Chapter 156 - Nervous & Excited

Wedding Day!


At Caroline's house.

The family gathered in the dining room at 7:00 in the morning, sipping coffee, eating breakfast.

The excitement was building up inside the house.

Caroline, Grace, Thelma, Lily, and Jacob were having a lively conversation in the table.

"Guys, we should have lunch early from 11:00 to 11:30. Then after that, we get ready and dressed up. By 1:00 to 1:30 we should be traveling already on the road towards the judge office. That would give us ample time and not be late on the appointed time, just in case we encounter heavy traffic along the way," Caroline explained.

"No problem sister, I will dress up early," Jacob said.

"Me too," Lily interjected.

Grace sipped her coffee while munching on her Cheesy Pandesal. "I will dress up early too," she smiled.

Done eating breakfast, they ironed their clothes, and prepare everything so that nothing will be amiss.

Thelma, Grace, and Merle were busy preparing the dishes for lunch.

While Caroline went upstairs to prepare baby Cathy's things and put them in the bag. She put her essentials in the shoulder bag and have her cousin Grace carry it for her during the wedding event.

She went to the bathroom and prepared her daughter's bath.

After bathing Cathy, she will go downstairs and join everyone in the kitchen.

The bath was already prepared, Carolin carries her daughter in her arms and brought her to the bathroom and start bathing her.

A few minutes later, Caroline was done in the bathroom, she dressed Cathy, and went out of the room.

She went to the kitchen and watched her mother and Grace prepared the ingredients of dishes in the table just like old times.

By ten o'clock, Thelma began cooking the dishes consisted of Pork and Potato Curry, Sweet and Sour Fish, and Moringa Squash Cream Soup.

One hour and thirty minutes later.

Lunch was ready and everyone gathered around the dining table to enjoy the delicious lunch except for Merle who was holding baby Cathy in the living room.

By 12:30 everyone was done with lunch.

Merle cleaned the table and the kitchen while the rest of the family went upstairs to take a bath and get ready in dressing up with their attire for the wedding.

Caroline, Thelma, and Grace took each turn taking a bath in the bathroom to refresh themselves. 

After everyone was done bathing, Thelma dresses up first and attended to her granddaughter.

Next, Grace donned her pink dress.

Then it's now the bride's turn.

Caroline donned the wedding dress that Catherine had chosen for her. It fits her body perfectly well.

Grace opened the makeup kit and applied subtle mascara on Caroline's already flawless face.

Done with the makeup... she asked the bride's opinion.

"Are you satisfied with my make up expertise, cousin?" Grace asked.

Caroline smiled radiantly. "Just perfect!"

"Alright, next!" Grace said. Thelma sat on the chair facing the mirror and Grace began waving her magic hand on her Aunt's face.

A few minutes later, Grace was now applying makeup on her face and putting finishing touches on the bride's face.

After making sure that they were done with everything, they left the room going downstairs in the living room to wait for the vehicle that would take them to Judge Reyes's office.

The women were sitting on the sofa, along with Lily, Jacob, and Merle.

A few minutes later.

Two vehicles arrived and parked outside the house. One white Limousine bridal car and a color gray Rolls-Royce Luxury car.

Everybody exited the house and Thelma locked the main door and the gate of the house as well.

Thelma, Grace, baby Cathy, Jacob, Lily, and Merle immediately boarded the Rolls-Royce vehicle assisted by Ramon the driver.

Mike exited the Limousine car, looking every inch a dashing groom, wearing a black tuxedo that enhances his appeal.

He greeted his radiant bride with a kiss on the cheek. "Ready for our big day?" he asked smiling. His eyes sparkling like diamonds looking at his lovely bride.

"Yes!" Caroline answered brightly. "I'm so freaking excited! I think I'm going to die. It's my first time marrying someone and I feel jittery...nervous... and excited!" she beamed.

"Me too!" Mike admitted with a brilliant grin on his face.

The couple went inside the bridal car, bombarded with intense emotion as if they're walking in cloud 9.

The vehicle starts moving forward and getting out of the subdivision.

A moment later, the wedding entourage was already progressing steadily on the street going towards the RTC Branch in the City Hall.

Caroline looked at Mike.

"Where is your mother—?" she asked.

"She's already heading to Judge Reyes office," answered Mike. "My brother John and your sister Catherine and the kids are already on their way..." he added.

