Chapter 229 - Grow Some Balls!

Mike finally arrived in Infinity Jade Tower, his brother John's residence. He dropped by in his office.

He entered the door and saw his brother sitting on the sofa, watching international business news on TV.

John looked at his brother. " arrive fast!" he commented casually.

Mike lowered himself on the sofa facing his brother and asked, "What's the news about Caroline?"

"She and her sister talked and we were able to track the location where she made that call, somewhere in Angeles Pampanga. Right now my boys were already heading on that location to find your wife armed with her photos and I also commanded them to hire many people to find her, promising them a cash reward if there's somebody who can help us locate her whereabouts quickly," John said.

Mike released a deep sigh. "Thank you so much, bro!"

"Don't mention it. I'll do anything to help you find your wife the soonest possible time," John replied.

After a while, Mike's face turned serious. " told me once that never to fall in love with Caroline...and now I'm facing this kind of mental and emotional torture because of her. Can you blame me for not listening to your warning? Have I done something wrong to deserve this kind of punishment?"

John breathed deeply. After all, that happens...he doesn't have the heart to tell his brother that he chose the wrong woman to marry.

He coughed a little. "Bro, when we fall in love with a person, we sink deeper and crazier with our feelings towards them, and sometimes we can't see some telltale signs of impending doom that is waiting on the horizon because we are blinded with love.

In your fall in love with Caroline...married her and want to spend a glorious life with her and raised a family. Every couple only wants happiness...just that in your case...some unfortunate things happened down the road and she had her problems to deal with privately.

I think you did nothing wrong, and besides, you weren't asking any of these...just that we have no means to know what the future brings in our please don't blame yourself. And let's not judge Caroline yet until we know everything...okay?" John patted his brother's shoulder, consoling him.

Mike sighed heavily. "Thank you so much for your words of wisdom, bro, it enlightens me," he said feeling grateful for his help and guidance.

John's mind ventured back to the time when he undergoes the same situation as his brother when his wife was abducted for several months. "You know what...I nearly went crazy after Catherine was abducted and I have no idea where to find her. It's a difficult life living with a tortured mind every day, thinking if your wife is still alive or already dead?

I have no wish to go through that kind of situation ever again. I barely survived, thanks to my son James...he gives me enough strength to continue living for him.

Your situation now with your wife is much better compared to what happened to me and Catherine before. And the worst part... until now the people who abducted my wife has not been caught yet.

I have this nagging feeling that those evil people will just resurface in our lives and abduct my wife again. That scares the hell out of me! And I have to live with that kind of mental horror every day for the rest of our lives. On the contrary, Caroline was not abducted or held by someone else against her will because if she is...then she won't be able to call her sister today," John elaborated further.

Mike sighed again. "So, what could be the real reason why my wife distances herself from me? I've been thinking of the exact reason every waking hour but I can't think of any..." he said with a sad grimace adorning his face.

John was shaking his head because he also finds Caroline's case difficult to comprehend. Why would a happy newlywed woman suddenly disappear after her honeymoon?

He looked at his brother's face optimistically. "Bro, cheer up, at least we know now that Caroline is alive and she's trying to communicate with us. That's a good start already, it's better than being left in the dark like a blind man and no idea what's going on. Caroline is alive and we know already her let's just wait for any developments from my boys any time today," he said.

"Thank you, bro! You have no idea how grateful I am that you're here to comfort me," Mike said gratefully.

The door suddenly opened and the men raised their heads to see who arrives, it's just Catherine.

"Hello, brother-in-law!" Catherine smiled for a few seconds glancing at Mike's face.

For a few seconds Mike was speechless...seeing Catherine is like seeing his wife again! He slapped his face mentally, waking him up from the daze after seeing his wife's identical twin.

John produced a cough after seeing his brother's face staring at Catherine's face intensely.

" wife is finally here. You can ask her about her conversation with your wife," he reminded him.

