Grace arrived at Caroline's house.

Catherine together with the helper Anna brought Baby James and Angel into her sister's house. She misses her cousin Grace so much.

Grace handed everyone Pasalubong ( sweet desserts delicacy) and souvenirs from Zambales.

"I hope you like my sweet delicacy gifts, guys!" she said, smiling broadly.

"I love this Pastillas so much! So sweet!" Lily commented.

"These sweet ripe mangoes are excellent, the best!" Thelma raves.

"Agree, Mother!" Catherine scooped the slice of ripe mangoes with the spoon and feed her two children.

"OMG! The kiddos are growing bigger! Indeed, time flies so fast!" Grace blurted out in amazement while observing Baby James, Angel, and Cathy's chubby faces.

Caroline smiled. "Let's go upstairs, cousin. Would you like to try your pink dress for tomorrow's event?"

"Yes of course! Where is it?" Grace inquired enthusiastically.

"In my bedroom," Caroline replied. She informed the people around them. "Guys, we'll go upstairs 'coz Grace would like to see her dress for tomorrow," she said.

The women went upstairs and entered Caroline's bedroom.

Caroline took the pink dress from the closet and also the shoes. "Try it in the bathroom, cousin," she said.

"Alright," replied Grace smiling.

She scooped the dress and entered the bathroom.

A few minutes later, Grace came out of the bathroom and went in front of the life-size mirror.

"Wow, it's so nice, I love the color and the design, it fits my body perfectly," Grace gushes.

"Try this shoe if it fits you..." said Caroline. She put the pair of shoes on the floor.

Grace slid her feet excitedly on the two inches pink pump shoes. "Ah, so nice! Thank you so much for the dress and shoes, cousin!"

"Nah, don't mention it. My pleasure, cousin," Caroline said happily. Seeing Grace's splendid smile made her happy. She remembered that Grace was very kind and understanding to her difficult situation in the past.

Grace continues admiring her outfit for the wedding.

"I'm happy that you already got a boyfriend! Are you going to get married this year?" asked Caroline.

"Hmm, I boyfriend mentioned wanting to marry me this year. But...I'm not sure yet. I guess it's too early since we're still in a month old relationship. There's still a lot of things I want to know about him. I'm not rushing into marriage life, yet. I still want to get to know him better," Grace replied.

Caroline was delighted after hearing that Grace isn't rushing into tying the knot with her boyfriend. "You're right, cousin. Don't rush the marriage thing. Enjoy and savor your relationship with your boyfriend first, because once you're already married and have children then you and your hubby won't have much time for each other anymore like going on outing or dating. Just marry him after one or two years," she suggested.

"Yeah, that's what I been thinking too..." Grace agreed.

The door of the bedroom opened and Catherine joined the ladies inside.

"Wow, you looked awesome in that dress, Grace!" Catherine commented.

"Thanks, cousin!" Grace replied.

"So, tell us more about your boyfriend? Photos please!" Catherine smiled.

Grace obliged and took her phone from her shoulder bag and showed them her photo gallery filled with romantic moments with her beau.

"Wow, you and this guy looks good together!" Catherine squealed.

"Yeah, they have similarity in the facial feature. They look perfect for each other!" Caroline observed.

Catherine was giggling. "Wow! I think he is the right one for you, cousin!"

"I hope so!" Grace uttered the words in a dreamy-like whisper. Her eyes were sparkling, she looks very much smitten with her boyfriend.

"Aww, you're so in love with him, cousin. Marry him immediately!" Catherine blurted out while grinning in glee.

"After one or two years, cousin. That's my target, I feel like I still want to enjoy him before marrying him and having children with him," Grace answered.

"Okay, as you say so. I'm just kidding, Grace," Catherine responded.

Caroline gave Grace a thumb up sign.

Grace looked at Caroline. "So...tomorrow is the big day? Aren't you feeling nervous now? or excited?"

Caroline shrugged. "I dunno...I have mixed feelings right now. But I'm happier because you're here, cousin," she answered.

"So — where's the groom?" Grace asked.

"They'll be here in a moment. They will be bringing foods for us to enjoy this evening," Catherine explained. "The caterer called and apologized that the food will be delivered a bit late because their delivery van was stuck somewhere, so John and Mike volunteered to get the food from the catering store since they will pass by on the restaurant on the way here," Catherine explained.

"Ah, I see," Grace nods her head. She examined her cousin's face. "How's married life, Cath?"

