Ji Tianxing's analysis is right.

It's all in the city of the stolen.

For the samsara abyss and the two realms channel, naturally will not pay too much attention.

But Yu Wen Ji was killed just now, and the matter will soon be over, and people's attention will be shifted.

Once the storm is over, he wants to sneak into the two realms again, and the difficulty will increase.

Moreover, in two days, the commander of the Styx will return to the Youdu.

In any case, tonight is the best time to go to the samsara abyss.

Ji Tianxing made up his mind and walked out of the darkness, leaving the house and going to the north gate.

It was already five o'clock and dawn was coming.

The north gate of the city is open, with nearly a hundred city guards guarding it, and there is also a commander of shenwangjing.

There are not many people going in and out of the city gate. Occasionally, two or three people will go together.

Ji Tianxing walked slowly to the gate, took out his identity token step by step, accepted the interrogation of the city guards, and was released.

From the beginning to the end, no one looked at him more, let alone doubted.

After all, he is now a "dragon day", an ordinary youth of the Dragon nationality.

This is his name when he was in the Dragon kingdom in the last life, and the old dragon gave it to him.

After leaving the north gate, Ji Tianxing flies into the night sky and flies northward.

The abyss of reincarnation, to be exact, is in the northwest of Youdu City, which is 18000 miles away.

Ji Tianxing quickly crossed mountains, jungles and grasslands, and arrived near the abyss of samsara in a quarter of an hour.

The abyss is deep in the mountains, in a grand canyon surrounded by clouds.

Surrounded by towering mountains, the canyon is covered with gray clouds all year round.

At first glance, those gray mists do look like death.

When he came to the abyss of samsara, Ji Tianxing became more cautious.

Seeing no one around, he showed his invisible magic power and quietly passed through the gray fog and entered the Grand Canyon.

In the middle of the Grand Canyon is an abyss of hundreds of miles, just like a deep pit.

Nine altars were built on the ground around the abyss and guarded by hundreds of guards.

Nine altars are in operation, releasing countless threads of colorful light, extending to the abyss.

Hundreds of millions of colorful lights condense into a defense mask of a hundred miles, like a huge bowl upside down.

Obviously, the entrance to the samsara abyss is blocked.

If you want to enter the abyss, you can either crack the seal God array, or find the commander of the Styx River and the marshal of the blood prison to get the token.

Of course, the latter is not possible. Ji Tianxing has only one choice, that is, to crack the divine array.

Although, cracking the divine array has always been his strength.

With the strength of the middle God King, he can crack the king level top-grade and top-grade divine array, which is absolutely a miracle.

But there were 900 guards around the abyss.

If you want to hide from these guards, it is more difficult to break the battle than to ascend to heaven.

Ji Tianxing hid in the vast clouds, carefully observed the situation around the abyss, and thought about countermeasures.

The first thing he thought about was to create a chaos that would distract the guard's attention, and then take the opportunity to break through.

For example, he used the secret method of huntian to integrate into the heaven and earth to create a super earthquake.

But he thought it over and gave up the idea.

After all, the super earthquake can only scare the ordinary people, certainly not the guards.

The 900 bodyguards are all highly selected experts, and they are basically the middle gods.

Under each altar, there are several upper gods, who should be leaders and so on.

Soon, Ji Tianxing thought of using poison magic power to poison all the guards quietly.

But it's not safe to do so, unless he can poison everyone in an instant.

Otherwise, some people will be poisoned first, others will be poisoned later, and someone will be able to send out a call for help.

He gave up the idea

Within a quarter of an hour, he thought of six or seven ways, but none of them worked, or the risk was too high.

Helpless, he can only look at the space ring, hoping to find a good way.

In the past few years, he has killed many powerful kings and seized countless booty.

The things below the divine king level were basically devoured by him with mending beads.

The pills, skills and artifacts that can also be stored in the Shenjie are basically of the divine king level.

His divine consciousness searched through the mountain of treasures, and constantly swept through the magic pills, artifacts, jade slips and rare treasures.

After about 100 Xi, his divine sense was suddenly fixed on an ancient bronze box.

He remembers that he killed a domain master and got it from his space ring.

When he counted the spoils, he opened the bronze box.It contains an ancient bronze bell. From the mottled marks on the bell, it should be an ancient thing.

At that time, he studied it with a bronze bell and found that it could release the sound of soul calming spirit. It belonged to the king level artifact of a very partial sect.

Although the bronze bell is a king level artifact, its efficacy is not very lethal, so it is difficult to use it.

And now, at last, it has a chance.

Ji Tianxing took out an ancient copper box from the divine ring and took out the rusty bronze bell.

"Let's call you zhenhunling. I hope you don't let me down!"

He held the soul bell in his hands and whispered to himself, his eyes full of expectation.

Then, he pinched the shenjue in his left hand and the soul calming bell in his right hand. He put in the powerful power and began to shake it rhythmically.

The dull town soul bell, immediately became green, as if to live.

"Ding Ding Ding

One sound after another, clear and pleasant, distant and ethereal voice, came from the town soul bell.

Strangely enough, the sound of the bell is so small that it can only be heard by ear within ten steps.

But Ji Tianxing sensed that the zhenhun Bell sent out invisible ripples in all directions, covering the Grand Canyon.

That kind of invisible ripple has mysterious and powerful soul suppressing power.

Even if he, the middle God King, did not pay any attention to it, his spirit was suppressed and his consciousness was a little dim.

But he immediately realized that it was not right and aimed the soul bell at the abyss below.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding

The slight bell continued to ring, and the invisible soul ripple spread out rhythmically.

Soon, Ji Tianxing saw the effect.

Under the altars around the abyss, the guards of the nine hundred gods and princes were still standing like statues before, looking energetic and majestic.

After being covered by the invisible soul ripple, the guards were all staggering and squatting on the ground vaguely.

There are a lot of fragile guardians of the spirit, directly fell on the ground, fell into a coma.

After a few breaths, almost all the 900 guards fell down.

There are only ten leaders of the upper God Kingdom, who are still barely supporting.

Of course, they are also staggering, drowsy, can not lift a little power at all.

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