Caroline went to her room and goes straight to the bathroom. She took a pee and drop some urine on the pregnancy test kit.

She waited for the result for 5 minutes just to be sure.

After five minutes she read the result of the test kit.

"OH MY!" she covered her mouth with her hands in happiness.

Color red appeared on two lines indicating that she is pregnant!

She washed her hands and place the pregnancy test kit on the cupboard and exited the bathroom.

She went to the bed and sat down. She caresses her tummy with her hands. She was carrying her husband's baby, their child, the fruit of their love!

Fresh tears sprang from her eyes. If Mike will know about her pregnancy he will be very happy. Her hands were itching to call him on her phone and inform him of the good news...but she can't do that right now.

There's still the nagging issue of Allison to worry about. Will that woman let her go? Greg is still very much alive and he seems to be getting healthier every day.

Damn! It looks like her presence besides Greg is making wonders for his health!

Things are getting complicated.

If only Allison didn't appear on the scene where she had accidentally killed Brenda, maybe, she is the only one who knows about the murder and would get away with it easily since there's no third party! But then besides Allison, there's that another woman who pressed the handkerchief on her face, where is that woman right now!?

She is wrong... three people know everything!

Allison...Owen...and that woman who pressed the handkerchief on her face.

She feels a pounding headache coming down on her head after thinking of how complicated her life becomes.

But for the sake of hers and Mike's baby...she will do the right thing this time...she will go back to her husband's side and they will relocate in an unspecified location in Davao City, far away from this city, so that Allison can no longer trace her.

She went to the closet, grabbed the traveling bag, placed her stuff in the bed, and began folding her clothes...placing them in the bag.

Done, she zipped the bag and set it aside. She will pack the rest later after dinner. Tonight, she will go back to her husband in Blue Bell Residences. She will surprise him of her come back.

She went back to bed and rest for a while.

She shut off her eyes, caressing her tummy...then she dozed off.

Outside Caroline's room.

Alex was pacing back and forth inside his study room. Should he inform Allison of the latest development happening to Caroline? But he's not sure yet if Caroline is pregnant—?

He walked towards the door and exited. He went to Caroline's room and knocked on the door. He knocked five times before the door opened. "How's the result?" he asked.

"It's positive, I'm pregnant! I'm leaving your house today. I'm going back to my husband tonight," she informed him.

Alex's face turned sad instantly. He kinds of expecting it but now that she's finally determined in leaving, he feels the pain. He's going to miss her presence in the house for sure. "O-okay..." he said softly, that's the only thing he can say as of the moment.

"Anything else...?" she asked.

Alex shook his head, his mind went blank.

Caroline shut the door on his face gently.

Alex walked slowly towards his study room. He found himself sitting on the swivel chair, his mind preoccupied, thinking about how to break the news to Greg in a way that his brother won't feel extreme pain and loss.

He noticed that Caroline's presence inside his house improved Greg's health considerably. Indeed, love works mysteriously, sometimes it can heal a tormented mind and serious health issues just like what is happening to his brother right now. His deteriorating health improved in leaps and bounds during Caroline's stay in his house. She is indeed the only cure that his brother needed!

Now...the cure is about to go away...and what would happen to his brother? How will Greg react and will his health deteriorate again after Caroline is gone?


There are so many questions traversing in his mind right now. He raked his fingers through his hair in frustrations.

What if he will try to convince Caroline to stay even for a few months until Greg's health will finally be restored to 100%?

But earlier, while they were talking about the pregnancy test result, Caroline possessed that determined look in her eyes when she informed him that she's going home to her husband.

She already made up her mind!

He took a deep breath, he was conflicted inside. The right thing to do is to send Caroline home to her husband now that she is pregnant with their child but another part of him refused to let go of Caroline because she holds the key to Greg's full restoration of his health.


He groaned in dismay.

Earlier, while he and Caroline were having a conversation inside his bedroom, he agreed with her intention to go home, he fully supported her. But he entirely forgot his brother's well being in the process!


He was tapping his fingers on the edge of the desk, weighing things in his mind.

A few minutes later, he concludes, to let Caroline go home to her husband in peace, once and for all!

He reached for his phone wanting to inform Allison about the latest developments and Caroline's intention of going home tonight.

