Chapter 31: The Mist

Name:System Mania! Author:

Chapter 31: The Mist

Korig stirred from his slumber as Aurora gently woke him.

He had requested a shift in the watch, and now that dawn was breaking, it was his turn to take over.

As he checked his watch, it read 6 am sharp.

But when he met Aurora's alert gaze, a sense of unease washed over him. Something wasn't right.

"What's wrong?" Korig asked, concern lacing his voice.

Aurora didn't respond immediately.

Instead, she cast a quick glance in his direction before turning her attention to the window.

"Something's off," she finally replied.

With a sense of urgency, Korig sat up and followed her gaze out the window.

What he saw sent a chill down his spine.

The entire view was shrouded in thick mist, an eerie fog that distorted everything in sight.

The bridge they had crossed the previous day was barely discernible through the dense haze.

"What the..." Korig began, his voice trailing off as he struggled to make sense of the sudden, unnatural fog that had enveloped their surroundings.

"How did this happen?"


The mist hung heavy in the air, a dense, swirling curtain that enveloped everything in a shroud of uncertainty.

Korig couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as he peered out into the obscured world beyond the window.

The once familiar view of the bridge was now distorted and barely discernible.

"What the hell happened?" he muttered under his breath, his brow furrowing in confusion.

Aurora, ever the composed and analytical one, turned her gaze toward him.

"I don't know," she admitted, her usually confident tone tinged with uncertainty.

"Something's coming," she replied, her tone cautious.

"My observation skill just picked up a disturbance."

Korig's senses were on high alert as they both waited, unsure of what to expect.

And then, in a surreal moment that unfolded with breathtaking speed, Aurora's words turned into chilling reality.

"Projectile incoming!" she exclaimed, just as an object hurtled toward them with unimaginable speed.

Before either of them could react, an axe sailed through the air, aimed directly at Aurora's head.

It was a deadly and precise attack, seemingly out of nowhere.

But Korig, with the lightning fast reflexes born of his recent enhancements, managed to snatch the deadly weapon from the air a split second before it would have struck Aurora.

The two of them stood there, momentarily frozen in shock by the unexpected attack.

It was a stark reminder of the perilous world they inhabited, where danger could materialize from the mist at any moment.

They now found themselves under attack, and their unseen assailant remained hidden in the dense fog that surrounded them.

The mist had not only obscured their vision but also concealed their enemy, leaving them with a sense of vulnerability that sent a shiver down their spines.

They were under attack, an assault orchestrated by an adversary hidden in the thick, swirling fog.

Each step they took was cautious, their hearts racing in the anticipation of the unknown.

Every rustle in the fog felt like an ominous prelude to danger, and the oppressive silence only heightened their unease.

In this world where the rules had been rewritten, they found themselves facing an enemy they couldn't see, couldn't predict, and couldn't fully comprehend.

Anything could happen in the impenetrable veil of mist, and they understood that they couldn't afford to be any less alert than they were at that very moment.

Their senses were on high alert, every sound amplified by the fog's muffling embrace.

The tension was palpable as they moved forward, their eyes straining to pierce the oppressive mist, their ears attuned to the faintest hint of movement.

They knew that at any moment, an attack could come from any direction, and their survival depended on their ability to adapt and respond swiftly.

Life hung in the balance, and every breath they took was a testament to their will to survive.

They were under attack, their lives at stake.

The enemy was hidden, but Korig had his plan.

...Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m