"What's going on?"

"What happened?"

"Why did everyone fall asleep?"

"Never for no reason. There must be a problem!"

The guards around the abyss fell asleep and fell unconscious.

Several guard captains can still keep awake, barely support, emotional panic of the discussion.

But they don't know what happened, and they don't know how to solve it.

Some people wanted to send a message for help, but they had no time to take out the circular jade slips and fell asleep.

Of course, even if they took out the Yujian, they didn't know how to report.

Did you report to your superiors that they had been attacked?

They didn't even see the shadow of the enemy, and there was no sign of it happening.

In this way, several guard captains held up for a moment, closed their eyes one after another, and fell to the ground.

In an instant, there was silence around the abyss.

All the guards fell into a deep sleep, lying on the ground, looking strange.

Ji Tianxing did not dare to delay time, so he quickly put away the zhenhun bell and flew to the vicinity of the seal array. He began to observe the array and find a way to crack it.

This is the first time that he has used the zhenhun bell, and he can't estimate its efficacy and duration.

The 900 guards may sleep for a day or an hour.

In short, they never sleep too long.

If it is more than one day and one night, the gods and kings guarding the two boundary passageways at the bottom of the abyss will also find anomalies.

Ji Tianxing must crack the seal array in front of him in a limited time.

"Hateful, it's another king level God array!"

Seeing clearly the structure and vein of Shenzhen array, Ji Tianxing frowned and a cloud flashed in his eyes.

Originally, the king level God array was nothing.

However, the seal array in front of us is one of the most complex, which is composed of the power of nine altars.

Even Ji Tianxing, a top player in the field, is hard to crack in a day.

But there was no turning back.

Since 900 guards have been put down, he can only do his best to break through the battle.

The silent passage of time.

Ji Tianxing focused on the seal divine array, twinkling with golden eyes, and saw the hundreds of millions of veins of the divine array clearly.

His mind is also running at a very terrible speed, and he is trying his best to analyze the thread of the divine array, deduce and calculate the solution.

One hour, two hours, three hours

Unconsciously, six hours passed.

Time also from dawn to dusk, the sun has set.

Night was coming again, and the light was very dim in the Grand Canyon.

The 900 guards were still lying under the altar, still in a state of lethargy.

However, Ji Tianxing estimated that the effect of zhenhun bell was soon dissipated.

Around midnight, the guards will be waking up.

Fortunately, no one entered the Grand Canyon all day.

By this alone, God has been very kind to him.

If not, random to see the guards are all unconscious, will certainly spread the news.

Unfortunately, Ji Tianxing sorted out and analyzed the structure of the divine array, but he still didn't think of a way to solve it.

"How could it be so complicated? The structure of this divine array is so precise that it can be called perfect, and there is hardly a breakthrough!

This is not the work of Marshal Xue prison and commander of the river Styx. It must be the work of the God of the nether world

Ji Tianxing was full of anxiety and whispered to himself, and sweat was also on his forehead.

Although, after his rebirth, he has not seen the ghost God Emperor.

However, he had an indirect contest with the Youming God Emperor once, and won, and successfully stole the magic beads of nature.

This is the second contest and he is not sure yet.

Soon, another two hours passed.

It was late at night.

The night was deep, and thick gray clouds covered the Grand Canyon.

The Grand Canyon is as dark as ink, with only nine altars flashing light of multicolor.

Ji Tianxing is still obsessed with the observation and seal of the divine array, constantly changing the direction, looking for a breakthrough to crack the divine array.

It's a pity that he still hasn't found a breakthrough, and his method of cracking is not perfect. He has failed several times.

The only consolation for him was that he finally found a weak point in the Shenzhen formation, on the northwest edge of the abyss.

He relaxed a little, lifted his sleeve to wipe the sweat from his pale cheek, and turned his head to look around the abyss.

I saw that the guards under the nine altars showed signs of awakening.

More than a dozen strong guard captains are unconsciously wriggling and stretching their bodies, and there are also people who emit painful grunts.In this case, they should wake up in half an hour at most.

Ji Tianxing became more anxious.

"No, not enough time!"

Not to mention that his method of breaking the array is not perfect. Even if it has been perfected, it is too late to put it into practice.

It took him three or four hours at the fastest time to break the array. By then, all the guards woke up.

Before he could crack the divine array, the 900 guards would attack him and tear him to pieces.

There is less than half an hour left. What should I do?

Do you want to give up everything you've done?

Ji Tianxing is worried and worried.

At this critical moment, he became more calm and decisive.

After just a few breaths, he made a slightly risky decision.

"It's too late to crack the divine array!

At present, we can only use brute force to break the weak point of the divine array!

With my current strength, use all the cards unique skills, go all out, maybe have some hope!

There is no way out. "

Having made up his mind, he began to act.


He flew over the dark night sky to the northwest edge of the abyss.

His eyes were fixed on the weak point of the multicolored mask. He sacrificed the sky sword and used the unique skill of Tianlong to dominate the body.


With the dazzling golden light flashing, he became a golden giant god with a height of thousands of feet. His body was covered with dragon scales, and his forehead had a dragon horn, which was exactly the appearance of the dragon clan.

After the transformation, his combat effectiveness increased seven times, and his whole body was filled with the fury of destroying heaven and earth.

Holding the sword of burial in his hands, he infused endless divine power into it, and let the burial heaven cooperate with him to produce the most fierce and violent power.

But that's not enough!

With the help of the world's five swords, he's using the power of the world!

"Open it for me!"

When all the strength accumulated to the peak, Ji Tianxing gritted his teeth and roared. He held the burial sword in his hands and stabbed the seal God array under his feet.


In the next moment, the splendid golden sword, which is as long as thousands of feet long, stabbed the multicolored mask with an incomparable and destructive posture.

When the sword collides with the light wall, a deafening sound is heard, reverberating in the Grand Canyon.

Even, the loud noise was so amazing that it rocked the whole canyon.

The violent divine power shock wave, which was wrapped with countless pieces of divine light, spread around, and immediately scattered the sleepy guards, causing heavy casualties.

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