Chapter 136 - Grateful But Tormented

After hearing Allison's life's story, Caroline can't help but shed a tear for her.

Allison looked at Caroline, amused. "You think I'm pitiful?"

Caroline nods her head.

Allison smiled. "Yeah, that was what I felt for a few years, I think my life was pitiful. I have undergone too much in the hands of my cruel adoptive father but I already have my revenge and I am entitled to live my life freely while enjoying his money as compensation for destroying my life. I used to feel guilty but I already have forgiven myself. Ironically, I also had forgiven my father. Now I'm free as a bird!" she said gleefully.

Caroline sighed. If Allison feels free after killing her adoptive father, she will never be free after accidentally killing Brenda. That kind of guilt was hanging heavily on her shoulder.

Allison poured more wine into Caroline's glass.

"So...what is your plan? Do you want to surrender to the police and admit your crime or pretend to be an innocent woman?" Allison asked.

Caroline shook her head. "I dunno...I'm confused on what to do with my life anymore. But I don't want to spend my life in jail. It's going to be my nightmare. I don't want to go to prison!" she remarked.

Allison shrugged. "It's up to you. I will temporarily put Brenda's body in a fridge to preserve her, if you decided not to surrender then we will bury her body somewhere that no one could ever find her. You have to remember that as long her body can not be found and no one can pinpoint you directly as her killer then there will be no case, no evidence, and no witness, therefore, you will never go to jail. Don't worry, I will do anything to protect you..." she said.

Caroline stared at Allison's face. "Why are you doing all these? Why are you protecting me? Why you killed your minion just to save me? That is one thing I don't understand until now," she asked, confused.

"You still don't get it, do you? My brother's name is Alex. Doesn't it ring a bell on your head?"

Caroline's eyes widened and her brain finally connected the dots. "Huh? Do you mean to say your bother is Alex aka Daniel Lopez? You are Danica — Alex and Greg's sister—?"

"Yes, my dear. I am their sister," Allison admitted. "I killed my minion 'coz she's going to kill you—because you killed her lover Brenda, naturally she wants revenge, and even if I prevented her from doing so, she will always find a way to get back at you. So...before she can harm you I took the initiative to kill her so that she won't become our problem later on. I am protecting you because you're like a family to me. My brother Greg loves you so much and he's dying, his only wish is to see you by his side every day," she explained.

Caroline was silent for a moment. Then she asked her...

"What is it that you want me to do — in exchange for your silence about the murder that I have perpetrated?" Caroline inquired.

Allison shrugged her shoulder. "Just a simple thing my dear, stay with my brother Greg until his last breath. After he passed away, you are free to go back to your life and I will promise you my lifetime protection. I can assure you that no one will ever know of your dark secret. Your secret is forever safe with me. All I ever wanted is for my brother to feel happy in the remaining days of his life and you can provide him the happiness that he craves for..."

Caroline was pondering her choices. She needs to decide wisely.

She didn't regret killing Brenda because there's a big chance that if she didn't kill her, she might already be dead by now. She likens herself to a trapped animal that was being pushed to the edge with no other choice but to fight back and kill the opponent to save herself from untimely death. As long she kept telling herself that she killed Brenda for self-defense she will be able to override her guilt and continue to live a normal life.

What Allison was asking from her is not hard. She loves Greg once, she can always pretend she loves him still so that her life beside him will be bearable. Besides, Greg has only a few months left to live, so, she won't be suffering for too long.

Allison watched as different emotions flickered on Caroline's face. "Take your time... decide carefully, Caroline," she told her.

"So — you intentionally wanted to be my friend because of your brother, Greg?" Caroline asked her.

Allison nods her head. "Yeah. I wanted to get closer to you so that I can ask you to see my brother even at least once a week."

"And how did Brenda come into the picture? Was Brenda part of your plan too?" Caroline asked.

Allison shook her head vigorously. "No! Brenda and I were never close to each other. She was just my brother's woman for the time being until she becomes clingy and my brother wanted to get rid of her and it so happened that she angered my brother so much when she poured wine on your head. That was the last straw on their relationship, my brother broke up with her. Brenda thought you are my brother's new woman so she kidnapped you and wanted to kill you. That is Brenda's story, no more no less."