Mike ended up coughing uncomfortably. "Oh...yeah...sorry I kind zone out...please forgive me, sister-in-law," he stuttered and stared at the floor instead. Catherine will always have a soft spot in his heart, their history started together a long time ago that ended with him marrying her identical twin at the current times.

Catherine glanced at her brother-in-law's face warmly, feeling sorry for him. "Mike, I'm sorry that my sister brought you so much misery," she apologized earnestly.

Mike raised his head. "No! Please don't say that sister-in-law. Caroline is just having a hard time and chose facing it alone without me by her side, so, let's just hope and wish that she would return to us one of these days so that we can continue living our life like it used to be," he said.

"Alright, let's get started. What are the questions that are running in your mind right now?" Catherine asked. "What is it that you want to ask from me?" she begins.

Mike looked at Catherine's face. "What did my wife ask or tell you during your phone conversation?"

"She asked me about my mother, my younger sibling, about her daughter, and the last but not the least she asked about you..." Catherine answered. "And I told her that everyone is doing fine and I also told her that...that if she doesn't return will find another woman to take her place!" Catherine said bravely.

The two men looked at each other, gasping and groaning in shock!

"Wife...!" John protested.

"Sister-in-law, what's this!?" Mike was taken aback by Catherine's statement. Then he remembered that one particular incident that happened in his hotel suite in Singapore with Althea. OMG! Catherine told his wife about it, Jesus!

Catherine was smirking while observing the aghast faces of the brothers. "W-what's wrong? Is there something wrong with my statement, guys?"

"Sister in law....y-you told my wife about the incident in my hotel suite in Singapore?" he asked wanting to be sure.

Catherine fell silent for a moment.

Mike was holding his breath afraid of what he's going to hear from his sister-in-law.

Catherine sighed. "Guys, grow some balls!" she glared at them. "I didn't tell my sister about that particular incident. I just told her that if she doesn't return soon, she will lose you to another woman," she said. "I told her that it can propel her to return right away to confront her husband.

It's a strategy worth trying to lure out the rabbit from her hiding place. I give her the ultimate shocker so that she will return to us in a hurry. It's better that way than keeping us waiting so long in the dark...right?" she concluded fiercely. But deep inside, she feels profound pity for her friend and brother-in-law.

The men looked at Catherine with widened eyes, then they looked at each other, flabbergasted.

John shrugged his shoulder while Mike was sporting a dejected look in his face.

"Any more question?" she asked her brother-in-law.

Mike looked at her. "D-did she told you where is she right now?"

Catherine shook her head. "No. She still has full intention of hiding. Thankfully, we have the tracker app for that. We will find her soon..." she spoke confidently.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, sister," Mike said.

Catherine smiled a little. "Alright, if you have no more question, I'll go back to my children upstairs. The babies need to be feed," she said.

Mike has run out of questions to ask his sister-in-law. Catherine doesn't have all the answer to his question, only his wife can provide him the truth. "I have no more question, sister. You may take your leave now, and thanks for your time," he said sadly.

Catherine glanced at her husband. John nods his head and she rose to her feet. She left the room in silence.

Mike and John looked at each other.

John smiled in amus.e.m.e.nt, then he apologized to his brother. "I'm sorry about my wife's brass behavior, bro," he stated remembering his wife's cutting remarks towards his brother.

For some reason, Catherine's blunt remarks put a smile on Mike's face. "Ah, it's nothing, bro. I'm used to Catherine's behavior way back. She is an exceptional woman, always is," he responded with unconcealed full admiration for his sister-in-law.

John patted his brother's shoulder. "Don't worry, we will hear some good news, soon," he said convincingly.

"Thank you so much, bro, for your support. I'm leaving now..." Mike said and stood up. "I'm going to Angeles Pampanga today to help your boys find my wife," he said with determination shining in his eyes.

"Good luck, bro!" John said softly.

Mike left the room, feeling energized that they already had the exact place to start looking for his wife who is in hiding.