Chapter 233 - For The Last Time

Allison's lifeless body was taken out of the ICU and transferred to the mortuary of the hospital.

Rudy and Greg were able to see her face before the in charge of the mortuary covered the white cloth on her lifeless body.

When they arrived at the hospital they can only watch through the glass window outside the ICU, they were not allowed to go inside.

After a few minutes of waiting...

The doctor in-charge of Allison finally declared her clinically dead due to internal hemorrhage.

Greg's tears fell from his eyes, the distraught look on his eyes mirrored the devastated feelings he felt inside, he buried his head in his arms. He wept silently while Rudy was rubbing his back to console him, he was sporting a gloomy look in his face.

Rudy didn't call and inform his employer right away that his sister already passed away because Alex was already traveling on the road on his way to the hospital and he might get distracted.

Thirty minutes later.

Alex arrived in the hospital rushing into the hallway, and he got the biggest shock in his life when he was told by the nurse on the information desk that Allison already passed away due to internal hemorrhage and her dead body was transferred to the mortuary of the hospital.

He was reeling from the shock and sat down immediately on the nearest chair nearby because his knees were shaking hard. His strength was leaving his body making him weak.

He seated on the chair for a few minutes and when the shock starts to wear off from his body he walked towards the staircase leading to the bas.e.m.e.nt where the mortuary was located.

Outside the mortuary, he saw Rudy and Greg sitting on the bench outside the room that has a ~MORTUARY~ sign on it.

Rudy saw his employer. He touched Greg's shoulder. "Greg, your brother is finally here!" he said and transferred to the opposite bench.

Alex sank himself on the bench beside his brother and wrapped his arms around him.

Greg raised his head and looked into his brother's eyes. "Bro, Sister Allison is already gone. Why she has to go first? I was supposed to be the first to die...why her?" he started sobbing again.

"Shhh...don't be sad. I'm still here. Sister Allison is already in heaven. She doesn't want to see you crying and feeling sad. Get a grip of yourself," Alex consoled his grieving brother. A tear fell from his eyes and more to come. He fought back the tears from falling down his eyes. He wanted to be strong for his younger brother.

A few minutes later, Greg was starting to get over the initial shock of losing his sister who doted and spoiled him. Not only he lost a sister, but he also lost a best friend and a mother figure. His sister is a big loss in his life. His life will never be the same again after her passing.

Alex stood up. "I want to see my sister for the last time..."

Rudy stopped him. "I think, you shouldn't see her, Sir," he warned him.


"Madam's face was destroyed, unrecognizable. It will break your heart if you see her on her current condition," said Rudy.

"It's okay," Alex insisted.

Alex peered inside the mortuary room through the transparent glass. The personnel opened the door. "Is there anything I can do for you, Sir?"

"C-can I see my sister, Allison, just for a few minutes?" he asked.

The personnel nodded her head. "Yes. Come inside, Sir."

Alex was given a white hospital suit to wear with face mask and gloves. Then the staff bought him to the table in the corner were Allison's dead body was lying, wrapped by a white towel.

"Ready?" the staff asked him.

"Yes," Alex nodded his head.

The staff took away the white cloth that covers Allison's face.

Alex was taken aback by what he saw, his breath faltered, a big lump caught in his throat and he looked away instantly. His sister truly died a horrible and painful death, her face was disfigured.

The staff noticed his discomfort and covered his sister's face again.

"Can I talk to my sister for a moment, please?" Alex said.

"Yes, of course," the staff replied politely and left his side.

Alex took a deep breath and allowed the tears to fall freely from his eyes. "Sis, if I only knew that you would end up like this, I should have not allowed you to come to Angeles Pampanga today. Why are you the one driving? You said it was Owen?" he said in a trembling voice. Then he remembered that Owen is still alive. He can ask him questions about why the accident happened and what transpired during the last hour of his sister here on earth.

He released a deep sigh. "Goodbye, Sis. Rest in peace," he said and walked away heading back to the door.

Alex exited the mortuary and lowered himself on the bench beside his brother. "Sister Allison died in a tragic death," he murmured.

"Yeah, it's because of Caroline!" Greg gritted his teeth angrily.

Alex's brows furrowed. "Huh, what does Caroline got to do with our sister's death?" he asked as confusion marred his face.

"If Caroline didn't call her family then sister Allison would not know about it, she wouldn't come back to Angeles Pampanga to fetch me and Caroline and bring us back to the mansion. It's Caroline's fault why my sister died prematurely!" Greg continuous his ranting.

Alex released a deep sigh and rubbed his brother's back. "Bro, don't blame Caroline about our sister's death, she has nothing to do with the accident," he said.

Greg didn't reply and retreated in silence mode.

Alex stood up and went to sit beside Rudy. "Take care of my brother for me, I will find a funeral home here that would be willing to bring my sister's body to Metro Manila so that we can properly mourn her passing over there," he said sadly.

"Okay, Sir," Rudy replied and went to sit beside Greg.

Alex breathed deeply and watched his miserable brother before he walked away. He sauntered towards the nurse station and explained that he is from Metro Manila and if she happens to know of funeral homes that he can hire to bring his sister's dead body to the city. The nurse wrote three funeral home addresses and contact numbers in the piece of paper and gave it to Alex.

After saying thank you, Alex put the paper in the pocket of his pants. He will settle the hospital bill after he comes back from the funeral home. He also needs to see Caroline in the beach house. He doesn't like the anger he saw on his brother's eyes. He might blame and punish Caroline for what happened to his sister. He must send Caroline back to her home tonight for safety measures!

