Chapter 325 - Thank You!

Weekends. Sunday.

Alex arrived home from his five-day business trip.

He just came from the shower. He looked at his smiling wife. She was holding a brown envelope in her hands.

"Babe, I have a surprise for you!" Caroline said excitedly.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Finally, after a long wait! I'm free again! This envelope contains the Finality of Annulment granted by the court. We are free to marry in the church!" she beamed.

Alex's eyes sparkled in happiness. "Awesome!" he exclaimed and sprinted to her side, hugging her tightly.

The couple embraced each other happily.

"Let's get married in three months!" he exclaimed.

"Sure! I love to marry you!" Caroline said gladly.

"I'll ask my secretary to gather the list of the top 5 Wedding Planner in the city! I want you to plan our wedding soon! You don't have to stress yourself about the wedding details. We got the money, so all you need is to choose the best theme decoration, the best menu, the best wedding venue, gowns, and etcetera," he said.

"Okay, thank you, babe!" Caroline said, feeling emotional and teary-eyed.

"Oh, why are you crying?" he asked.

Caroline shook her head. "This is tears of happiness. We have been waiting for the annulment, and finally, the waiting is over! Time to legalize our relationship. I can't wait to be your legal wife!" Caroline said enthusiastically.

"I can't wait to be your legal husband as well!" he enthused. "I love you so much and our twins! You and our children completed me! I'm a lucky man," he grinned jubilantly. He planted a kiss on her forehead.

Suddenly, baby Jasmine and Gabriel start crying.

The couple disengaged from their embrace and attended to their babies' needs.

Alex lifted his daughter to pacify her. He smiled while watching her daughter smiling at him. He glanced at his wife - busy changing baby Gabriel's cloth diaper. He felt happy and contented with his life.

Caroline is a hands-on mom, and that's one thing that he loves about her. He's fortunate that she's the mother of his children. Although he loses a brother, sister, and first wife, Nicole, God is good, he gave him a healthy and adorable daughter and son as a replacement, and he also gifted Caroline to him.

Everything that God took from his life in the past - was already replaced with better ones.

He's no longer sad, lonely, and alone. He's complete again. He was grateful to God for granting him a happy married life with Caroline. A union filled with happiness, love, and blessings.

After Caroline finished changing her son's diaper, she changed baby Jasmine's diaper as well.

Alex sat beside Caroline in the bed. "Babe, do you want to know what my late brother Greg requested from me before he died?"

Caroline looked at him. "What did he tell you? What is his request?" she asked curiously.

Alex sighed while remembering his younger brother. "He told me that after he passed away, I should get close to you and marry you so that I can give you a better future. He doesn't want you to suffer in poverty again. He knows that if I will marry you, you will live an easy life. My brother loves you so much..." He paused for a moment and continue. "Now that we're getting married, I'm sure that he's happy now watching in heaven because his dying wish was finally going to happen a few months from now," he said with great delight.

"And how about Allison?" Caroline asked.

Alex smiled. "My sister loves my younger brother and dotes on him. That's the reason why she blackmailed you on staying with Greg until he passed away. My sister wants to grant my dying brother's wish and make him happy. Sad to say - she resorts to violence just to keep you by my brother's side..."

Caroline smiled. "It's all in the past now. We can never bring back what we have lost. Each of us suffered terribly at some point in our lives. But at current times - we are given a new chance to redeem ourselves and make a difference in our lives. So, let's move on and enjoy our lives while we still can," she said in a cheerful tone.

Alex hugged her again. "Okay. But I have one last question for you before we leave the past behind," he said.

"What is it? Bring it on," she encouraged him.

He peered into her eyes, looking for the truth. "Why you didn't hate me regardless of what my sister and brother have done to you?" he asked earnestly. He needs to know why?

Caroline took a deep breath. "Maybe because...despite your siblings' bad intention towards me, you are the only one who is trying to help me. You haven't done a single thing that warrants my hate. So, there is no reason to hate you at all," she answered his question sincerely.

Alex smiled, feeling satisfied with her answer. "I love you so much, Caroline!" he said, his eyes were flashing with joy.

"I love you too!" she replied for the first time. She never told him that she loves him. She lives with him under one roof for security reasons and to give their children a loving home. But gradually, she developed tender feelings for him because he is kind, loving, and affectionate towards her. Alex won her heart in the end.

Alex hugged her tightly. "I'm glad that you are the one I get married to the second time around and not other people. My first marriage was a failure. Thankfully my second marriage is with someone like you who accepted me fully even if you don't love me. But now that you finally told me that you love me, my heart is filled with joy. Thank you for loving me, Caroline!" he said, his eyes glistening with tears of happiness and gratitude.

They embraced each other lovingly in front of their twins for a few minutes.

Alex looked at her. "I want to celebrate our coming marriage. Let's have a celebration here in the house! You can invite all your friends and your family. I will also invite my close friends and family. We will make it a whole day affair. We will employ a caterer and party planner to provide food, drinks, and entertainment all day long," he said excitedly.

"That's wonderful!" Caroline replied in a thrilling voice. "When are we going to hold the party?" she asked.

"Two weeks from now," he said. "I will ask my secretary to contact a caterer and party planner. I will have them visit you here so that you can discuss the theme of the party and the type of menu to prepare for the occasion," he said. "Then let's announced to them our incoming wedding in the church," he added.

"Wow! I can't wait for the party! I'm so excited!" Caroline raved.

The couple looked at each other in the eyes, looking thrilled and contented.

Fifteen minutes later. They brought the twins to the bathroom for their bath.