Chapter 324 - Bonding Time

A loud ringing of the phone woke Caroline from her sleep. She looked at the window, it's already morning.

She grabbed her phone and answered it. "Hello..."

"Hello, babe, good morning!" Alex said.

"Good morning, babe!" she replied and looked at her twins in the crib, they're already awake.

"How are you and the babies?" he asked.

"I'm fine, we're fine!" she answered. "I just wake up," she said.

"The twins are awake now?" he asked.

"Yeah...they're both awake," she answered.

"Okay, I'll go now, going to the site. I'll call you later. I love you! Bye..." he said.

"Bye babe, take care and drive safely!" she responded.

The call ended.

She put the phone back on the bedside table and looked at her kids. She lies down on the bed and closed her eyes.

Then she remembered her dream last night!

Dang! Why she was dreaming of Mike? And worst she was having s.e.x with him inside a drive thru motel? Why oh why? Her face contorted in horror!

What a crazy, disturbing dream!

"Oh my gosh, it feels so real!" Caroline said aloud. "Thank, God it's just a dream!" she blurted and get up from the bed to start her day.


When Mike reached the entrance of the same cafe they met yesterday, Caroline was already sitting on the chair, waiting for him.

That was also the time she raised her head and looked at the door.

Mike was all smile when he walked towards her, he was amused. He lowered himself on the chair and grinned. "Nice to see you again, my love! Wow, we're seeing each other two days in a row! It feels like I won a lottery today!" he said, smirking.

Caroline pouted up a storm, she doesn't like his jokes! She's still upset with his trick. He forced her to come again today, promising her that he will finally give her the doc.u.ments for real. She breathed deeply, wanting to last at him.

"Don't be mad anymore, I'm just joking. I love teasing you," he said. He put the briefcase on the table and picked up the original copy of the Certificate Of Finality from the trial court and gave it to Caroline. "Here's your original copy, my dear. Our marriage is officially annulled. You can finally marry your beloved Alex in the church. Happy now?" he asked.

After seeing the copy of the Finality Result of the Annulment, Caroline's face brightened up. A megawatt smile was plastered on her lips. "Thank you!" she said happily.

Mike loves the grateful smile she showed him. "Because you are important to me, aside from the finality doc.u.ments, I also have another gift for you!" he said.

"What is it?" she asked curiously.

Mike placed a call on his phone. "Bring them now inside the cafe..." he told someone on the phone.

A few moments later, the two maids entered the cafe pushing the stroller towards the table where Caroline was waiting.

"OMG! My twins!" Caroline beamed in happiness.

"Correction, our twins!" he said, grinning broadly. Loving the happiness radiating from her eyes.

Tears of happiness sprang into Caroline's eyes. "I missed you my sweeties!" she said and kissed the twins' cheeks.

Mike addressed the maids and gave them money. "Go shopping inside the mall. I'll call you girls later when it's already time for us to go home. I just want Caroline and I to spend quality time with our children," he said.

"Thank you, Sir Mike!" the girls said in chorus. They accepted the money in high spirits and left the cafe after giving the bag to Mike containing the toddlers' essentials.

Caroline was already busy with Suzanne and Justin. They're both two years old now.

"My dear, we have five hours to spend with our twins. Where do you want us to go so that we can bond together as a family just this once?" he asked. "If you want something like this to happen once a month, you only need to text me and the twins and I will be at your disposal," he suggested.

Caroline smiled brightly at him. "No strings attached?" she asked doubting his sincerity.

"Yes, no string attached. If you want, we can bring the maids around so that they can tag along with us. If that can give you peace of mind, then I'm willing to do it," he said.

"Why are you doing this?" she asked, pondering about his intention.

"It's all for the kids and you. Seeing you happy and the kids happy, I'm happy as well. That's the truth," he responded.

Caroline smiled. "Thank you, Mike!" she said. Her heart was bursting with happiness. Not only her marriage to Mike was finally annulled, but she was also able to spend a few hours with her twins. This day is truly a blessing for her.

" you have a place where to go today? Or we can get a hotel suite in the next building adjacent to the mall so that you can spend quality time with the babies. You can cuddle with them in the bed and play with them the whole afternoon," he suggested.

Caroline took a deep breath. Check-in in the hotel with the twins is tempting but she was reminded by her steamy dream last night when he and Mike were having wild s.e.x inside the motel. She blushed crimson red just remembering about it.

Mike's brows furrowed. "Huh? Why your face looks fl.u.s.tered? What's wrong, Caroline? Are you not feeling well?" he asked worriedly.

Caroline shook her head. "I'm fine. Let's just stay here in the mall," she finally said. Staying in the room with Mike might not be a good idea at all. The mall is a much safer alternative.

"Okay, as you wish. You're the boss today!" he said cheerfully.

They exited the cafe pushing the strollers into the hallway of the mall. They took pictures on their phones with their twins by their sides.

It was just a harmless family get together between two estranged couple and their twins.

Some people would stop and admire the chubby and cute toddlers, making Mike and Caroline proud parents.

They bought baby food from a store and feed the toddlers. They went to the ride section where the twins can ride toy cars and mini carousel.

The toddlers were having fun and so was Mike and Caroline.

At 5:00 in the afternoon, Mike summoned the maids on his phone because it's now time to go back to the mansion.

Caroline looked at her twins and Mike. "Thank you so much for the wonderful afternoon! I appreciated it very much!" she said, feeling grateful for his wonderful surprise.

Mike winked at her. "If you miss the kids and me and would like a repeat of this happy outing, give me a call. I'm willing to do it again with you. Let's schedule it during weekends, 'coz that's the only time I'm free," he said, wearing a satisfied smile on his lips.

"Okay," Caroline replied.

Ten minutes later, the maid appeared out of nowhere. Mike and his entourage left the mall and went home.

Caroline also went home, feeling happy. She truly enjoyed bonding with her children, Justin and Suzanne.