Chapter 30: Talks of Strategy

Name:System Mania! Author:

Chapter 30: Talks of Strategy

Aurora's words echoed in the dimly lit shelter, and Korig couldn't help but be taken aback by her openness.

She was cool and composed, and yet, she had shown a willingness to trust him, a stranger in this chaotic world.

It was a quality he admired, even if he wasn't entirely sure he felt the same level of trust yet.

"Why?" Korig asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.

He wanted to understand why Aurora had chosen to reveal this much to him, especially considering the dangers that lurked in this new world.

Aurora leaned back against the wall, her gaze fixed on the shattered window as she began to explain.

"My analytics told me that you've undergone a significant physical enhancement, Korig."

"You're almost in the realm of being a complete superhuman."

Korig raised an eyebrow, intrigued by her assessment.

He had noticed the changes in his own physical abilities, but to hear someone else acknowledge it made it feel more real.

She continued, "I, too, received some stat boosts from my system, but there are limitations."

"I can analyze and fight, but I can't overpower."

"That's where your strength comes in."

Korig absorbed her words, feeling a growing sense of respect for her.

She had assessed not only herself but also him and their potential as a team.

It was clear that she approached this new world with a strategic mindset.

He nodded slowly, realizing that their strengths complemented each other.

"I see. Well, in that case, we make a good team."

"Your analytical skills and my physical abilities, together we might have a better chance at completing this objective."

Aurora inclined her head in agreement, a rare hint of approval in her otherwise reserved demeanor.

"Agreed," she said simply.

As they sat there, the dim light filtering through the shattered window, Korig couldn't help but feel that he had made the right choice in trusting Aurora.

In this unpredictable and perilous world, alliances were forged out of necessity, and he had a feeling that their partnership would be crucial to their survival.


As they sat in the shelter, the weight of their shared objective hung in the air.

Aurora took a deep breath before breaking the silence.

"Our objective is to survive the goblin scavenging for three days," she stated matter of factly.

Korig nodded, absorbing the information.

"I noticed that no goblins have attacked us, and there don't seem to be any around here," he observed.

Aurora nodded in agreement.

"Exactly. We could choose to stay here for three days and complete the objective," she said, but then quickly shook her head.

"But it's not a wise choice. We won't survive that long without food and water, and even if we did, we'd be too weak to travel after three days."

Korig raised an eyebrow, impressed by her practicality.

"You keep surprising me," he admitted.

Aurora smirked, a hint of amusement in her eyes. "Get used to it."

Korig chuckled and leaned back against the wall, his gaze fixed on the dimly lit shelter.

Some survivors attempted the treacherous leap from one side to the other.

Most met with failure, plummeting into the abyss.

But a few managed to defy the odds and escape, particularly those who had vehicles at their disposal.

The sight of these fortunate few driving away from the bridge and toward the new city was both a testament to their survival instincts and a stark illustration of the fear that gripped them.

Korig and Aurora watched in silence, knowing that each passing moment brought them closer to the inevitable confrontation with the goblins they would face in the coming morning.

In this world where chaos reigned and monstrous creatures roamed, every choice they made was a matter of life and death.


As they continued their vigil over the bridge, Korig and Aurora engaged in a quiet conversation about the state of the world.

The moonlight cast shifting shadows on their faces as they spoke.

Korig began, "It's hard to believe how quickly everything changed."

"Just a day ago, I was in a mall, and now we're here, surrounded by monsters and objectives."

Aurora nodded, her gaze still fixed on the bridge.

"This new reality is unforgiving."

"It's as if the rules of the world have been rewritten, and we're just trying to make sense of it all."

Korig leaned back against the wall, feeling the fatigue in his muscles.

"I can't help but wonder how many people are out there, struggling to survive like us."

"Do you also think that there are others like us out there, with unique systems?"

Aurora's tone remained even as she replied, "There are undoubtedly others, each with their own abilities and objectives."

"In this world, strength and adaptability are our greatest assets."

After a pause, Aurora turned to Korig and said,

"I need to get some rest."

"We won't be at our best if we're sleep deprived."

"Keep watch, and wake me if you start feeling tired."

Korig nodded in agreement.

"Of course, sleep is important."

"I'll keep watch, and I'll wake you when it's your turn to keep watch."

With that settled, Aurora found a relatively comfortable spot to rest in the dimly lit room.

As Aurora settled into a makeshift resting spot, she turned to Korig with a hint of warning in her voice.

"You better not try anything funny while I'm sleeping. I don't take kindly to surprises."

Korig grinned, a touch of mischief in his response.

"Don't worry, Aurora."

"I promise not to draw on your face with a marker. You're safe with me."

Aurora maintained her composed gaze, a small smirk tugging at her lips.

"Good. I'd hate to have to demonstrate my combat skills while half asleep."

With that playful exchange, she closed her eyes and settled into rest, leaving Korig to keep watch over the moonlit world outside.

Despite the seriousness of their situation, a moment of light hearted banter offered a brief respite from the challenges of their new reality.

Korig, determined to protect their newfound alliance, kept his senses alert, ready to call upon her when the time came.

In this ever changing world, trust was a rare commodity, and Korig hoped that their partnership would endure the trials they were sure to face in the days to come.
