Chapter 228 - Bad Luck!

" are you and the kids? How is mother, Lily, and Jacob? How's my husband?" Caroline bombarded her sisters with questions.

"Wait a second...let me wear some clothes...I'm n.a.k.e.d...I just get out of the shower..." Catherine protested.

"Okay, make it quick! I can't stay long... hurry up!" Caroline urged.

Catherine put the phone down on the bed and bolted to the closet and pulled out a random blouse and shorts and donned them on her body at lightning speed.

She darted towards the bed and grabbed the phone. "Hello...sis...are you still there?"

"Yes! So tell me quick! How's everyone doing?" Caroline asked.

"Mother, Lily, and Jacob are doing well. It helps that you left a farewell letter, and we know that you're not abducted, unlike what happened to me before and they know that you will call me one day, so they just kind of think that you are having a vacation somewhere and will return one day," answered Catherine. "Me, John and the kids are doing fine and also baby Cathy... I chatted with Mother Clara regularly and saw Cathy, she's healthy. Mother Clara and Father Hector are worried about you..." she added.

"Thanks for the information, sis! And how about husband? Where is he right now? Is he okay?" Caroline asks eagerly.

"Hmmm.... he...he..." Catherine stammered for effect.

"W-what? Why it took you so long to answer me!? Is he okay? Did something bad happen to him? Please answer me quickly!" Caroline's voice was laced with apprehension.

"Calm down, he is okay. He went to Singapore for two weeks and meet a woman there..." Catherine trailed her voice for effect.

"Huh! What happened? Why h-he is meeting another w-woman? You mean to say he already find somebody else to take my place!?" Caroline's voice was filled with hurt as tears swarmed her eyes.

Catherine breathed deeply. "Sis, if you're not going home as soon as possible...your husband will surely find another woman! So hurry up and come back to us before it's too late!" she warned her.

"Why? W-why is this happening?" Caroline's voice quivered as tears continue to roll down her face.

"Sis, where are you right now? Common tell me so that we can pick you up!" Catherine said urgently.

"I'm sorry, Sis...I can't tell you..." Caroline said sadly.


Then suddenly the door opened and John entered carrying baby Angel in his arms.

Catherine put her index finger in her mouth signaling him to not make any noise and made a gesture for him to get out of the room.

John's brows furrowed not understanding why his beloved wife wants him out of the room quick.

Catherine mouthed...'C A R O L I N E'... and pointed to her cellphone.

John finally understood and gave her a thumbs-up sign. He exited the room quietly.

"Sis...are you still there?" Catherine asked.

"I heard the sound of the door opening...Who entered the door?" asked Caroline.

"Nothing....just tell me where are you!" Catherine insisted.

"I have to say bye for now, sis. Thanks for all the info, bye!" Caroline said and ended their conversation.

She put the phone in her pocket and went back inside the restaurant and began eating her halo-halo that already melted due to her long absence.

Saling assessed Caroline's face. "A-are you crying, dear?"

Caroline wiped the tears from her face. "Ah, this...? I just missed my daughter...that's all," she said.

Saling rose to her feet. "I will wait for you outside. I still need to buy something...let's just meet in the baggage counter outside the grocery store," she said.

"Okay," Caroline murmured and continue eating the halo-halo.

Saling rose to her feet and sauntered towards the entrance and exited. Outside the door, she took out her phone from her shoulder bag and glanced at Caroline...then she quickly typed a text message and send it to someone. Done, she put back her phone in her shoulder bag, then she starts walking towards the store selling some cosmetics.


Back in the Infinity Jade Tower.

Catherine and John were talking inside their bedroom.

"Did your sister tell you where she is?" asked John.

"No, she didn't. She doesn't want us to find out where she is right now. I guess, she isn't ready to go home yet. But I told her that if she doesn't want to go home right away, her husband will find another woman to take her place," she said.

John's eyes widened. "Huh? Why did you tell her that!?"

Catherine took a deep breath. "So that she will come home right away. The fear of losing her husband will give her motivation to come back quickly," she defended her action.