He exited the hospital and boarded his car. After a few minutes of driving, he saw the nearest funeral home from the hospital.

He parked his car in the parking area and went inside. He talked to the staff about his intention of using their services in transporting a dead cadaver from Angeles to Metro Manila.

After a few minutes of talking, the staff finally agreed since the cadaver will be transferred to their main branch in Metro Manila. Alex paid the service fee and the overtime fee of the driver of the vehicle who will transport his sister's dead body to the city.

They agreed on the time to transport the body.

Done with the funeral home, Alex exited the establishment, boarded his car again going to the beach house.

He arrived at the beach house after twenty minutes.

It was Saling who opened the door. "How is Madam, Sir?" she asked in a trembling voice.

"A funeral home agreed to transport her body to the city so that we can mourn her passing properly in the funeral homes near to my place. Don't worry, I will inform you so that you can attend her burial," he said. "Where is Caroline?" he asked.

"Upstairs in her room," Saling replied.

Alex proceed climbing the stairs and arrived at the door of Caroline's room. He knocked on the door. "Caroline, are you still awake?"

Inside the room.

Caroline's eyes were wide open, happiness was overflowing in her eyes. She heard Alex's familiar voice outside the door. "Alex is here!" she murmured. She closed her eyes and forced herself to look sad.

She rose from the bed and took a deep breath...then she opened the door. She was greeted with Alex's wretched face.

"We need to talk, Caroline," he said.

Caroline opened the door wide and Alex walked inside, he lowered himself on the bed, and then his shoulders start shaking and he began weeping in front of Caroline.

"My sister is dead...she's gone..." he said in his saddest voice ever and bawled like a child.

Caroline bit her lip, she was instantly moved by his pitiable condition, she felt a stirring of her heart upon seeing Alex's vulnerable side, he weep openly in front of her as if begging for her comfort. What she sees now is a loving brother who is grieving for his sister, she found herself carried by her feet to his side.

She gently put her hands on his head and buries her fingers on his hair. "Shh...Allison is in heaven now..." she said in a gentle soothing voice trying to console him.

Alex wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his tear stricken face on her stomach, he continues weeping like a lost child. Caroline closed her eyes, hearing a grown man's sobbing is heartbreaking.

Does she need to shed a tear for Allison?

At some point in time, she and Allison were kind of friends before everything went downhill. She sympathizes with the crazy woman's tortured experiences in the hands of her adoptive father that is why Allison has a twisted mind and philosophy in life.

She released a deep sigh rubbing her hands gently on Alex's back. She and Alex were never close, but right now that he needed someone to hold him during the lowest times of his life, she's not that heartless enough to deny him the chance of human compassion.

After some time, Alex tears finally subsided and reluctantly freed Caroline from his hold. "Thank you," he said softly. He went inside the bathroom and splashed water on his tear stricken face. After done washing, he exited the bathroom and Caroline handed him a face towel. Alex wiped his face dry with the towel.

"I will send you home tonight, you're finally free from my sister's clutches. I just want to apologize on behalf of my sister. Whatever she did that hurt you, I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive her one day. All the pain she caused you in the past, she already paid the ultimate price and that is her life," he said sadly, sighing agonizingly.

Caroline swallowed the lump on her throat. "If you want to help me. Just bring me to the nearest hotel. I just want to be alone for tonight. I have lots of things to think about before I will go home tomorrow," she said.

"Okay, as you wish. Let's go!" Alex said.

They exited the room and went downstairs.

Alex grabbed the bags and addressed the distraught caretaker. "Saling, you take care of Owen in the hospital, while I'm taking care of Allison's burial in the city," he ordered.

Saling nodded her head. "Yes, Sir!"

Caroline hugged Saling briefly. "You take care of yourself," she said.

Saling nods her head. "You too..."

Alex and Caroline exited the door, he deposited the bags in the trunk and opened the passenger door for Caroline to enter.

After they settled comfortably inside the car, Alex inserted the key and started the engine.

Five minutes later, they were already traveling farther away from the resorts perimeters heading downtown.

Palpable silence took over the inside of the vehicle, both Caroline and Alex were lost in their thoughts.

After they arrived in the heart of the town. Alex parked the car in front of the first hotel that they saw on the road. The hotel looks decent enough.

"Are you okay with this hotel?" Alex asked for her opinion.

"Yes..." Caroline nodded her head after noticing that the hotel was surrounded by several stores and establishments.

They exited the vehicle and Alex took Caroline's belongings out of the trunk of the car and they entered the entrance of the hotel.

Alex booked Caroline a three days stay in the hotel paid by his debit card. He accepted the key from the hotel staff and they walked to the second floor where Caroline's hotel room was located.

When they arrived at the door, Alex inserted the key on the doorknob and opened the door. He walked inside followed by Caroline. He placed the bags on the floor beside the bed.

Alex inspected the whole room, it was decent and clean enough. "If you don't like it, we can find another hotel," he suggested.

Caroline shook her head. "No need. This room is decent enough...besides you already paid for it," she said.

"Alright, since you like it here. I'll take my leave now," he said and walked towards the door. He looked at her one last time. "I'm so sorry for everything that my sister has done to you. If one day you need my help, you know what to do, I'm just a phone call away. Goodbye Caroline," he said and exited the door.

"Goodbye Alex," she murmured.

Caroline breathed in relief, feeling the tension evaporating from her body.


A sense of huge relief flooded her body.

She lay her body down on the bed and closed her eyes.

Yes! She has plenty of time to plan her homecoming properly.

For now, she will just rest and savor her freedom alone inside the hotel room, the rest can wait.