Caroline released a deep sigh. Just because of extreme jealousy, Brenda brought death upon herself. It's both tragic and sad.

"So, what is your decision now?" Allison asked her again.

"How about your other minion, that guy, Owen? How can you be so sure that he won't point his finger to me as the murderer? Can he be trusted?"

Allison smiled. "Don't worry about him, Owen is my minion and he owed me his life. He will never betray me. But if you want, I can cut his tongue, his hands, or kill him once and for all so that it would be impossible for him to accuse you as the murderer. That if you're still suspicious of him. If putting him to eternal peace can make you rest your mind from worries then I will do it. Just say yes and I can arrange some sort of... like an accident for him. Killing him would be too easy," she grinned.

Caroline was dumbfounded and astonished by the calmness that Allison displayed on her face. Allison was talking casually about killing other people as if she was just discussing cooking recipes with her.

Suddenly, she realized that Allison is not a person to mess with. She can be a deadly enemy who can no longer felt any remorse and guilt. For Allison — killing other people is just like killing a mosquito.

"What is your decision, Caroline? Deal or no deal?" Allison asked in an impatient tone.

"Okay, I will accept the deal. In exchange for your protection and secrecy, I will serve your brother until he dies. But, can you give me at least one month to plan how to disappear properly? I want to devise a perfect plan so that my family and my boyfriend won't be suspicious of my disappearance." Caroline pleaded for a tiny bit of her understanding.

Allison stared at Caroline for a minute or two then smiled. "Alright, deal!"

Huge relief washed over Caroline.

Whew! Thankfully she agreed!

Allison poured the last wine into their glasses and they made a toast to each other.

"Cheers!" Allison said smiling broadly.

"Cheers!" Caroline smiled for the first time after her ordeal. She looked at Allison's face closely. She was thinking that— if this woman manages to live a normal life after killing somebody then she can do it as well. She would never condemn herself for killing someone who provoked her, she defiantly thought to herself.

Allison stood up. "You may return to the guest room now and sleep. We need beauty rest," she told her.

Caroline rose to her feet and conveyed her heartfelt thanks to Allison. "Thank you for saving my life today and giving me protection," she said.

"Don't mention it, go now to your room and rest," Allison dismissed her.

Caroline left the room, she went straight to the guestroom, unlocked her phone, and reply to all who texted her.

Done texting, she jumped right into the bed shutting her eyes to sleep.

Fifteen minutes later, Caroline had fallen asleep quickly.


The next day.

Caroline wakes up at exactly noon... lunchtime.

Allison entered the room. "Wake up sleepy head, time for lunch! I will wait for you in the living room. We'll eat lunch together," she said and left the room.

Caroline went inside the bathroom to do her thing and splash water on her sleepy face.

Dang, her stomach was grumbling!

She remembered that she was not able to have dinner last night and also breakfast this morning. Aargh! Her stomach is killing her, she thinks she's going to faint due to hunger!

Caroline exited the room quickly and went downstairs.

Allison saw her coming down the stairs, she rose from the sofa and waited until Caroline set foot in the ground, then they proceed to the dining room.

The aroma of deliciously cooked dishes filled Caroline's nostrils.

"Have a seat beside me, Caroline," Allison ordered her.

Caroline obeyed.

"You may eat now, I know you're hungry. Eat as much as you want, there are plenty of dishes for us," Allison said.

Caroline starts putting rice and dishes on her plate and savored everything on her plate with gusto. Thank God, her stomach finally stopped grumbling. In fairness, Allison's cook is very talented, the dishes are top-notch!

"You like the dishes?" Allison asked while chewing on the sweet-sour fish.

"Yes, very much!" Caroline replied.

"Eat more..." said Allison.

The women resumed eating in complete silence and let their cutlery does the talking.

Two hours later.

The women retired upstairs, they were having a short conversation in the minibar.

"I'm going home now, Allison. Thank you for taking good care of me," Caroline said feeling grateful for Allison's help. She doesn't know how she will survive the aftermath of the murder without Allison's help and guidance.

"I'm counting on you to honor our deal, Caroline. Don't make me angry, okay?" Allison said with a glint in her eyes.

Caroline nods her head quickly. "I won't."