Chapter 263 - Find A Wife!

It was a beautiful weekend.

Alex, Owen, Rudy, and Allison's daughters were visiting The Royal Slide Theme Park together with Greg. They have been planning about this outing for a month and they finally arrived at the theme park today.

The children's faces were glowing with happiness. Their eyes widened in enjoyment after seeing so many rides in the theme park.

"Uncle, let's ride the Viking pirate Ship!" the girls shouted in chorus, pointing at the Viking ship.

"All right, wait here girls. I'll get our tickets," Owen said looking at the boss for permission.

Alex nodded his head.

Owen bought six tickets for a.d.u.l.ts including the two nannies and three tickets for the children. "Alright, let's get aboard the Viking pirate Ship!" he commanded.

Without further ado, Owen and his entourage boarded the Viking ship, and they enjoyed the ride very much.

After done with the Viking Ship.

"Who wants to explore the Haunted House Mansion with me?" Owen asked, grinning like a naughty child.

"Me! Us!" the girls replied in chorus.

Alex and Greg laughed.

After buying the tickets, they all went inside the Haunted House and the girls keep shrieking in fright after encountering skeletons, Ghosts, and Zombies, Dracula inside the horror house.

After the Haunted House, they went inside the Animal Kingdom filled with giant insect and animal statues. Then they tried the Carousel, racing in the Go Kart, ride the Ferry Boat, explore the Underground Cave, and so on.

They spend the whole day trying all the rides, especially the ones the girls requested.

Bored with all the rides, they sat on the park eating ice cream and cotton candies.

When the night came, they dined in the open-air restaurant and watched the fireworks show.

The girls were truly amazed by the dazzling spectacular display of lights in the sky, their jaw opened with fascination.

"I wish Sister Allison is here with us right now," Greg said thoughtfully.

Alex nodded his head in agreement. "Me too. I wish we had a lot of outings of this kind when she's still alive. There are many things we have forgotten to do when she was still with us. But I'm sure that she is happy now watching us from heaven above," he said.

Owen was sighing while listening to the brother's conversation. Despite everything that happened, he missed Madam, she was like his second mother. Too bad she's no longer with them. To show his loyalty to her, he's willing to share the burden of taking good care of the girls until they grow into a.d.u.l.thood, and raised their own family. It's the least he can do to repay the kindness that his late Madam had lavished upon him when she's still alive.

After they finished eating, Alex addressed the children. "Kids, go to sleep early tonight because we still have a lot of swimming to do in the pool tomorrow. And by 3:00 in the afternoon, we go home. Then the next day, we will visit your mother's tomb in the cemetery," he said.

"Yes Uncle!" the girls replied in unison.

Owen and Rudy accompanied the nannies and the children into their hotel suite located inside the theme park.

The brothers remained in the restaurant talking to each other, enjoying the starry sky and the good weather.

"I'm still feeling guilty...I blamed myself for the death of our sister," Greg said sadly. Until now, he still can't move on from the sudden death of Allison. It's just like a horrific dream, he desperately wanted to wake up but even if he wakes up the truth still hurts like hell. He loses the two women that he cared the most in this world. Now he was like an empty shell.

Alex released a deep sigh. "That's enough brother. It's a vehicular accident that took her life. It was never your fault. So, move on! No need to dwell on the past. You can't bring back her life that way. You are just punishing yourself," he said.

Greg's eyes welled. "If only... I'm not obsessed with my first love, Sister Allison would still have been alive until now. It's all my fault!" he was shaking his head, lamenting in regrets and sorrow due to his obsession with Caroline.

Alex patted his brother's shoulder firmly. "Stop blaming yourself. Sister Allison is not a child that you can boss around. You can't be blamed for what happened to her. If she did not drive that night, the accident will never happen. But you know her, she is a stubborn as a mule," he said trying to ease his brother's burden.

After their sister's death, Greg no longer mentioned Caroline's name. He teaches himself to forget her. Deep inside his mind, he was also blaming her for angering her sister that is why Allison insisted to travel to Pampanga that night even if it's not in her plan to do so.

Gradually, his love for Caroline faded, and he finally accepted the fact that they could never be together in this lifetime. Too late, he only realized that after his sister died. Her death could have been prevented if he was able to accept and move on early. His heart was filled with regrets and guilt.

Alex breathed deeply, pondering how their life had changed drastically. "There are some things in this world that we can never change and recover. Such as... time wasted and loss of life are among them," he murmured.

The thick curtain of silence enveloped the brothers. They stared at the far distance, preoccupied with different thoughts running in their minds.

"By the way, how's your annulment with your ex-wife, Nicole?" Greg asked, changing the topic.

"It's going smoothly. So far so good, our lawyer says that before the year is over, our marriage will be annulled," Alex replied optimistically.

"That's good! Aren't you planning to marry again?" Greg inquired.

Alex smiled and shook his head. "I dunno..."

"You should find a wife soon. Just in case I'm already gone from this world, you are not alone anymore," Greg said, urgently.

"Bro, don't say that. You will live longer as long you drink your medicine consistently," Alex said not liking the farewell tone of his brother's voice.

Greg smiled. "Alright, just find a wife soon! I want to be your groom on your wedding day and see your firstborn before I pass away," he said jokingly.

Alex chuckled. "If only finding a wife is easy like buying a t-shirt in the department store, I would have done that a long time ago. Anyways, let's not talk about finding a wife, if it's meant to be, it will certainly happen in due time," he said.

The brothers stayed in the restaurant until 10:00 in the evening chatting about trivial matters, then retired into their hotel suite to sleep for the night.