But...he remembered that Caroline pleaded to him earlier not to inform Allison about her pregnancy and departure from his house.

Based on Caroline's refusal to let Allison know, which means only one thing, his sister will not agree on Caroline's decision of leaving.

It dawned on him that if he wants Caroline to go home without encountering any delay, his sister must not know about it.

He put his phone down on the desk.

One hour later.

There was a knock on the door, the housemaid voice echoed in the air. "Sir, dinner is ready!"

"Okay, I hear you!" he replied without opening the door.

Alex dropped his phone in the pocket of his cargo pants and left the room.

That was also the moment Caroline exited her room and they walked towards the staircase in complete silence.

Alex glanced at the woman beside him and initiated a cough to break the silence. "When are you planning to tell my brother that you are leaving tonight?" he asked.

"I will tell him personally after dinner," she replied avoiding his eyes.

"Okay," he said, satisfied with her answer.

They landed on the floor and went to the dining room. Greg was already sitting on the chair, waiting for their presence. Caroline settled herself beside Greg. Alex seated on the opposite.

They began putting food on their plates and eats in silence.

Thirty minutes later, they've finished eating.

Alex went upstairs while Caroline and Greg proceed to the pool area.

Greg showed Caroline his finished product. "What do you think of my drawing today?" he asked eager to know her opinion.

Caroline inspected the painting of the lake landscape. "It's beautiful! Amazing! Keep it up!" she has nothing to say except to shower him with positive praises. Greg was born with an artist talent running in his veins.

Greg smiled, admiring his work and basking on her praises.

Caroline looked at him. Now is the time to say goodbye to him. She took a deep breath and sat on the chair. "Can you please sit down for a moment, Greg? I have something important to tell you," she said.

Greg obeyed and lowered himself on the chair facing her. "What is it?"

"I'm going home tonight. I took a pregnancy kit test in my room a few hours ago and it's confirmed that I am pregnant with my boyfriend's child. I'm sorry, Greg. I can no longer be with you," she said looking into his eyes.

Greg was taken aback by her sudden goodbye and revelation. He wasn't expecting it. His heart was filled with extreme sadness, his eyes shimmered with tears. He was speechless for a few minutes.

"I dunno...w-what to say..." he blinked twice trying to suppress the tears from falling down his face. Deep sadness racked his entire being.

Caroline breathed deeply. For the short time that she spends time with him, he respected her and didn't intrude on her personal space, she appreciated it, but Greg is not her future, Mike is.

"Just continue drinking your medicine and obey the doctor's order, okay? Eat on time, take care of your health, and continue polishing your painting talent. One day, you will finally meet your soulmate, the woman who is destined for you. I'm sorry, I'm not the one for you," she said softly.

"O-okay..." he began sobbing, shoulders shaking. "C-can you leave me for a few minutes...I want to be alone," Greg said.

With one last pat on his shoulder, Caroline rose to her feet, left the pool area, and walked on the path leading to the house.

She entered the door, went to the living room, and climbs the stairs. She went to her bedroom and took the card from the drawer of the bedside table and looked at it for a few seconds, time to return it to the owner.

She exited her room and knocked on Alex's study room.

The door was opened promptly.

Caroline entered the room and handed the card to him. "Thank you for the card, I don't need it anymore," she said.

Alex didn't accept the card. "Keep it. It's yours. I already have given it to you as a gift," he responded.

Caroline shook her head. "No. I'm not keeping your card with me. It's not right," she insisted. She walked towards the desk and placed the card on the surface.

Alex let her be, it will be futile to argue with her at this point when she was determined to leave. "D-did you already informed my brother that you are leaving tonight?" he asked.

Caroline nodded her head. "Yeah...he already knows that I'm pregnant," she replied.

"Where is he right now?"

"In the pool area..."

"I will send you home," Alex offered.

"No. No need. I will hire a taxi after I'm done packing my things. I will let you know if I'm ready to go," she said meeting his gaze.

Their eyes locked for a moment.

"Alex, thank you for your kindness...and goodbye," she added.

Alex smiled. "Goodbye to our twins," he joked.

Caroline raised a brow. "It's just a dream, Alex, it will never come true," she reminded him.

"Alright, as you say so. Go now and pack your things, before my sister will know about this..." he told her.

Caroline obeyed and left the study room in a hurry.