Chapter 262 - Doubt Erased

Afternoon, after lunch. The visitors start arriving.

Catherine and John arrived in the hospital suite. They didn't bring the children with them. Instead, they brought cakes and flowers for the recovering mother.

Mike and John were sitting on the sofa, talking to each other.

"Congratulation, bro! You're now a father!" John showered his brother with greetings.

"Thanks, bro! Today is the happiest day of my life. I never felt so happy like this. It's so overwhelming! I feel my life is complete now after seeing my babies. They completed me," Mike said, grinning, very much pleased with the arrival of the babies.

"Our family tree is getting bigger!" John said.

"Indeed!" Mike responded in a thrilling voice. He looked lovingly at his wife in the bed while talking to her sister.

Catherine smiled. "Are you feeling okay now, sis?" she asked.

"Yes. The pain is only at the start, during the labor and the pushing time. After delivery, it feels heaven," she responded.

Catherine patted her sister's shoulder. "Rest well," she said. "Would you like to eat a slice of cake?" she offered.

"Okay...gimme...I'm starving!" she replied.

"Wait...I'll give you one slice..." Catherine said.

"When is Mother, Lily, and Jacob come to visit me?" she asked.

"At around 4:00 or 5:00...after Lily and Jacob's classes. They can't skip school today because they have their exams," Catherine explained while slicing the cake and putting them on the platter.

Guada distributed the platter to the men relaxing on the sofa together with some bottles of cold cola.

Susan was busy admiring the newborn twins in the corner.

Catherine put a spoon in the platter and gave it to her sister.

Ten minutes later.

Thelma's entourage arrived.

The hospital suite was now overcrowded with visitors.

Susan left the newborn to give way to the newcomers and went to sit on the sofa beside her two sons. She began ordering foods through her phone from the menu of her favorite restaurant. "Guys, I ordered foods from my favorite restaurant for our dinner. Let's have a celebration today to welcome the twins!" she proclaimed. A megawatt smile plastered on her lips.

Everyone cheered after hearing the word~food.

Caroline and Catherine continue chatting while the newcomers gathered around the crib.

"Oh my, the twins are cute," Lily smiled. "Suzanne got my nose!" she giggled.

"And Justin got my eyes," Jacob beamed.

Thelma, amused by their comments, smiled. She gazed at her grandchildren proudly. They're adorable and healthy. "My cute grandchildren!" she murmured happily.

A few minutes later.

Babies need to be feed. The nurse put the baby one at a time in the bed beside the mother for easy feeding.

Fifteen minutes later, the nurse took the baby out of the room and put them back in the nursery.

Susan and her two sons were happily chatting on the sofa.

Thelma, Catherine, Lily, and Jacob surrounded Caroline in the bed.

"Sister, was it painful delivering two babies with few minutes interval?" asked Lily curiously.

Caroline nodded her head. "Yes, it's painful," she replied.

Lily's face grimaced. "I will never get married. I'm afraid to give birth!" she declared.

Caroline and Catherine looked at each other knowingly.

"Focus on your study first, Lily. Before getting yourself involved with boys," Catherine reminded her sister.

"I'm planning to enter a convent and become a nun after graduating from college!" Lily announced.

Caroline smiled. Wait 'till you fell in love, my dear sister!

Thelma rubbed her youngest daughter's back. "I don't mind having a daughter who is a nun," she said softly.

Jacob glanced at the fridge. He looked at his sister. "I'm thirsty, sis. Do you have some refreshing cola here?" he asked.

"Yes, check the fridge," Caroline said. She remembered that her mother-in-law brought food and drinks earlier, and it's already in the fridge.

Jacob and Lily went to the fridge and took one bottle of cola each, and went back to Caroline's side.

Half an hour later, a pizza delivery boy arrives. Five boxes of pizza were delivered to the room - to the guest's delights. There were different flavors such as Cheese, Pepperoni, Hawaiian, Ham and Egg, and BBQ Chicken Pizza flavors to cater to everyone's tastes.

Everyone took a slice of the pizza and enjoyed the carbohydrates laden snack. They engaged in a lively discussion while munching on their pizza.

Mike was floating on cloud nine, celebrating such a happy occasion with his family. He looked at the faces of the people surrounding him with gladness in his eyes. He glanced at his wife, their eyes locked, they both smiled. He never regretted marrying Caroline. They were blessed with two adorable and healthy babies. Truly a fantastic blessing from God.

Mike stood up and went to his wife's side.

John was watching his brother and his sister-in-law's happy faces. He recalled at some point in time in the past when he repeatedly warned his brother about the risk of marrying Caroline. He felt deep inside his heart that Caroline only gives his brother pain. It finally happened when she disappeared for a few months. But when Caroline returned to his brother's side, and make things alright between her and Mike, then she was already pregnant with the twins. His doubt vanished.

He was hoping that the couple will no longer encounter more trials in the future, especially that his niece and cousin were finally born into this world.

Catherine joined her husband on the sofa. "Everything is good!" she murmured.

"Yeah," John agreed.

"I'm happy for them. The couple's love finally produced two healthy babies. Their marriage is now stronger than before," she added.

"I think so...I mean...I hope so," John muttered to himself.

Catherine smiled and kissed her husband's arm. John reciprocated her wife's display of affection and planted a loving kiss on her forehead.

"I'll call Anna to check on James and Angel." She took out her phone from her purple shoulder bag and placed a call to the housemaid.

"Hello, Ma'am..." Anna's voice came on the line.

"How are the kids?" she asked.

"They're playing here in the living room," Anna responded.

"Good," Catherine said.

John cut in. "Tell Anna to dress the children and have Ramon bring them here in the hospital," he ordered. He called Ramon on his phone and gave his instruction.

"Okay," she agreed. "Anna, get the kids ready. You will come here together with Ramon, " she commanded.

"Yes, Ma'am!" Anna replied and ended the call.

Minutes went by.

Half an hour later, Ramon arrived at the hospital together with Anna and the kids. The family is now complete.

Susan was busy doting on her grandchildren.

Two hours later.

Finally, the foods arrived on time. They began eating dinner together.

Complete happiness and satisfaction washed over Caroline and Mike while watching the animated faces of their loved ones as they were celebrating the joyous occasion. The twins coming into this world, the newest addition to the family, brought them closer together.

It was a memorable occasion for everyone.