Catherine smiled radiantly. "If I can describe it in a few words's pure heaven so far!" she uttered animatedly.

"You and John were not having any major fight or quarrel — now and then?" Grace inquired.

Catherine shook her head. "None so far. We don't have any major misunderstanding between us... and we're always joking with each other and having engaging moments with our kids."

Grace smiled. "Amazing! Nice to know that you and John are compatible with each other. I'm happy for you, Cath. I wish my married life would be as happy as yours," she said wistfully.

Catherine and Grace were talking animatedly about the joys of motherhood and married life.

They didn't notice that Caroline was just silently listening to them and no longer participating in their lively discussion.

Caroline is thinking of tomorrow... her big day.

She was hoping that the wedding will push through smoothly without any interruption.


Why she's getting nervous all of a sudden?

Grace noticed that Caroline was silent in the corner. "Hey, girl. Why are you wearing that dismal look in your eyes? Is there any problem?"

Caroline smiled quickly. "Of course, there's nothing wrong! I'm just thinking of something..."

"By the way, where are your two wedding gowns? You told me the other day that you will wear one dress for the ceremony and another dress for the wedding reception that will be held at the luxurious Monte Carlo Hotel! OMG! I'm so excited to see the inside that hotel. Can we tour the inside of that hotel after the reception?" Grace asked excitedly.

Caroline was stupefied for a moment, she scratches her head. "I dunno...let see if we still have time," she answered.

"It's will be busy with the guest during that time. So, Catherine and I will do the touring," Grace suggested jokingly.

Catherine smiled. "Okay, why not..."

"Alright, that's settled then. Can I see the two wedding dresses, cousin?" asked Grace.


Caroline went to the closet cabinet and took out the first dress. "This one is for the wedding ceremony...Catherine chose this one for me."

Grace took the dress and smiled. "This one is elegant and lovely!" she commented casually.

"How about this one?" Caroline took the dress that her mother-in-law Susan has made especially for her wedding day.

"Wow! This one is gorgeous. The lace detailing is superb in quality and the clothing used in this dress looks expensive!" Grace gushes admiring the dress inside and out.

Caroline smiled proudly.

"Did you buy it yourself or your husband bought it for you?" asked Grace.

"Nah, my mother in law like the design, so she has her favorite tailoring shop made the dress for me," Caroline answered.

"Both dresses are unique in their own right. You're such a lucky bride, Caroline!" Grace said.

Jacob entered the bedroom. "Ladies...the food and the groom are here!" he announced. "Please everyone, come down in a hurry because I'm hungry," he said and simpered.

The girls erupted in laughter.

Caroline hangs back the dresses in the cabinet.

The three women exited the bedroom, heading quickly downstairs to eat a sumptuous dinner with the family.

They gathered in the dining room and starts devouring the five special dishes that Catherine ordered from the caterer. There's Chicken Buffalo Wings, Beef with Broccoli, Sweet and Sour Pork, Garlic Prawns, Chopsuey, and Fruit Salad...appetizingly displayed on the dining table.

The atmosphere inside the house was festive and lively.

Everyone hold their fork, and spoon and began putting foods on their plates.

A few minutes later.

They were already eating with gusto while the two housemaids, Anna and Merle, entertained the three kids with a nursery rhymes played on the television in the living room.

One hour later.

After the a.d.u.l.ts were done eating...

The housemaids took their turn in the dining room, after done eating, they cleaned the dining room and the kitchen.

The rest of the family gathered in the living room, chatting merrily to each other, discussing the wedding that's going to happen the next day.

Mike and Caroline sat beside each other on the sofa.

"Happy?" Mike asked his beloved. His eyes flashing with happiness while staring at her lovely face.

"Yes!" Caroline smiled and nods her head in elation, very much pleased with the happy reunion of her family.

"I'm very excited about our five days honeymoon," Mike whispered in her ear.

Caroline blushed and giggled, then elbowed him playfully.

The chattering and the invigorating conversation were floating around them but the couple only had eyes for each other.

Two hours later.

At 9:00 in the evening, the visitors went home early to have a beauty rest for tomorrow's event. 

Excitement were projected their expectant faces as they went inside their vehicles.

"Bye guys! See you tomorrow!" Catherine waved her hands at the people standing outside the gate. The vehicle was moving slowly away from the house.

"Wow, such a perfect day!" Grace murmured to herself.