John shrugged. "Well, you got a point. But I just want to make it clear that my brother did not cheat on your sister," he insisted.

"Okay, as you say so..." she rolled her eyes. "Should we tell your brother that his wife finally called me today?" she asked.

"Yes, of course, we finally located the area where she was calling you. The incoming calls location tracker app I put in your phone reveals her location somewhere in the vicinity of Angeles Pampanga," he said. "I already instructed my boys to go to that area and ask the people there if they saw anyone resembling Caroline's photo," he said.

"Good! I hope we can locate her whereabouts quickly! So that this madness will be over!" Catherine said in frustration.

"Don't worry, we will find your sister, soon!" John rubbed her back, consoling her.



In Susan's mansion.

Mike was swimming in the pool when his phone starts ringing. He got up from the water and went to the sun lounger where he left his phone. He checked the caller and saw that it's his brother, he answered it right away.

"Hello bro..."

"Bro...your wife finally calls Catherine a few minutes ago," John informed him.

"W-what? Caroline finally called her sister?" Mike felt excitement surged through his heart.

"Yes! Come over to my house, Catherine will tell you the rest," John said. "My boys are already in Angeles Pampanga to find your wife there..."

"Okay, I'm going to your house right away! See you later!" Mike said and walked towards the house in big stride.

His brother told him once that he put a call location tracker app on his wife's phone so that if Crinoline will call, they will know of her whereabouts. A frown appeared on Mike's forehead.

What is his wife doing in Angeles Pampanga?

Did she stay there all this time?

And whose residence she was staying in?

Or did she rented a place there?

God, he has so many questions running in his head! He needs to go there to his brother's house right now and talk to his sister-in-law or else he will go crazy!

He climbed the stairs and reached his bedroom in no time, he dropped his phone in the table and entered the bathroom and had a quick shower. After showering, he donned casual clothes on his body and picked up his phone and car keys and exited the room.

A few minutes later, Mike was already driving his car our of the mansion and speeding towards his brother's house. This new development fired up his veins wanting to see his wife as soon as possible and solve the mystery of her sudden disappearance.


Back in Angeles Pampanga.

Saling and Caroline finally arrived in the rest house. They brought their groceries inside the house and put the dried goods in the cupboard and the vegetables and fish in the fridge.

Done putting everything in their respective place, Caroline went upstairs to her room to rest. She put down her bag on the table.

She went to bed and stared at her shiny black phone. She already had taken out the SIM card that she had used when calling her sister.

She will call her again next month.

She lay her body down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. She was deeply bothered and saddened by the heartbreaking info that her sister had told her about her husband seeing another woman in Singapore. It was so painful, it was squeezing her heart right now.

Fresh tears ran down her cheeks.

She was only gone for almost two months and her husband had already met another woman in Singapore!'s painful!

She clenched her fist tightly. She can't blame her husband though, it's all her fault. Everything that is happening to her life right now is all her fault.

She should have gone to the police station and surrendered and confessed that she accidentally killed Brenda because of self-defense. But her extreme fear of being proven guilty and living in the prison wall made her evade the law. And because of her cowardice, several people were already killed in the process making her life even more complicated.

What she should do now?

Her sister urged her to return home as soon as possible or else she will face the possibility of losing her husband if she delayed her return.

Going home is not even the problem, she desperately wanted to leave Greg's side but if she will do that...Allison and Greg will get angry and Allison might use the murders as a bargaining chip to make her stay in Greg's side for as long as possible. Which that evil woman was already doing!

Even if she returns to her husband and family, could she live in peace? Knowing that someone out there knows all her dark secrets...? That someone is still very much alive, breathing and can threaten her peace of mind anytime!

And that someone is Allison!

Who is powerful enough to track her whereabouts because all that woman needs to do is bring all the dead bodies as evidence into the police station, including her fingerprints.. and her beautiful and peaceful life with her husband will be over in an instant and shattered easily like a fragile porcelain glass.

Oh, God!

Why did her life turn to worst?

She only made one mistake, why is it that bad luck keeps adding up?

Her situation turns depressing in every turn!

She dreaded what lies ahead with her future.