"Nice, so everything is going well..." she muttered.

"Of course, what can you expect?" he chuckled. "With my mother doing all the planning and me taking good care of everything, nothing can go wrong," Mike smiled and pinched his bride's nose adoringly.

"I think there's still something missing..." she said, her brows furrowed.

Mike's brows creased. "Huh? What is it—?"

"OMG! We have no wedding ring! How we can forget such an important item for our wedding?" Caroline slapped her forehead worriedly.

Mike smiled. "Sweetie, don't ever slap your head again. Your mascara will get ruined!" he scolded her playfully.

"But why are you not worried—?" she asked him, getting suspicious of his calm demeanor.

"Worry no more, sweetie!" Mike grinned and produced a jewelry box from the pocket of his pants.

He opened the lid of the box and there nestled in the velvet box two wedding rings. It's an exquisite and elegant 18 karat gold wedding ring adorned with sparkling diamonds.

"OMG! It's so beautiful!" Caroline gushes in glee.

"Do you like the design?" Mike asked.

"Yes, very much! Thank you so much, hubby!" She planted a quick kiss on his lips.

"No need to thank me, wifey. You deserved the ring. Your worth in my heart is more than the ring's value," he said, his voice thick with emotion.

"Aww, I'm touched!" Caroline said teary-eyed.

She rested her head on Mike's shoulder. She's overwhelmed with happiness.

She must not cry on her wedding day. She should enjoy her big day today 'coz tomorrow the future will be darker. Damn! She should avoid entertaining any negative thoughts in her head, it will only damper her good mood.

She will celebrate her wedding with Mike today in a happy and carefree mood. She will be the happiest bride ever and everyone will see that.

Mike linked his right hand with hers.

"No regrets marrying me today?" he asked her, looking intensely into her eyes.

A dazzling smile erupted on Caroline's face. "No regrets. How about you?"

"No regrets on my part," Mike responded sincerely and planted a kiss on her forehead.

The journey on the road was smooth sailing and no major traffic along the highway.

They arrived in RTC Branch, on the 13th floor of Makati City Hall, in Judge Reyes office.

They have to wait a few minutes outside the room because the judge was still officiating another couple scheduled before them.

Susan smiled and talked to everyone, asking if they have a smooth ride to the hall. She sat beside Thelma and strike a lively chat with her. Susan was feeling guilty a bit because she was not able to invite Thelma to dinner before the wedding.

Anyways, she will make up for it one of these days.

Mike and John were talking in the corner.

"And your big day is finally here, bro! How does it feel?" John asked his brother.

"I'm feeling nervous and happy at the same time. I can't understand what I feel right now, kind of mixed feelings that is hard to explain," Mike said. "Is this normal?" he asked, taking a glance at her beautiful wife talking to her twin sister.

"Not unless you regretted marrying her now. Let me ask you a question and be honest with yourself. You still have enough time to change your mind...Is she the one?" John was smiling kind of joking.

Mike grinned. "Of course! I have no regrets. I love Caroline to death. I will marry her today and nothing can stop me!" he answered in a serious tone.

"Alright, that's awesome, bro! Stop feeling nervous. Once the wedding ceremony is over, your nervous evaporates especially that we will have fun at the wedding reception and you will be facing many guests later," John said and patted his brother's shoulder affectionately.

Mike and Caroline's eyes met.

"I'll go now and talk to my bride, bro," Mike said and went to Caroline's side.

Catherine left her twin and went to her husband's side carrying baby Angel in her arms.

"What are you two brother's talking about?" Catherine asked curiously.

John smiled. "Nothing. Just men's stuff," he answered.

Catherine raised her brow. "You looked serious earlier..."

"Ah, that one...I asked my brother if he has no regrets marrying your sister and he answered me that he loves your sister to death. He is happy marrying Caroline today," John elaborated.

"I see..." she nods her head.

"My brother is feeling nervous, I felt the same when we got married," he confessed. "But of course, I never regretted marrying you, my dearest wife. You're my everything," he said. His eyes spoke volumes.

Catherine loves it that her husband was always vocal about his affection towards her, she smiled sweetly at him.

Fifteen minutes later.

The newlywed couple exited the door together with their family.

The waiting has finally ended!

Caroline and Mike's entourage entered Judge Reyes's room.