Chapter 265 - Exhausted

Three months after Caroline give birth to the twins. Susan visited the couple in the Blue Bell residences.

Susan was fawning at the twins in the bed. "Aww, look at them, they are so adorable!" she gushes in delight.

Caroline was smiling, feeling proud of her twins. Even though she has been losing weight and sleep because the babies always cry during the night, but she doesn't mind at all. She wants to be a hands-on mom to her children. Mike also does his part being their father in helping her in pacifying the babies during the night when they will cry at the same time.

She now realized that it's difficult to take care of the twins compare to only one child, it's double in happiness and also double the trouble. When it comes to b.r.e.a.s.tfeeding it's a nightmare because they usually feed at the same time. They're indeed twins!

Susan looked at her daughter-in-law. "You looked thin, daughter? What's wrong?" she asked worriedly.

Caroline shook her head. "It's nothing, Mother. Sometimes, I don't have much sleep because the twins always cry at night. And they won't stop crying unless I will pick them in my arms," she explained.

"Ah, I about you hire an additional nanny so that she can help you in taking care of the babies during night time," Susan suggested.

"Ah yes, my husband and I were talking about that. Anyways, if they will still stay the same until next month then I will go ahead with your suggestion, Mother," Caroline said.

"Good! Take care of your health," Susan said and resumed doting on the adorable twins.

Caroline glanced at the five shopping bags that her mother-in-law had brought for her and the babies. Susan was always been generous to her when it comes to gifts.

She picked up the Christening Card for the twins, the event will be held this weekend, Sunday at St. Agnes Parish Church. It's a beautiful card.

"Did you see the menu for the Baptismal Party? Check it... If you want to add something just let me know in advance so that I can inform the caterer," Susan said.

Caroline picked up the menu and perused the dishes. Honestly, she has nothing to add anymore because her mother-in-law was always a meticulous planner when it comes to an event like this. And right now that she's always exhausted because of 24/7 caring for the twins she doesn't care much what dishes are being prepared in the baptismal party. All she wanted is going to the church, get on with the event, grace the party, smile at the guest, eat the delicious food, and then go home.

She smiled at her mother-in-law. "Everything is perfect, Mother," she replied.

"How about the venue? Have you seen it already?" Susan asked.

She picked up a photo of the decoration of the venue. The decoration was a classy winter theme. It looks white all over. "The venue decoration is fantastic, Mother," she commented.

"Good! I'm glad that you like everything. I just assumed that you will approve my choices because you will have no more energy to plan about the event since you are very tired of caring for the twins. Am I right?" Susan asked.

Caroline grinned. "You are correct, Mother. Thank you so much for your help, without your assistance the event will not be as good as the one you plan..." she said.

Susan beamed. "It's my pleasure, besides, I have all the time in the world to plan a perfect Baptismal Party that everyone will surely love to attend," she said. She stood up and picked up the shopping bag. "I bought five pairs of dresses for you, I'm sure, you will be able to choose what you are going to wear for the event. And this one is for my son. And the two shopping bags are a dozen dresses for the twins, it's up to you to decide which are the best attire for them to wear this weekend. I'll leave that for you to decide," she said.

"Wow, thank you so much, Mother!" Caroline can't thank her mother-in-law enough for her unwavering support.

Mike came into the room, he just arrived from a meeting with his business partners.


"Hello, son... I brought clothes for you and your family. Then I also brought the Christening Invitation Card. I already send an invitation to my friends. Everything is ready for the twins baptismal this Sunday," Susan said.

"Thank you so much for your hard work, Mother. Without your assistance... It's not going to be successful," Mike said.

Susan smiled. "No worries, I'm doing it for my grandchildren and our family! Why don't you see the menu, maybe you want to add something," she said.

Mike picked up the photo of the venue and the menu, he smiled in approval. He appreciated his mother's input. "These looks perfect already, Mother. No need to add or change anything. We trust your taste and your planning skill," he said.

"Alright, since, everything is already taken care of and approved by you guys then we have nothing to worry anymore," Susan concluded and planted a gentle kiss on the twins' feet. "Bye babies...I'll take my leave now," she said.

"I'll accompany you downstairs, Mom," Mike offered.


"Bye, Mother!" Caroline said.

"Bye, daughter. Take care of yourself and the babies," Susan replied.

"Yes...I will!"

The mother and son went to the door and exited.

Caroline looked at the housemaid. "Guada, laundry these clothes by tomorrow morning and iron them so that they can be ready for the weekend's event," she gave her instruction.

"Yes, Ma'am," the housemaid replied. She picked up the shopping bags and brought them to the laundry room.

Caroline's phone beep, signaling of an incoming text message, it was from her sister. We are excited about the twins' baptismal Party!

She replied to the text... Me too!

She put down her phone on the bedside table and admired her adorable children. Wow, their family is now complete after the arrival of the twins. She feels extremely happy and proud while looking at her children with love shining in her eyes.

She has a scheduled video chat session with baby Cathy tomorrow. OMG! she can't wait for her firstborn to see her siblings!

She's happy even though she's physically exhausted.

She kissed the twins' cheeks full of love.


Authors Note:

Dear readers...

I want to tell you the past four months during the time I started premium...I uploaded 1 chapter every day for 4 consecutive months straight. Too bad, the income of my novel can't get past $10 when my MGS ended...the last earning is only $17.50...which means...I can't even pay my internet, electricity bill for that matter.

It's very hard applying work outside nowadays because the economies are bad all over the world. Too many unemployed people. So, I'm stuck with writing and...yeah...I have to write new novel to supplement my income. 

I really wanted to keep writing at least one chapter per day for this novel but it's hard to write too many novels at the same time. Actually I don't like writing many novels at the same time because it's so tiring and my fingers hurts due too much typing and I always go to bed at the end of the day very exhausted, but I have no choice. If only this novel was earning at least...$200 per month...then I would gladly devote my whole time on it. Unfortunately it's not... might be wondering that...

* Why the author doesn't upload new chapters everyday?

* Grrr!...Hmp... the author is lazy!

* Why the Author write too many novels at once? Why can't she finish this one first! Argh! I can't understand the Author!

~~~Now you know the reasons why. At least I tell you the truth now. has been famous for stopping translations once it's no longer profitable. Good thing, it doesn't include Original Novels because there are many original novels that aren't earning well. Once the novel, Original or Translation, stop updating...generally the reason is because it's no longer profitable and does not generate money anymore. 

~~~However this novel is not profitable even during the first four months of going premium, but I'm willing to finish it no matter what. So...I hope you already understand now that this novel is no longer my priority. If I have to eat...I have to be active daily on another novel...but rest assured...I will finish this novel in fairness to those who still reads it. But if no one commented anymore and no one voted for this novel I might get lazy continuing it because I can feel that there is no more followers or why would I waste my time on it? If you are on my shoes you would do the same decision right? Indeed...why would invest time on a novel that is dead? Not making sense right?

As long there is interest in reading this novel I will continue it. The fate of this novel lies in your hands dear readers. Thank you very much for your understanding.

Sincerely yours,

Poor Autho