lian Chang to follow that dog day's car to a remote road and cut him off. He was wearing a cap, a pair of sunglasses and a high collar coat. It was hard to recognize his true colors. He was responsible for pulling that dog day out and into an alley. He put a bag around him and I got off with a baseball bat.

I know it's none of this dog day business. It's Zhou Qi's instigation, but I have to beat him. It's said that beating a dog depends on the owner's face. I just don't look at the owner's face and call Zhou Qi. Of course, I can't leave any evidence. This is the principle. Anyway, now that she has lost millions, what else can she do with me?

After the fight, I got on the bus and left. I felt very happy all of a sudden.

The next day, Ji Ruolan reported to me that we were blocked by Zhou Qi, and the air conditioner couldn't be used in a short time. And those agents can't afford such a large quantity, and This batch of goods are not only for household use, but also in stock in their stores, or in the warehouse. For large projects, they go to our production base to pick up the goods directly, which is unnecessary.