Chapter 135 - Freedom & Madness

Mr. Geronimo the lawyer pulls a chair and sat on it, facing the distraught girl in the bed.

"Allison, did you kill your father or not? Tell me the truth..." he said coaxing her.

Allison shook her head and said no, then she began explaining...

"We engaged in s.e.x using strangulation method, he will choke my neck using his hands while he wants me to use plastic over his head to suffocate him. We've been doing it for many weeks because he was addicted to it but I don't like doing it but he always forces me to do s.e.x.u.a.l kinky and dangerous stuff and threatened to kill me and my brother Alex if I won't obey his wishes and commands. He would forcibly pop up pills in my mouth so that I lose my strength and he can do what he wants with my body. I hated everything that he'd done to my body and loathed everything that he made me do. I want to forget everything!" she screamed.

Allison broke down and cried again in front of the lawyer and Larry.

A few minutes later, she raised her wet face and looked at the lawyer in the eyes. "Did you bring the cops to arrest me?"

Mr. Geronimo looked at the girl in the eyes then he glanced at Larry.

"Do you want to file a murder case towards your sister?" the lawyer asked Larry.

Larry sighed heavily then he speaks. "I don't want to pursue a murder case against my sister. That is my final decision," he said.

Allison was taken aback after hearing that his brother Larry is not angry at her for killing his father.

Mr. Geronimo opened a brown envelope and took the handwritten letter from the deceased businessman.

"He instructed me to only read and open this letter if he accidentally died inside his home. Listen carefully guys because it is the first and the last time that I'm going to read this..." said the lawyer.

He began reading the letter.

Dear. Mr. Geronimo,

"I guess I'm already dead...because you're already reading my letter, my friend. Although we are a very close friend, there is a dark secret inside me that I have not been telling you and this is my addiction to s.e.x and dark stuff related to s.e.x. I made two biggest mistakes in my life and that is s.e.x.u.a.lly molesting my son Larry once, and then subjected my adoptive daughter Allison to my deranged s.e.x.u.a.l fantasy. I always wanted to have a s.e.x slave and my daughter Allison is the unwilling victim. I forced her and put her in s.e.x.u.a.l torture against her will and threatened her life a lot of times. But even with the guilt and all, I derived extreme pleasure using her body for s.e.x.u.a.l gratification.

I know that what I've been doing to her is wrong and sometimes I loathed myself for it but my s.e.x.u.a.l gratification is much more strong than my guilt. I can no longer be saved and I know my soul will be burning in hell for being a bad and mentally sick father to my children. That is why, if my daughter Allison will accidentally kill me during one of our s.e.x.u.a.l game, please protect her. I don't want her to suffer in jail. I want her to be free and live her life the way she wanted her life to be. Just declare my passing as a natural death or a cardiac arrest...something like that.

I also made a last will testament that all my wealth and properties will be equally divided between Larry and Allison, my son will be the one to managed my company. I want Allison to live and enjoy her life freely in compensation for torturing her.

To my son, Larry...I'm so sorry that I s.e.x.u.a.lly molested you once...please forgive me. Please, take care of your sister Allison, she suffered a lot, you will be his guardian from now on.

To my daughter Allison who suffered the most...I'm so sorry...I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.

I'm so sorry that I hurt you all and destroy your lives. I deserved to burn in hell for all my sins.

Enjoy your life my children and forget about me. Forget that you have a weak, demented, and sick father like me.

Please forgive me,

Your father, Bienvinido


For the first time, Larry broke down in tears, sobbing hard in front of the lawyer.

Allison did the same, her cries were much more deafening and heartbreaking compared to Larry.

The lawyer looked at the two young a.d.u.l.ts, tears shimmered in his eyes, he somehow felt guilty that he was not able to do anything to help his friend in seeking medical help for his mental illness. But he was not aware that his long time friend and client has a mental illness. He was shocked reading his friend's letter after Larry called him to inform him that his father died in his room, he went to his study room and read the mysterious letter right away, that is how he comes to know about his friend's mental illness.

But it's too late now...

Three lives have already been destroyed and scars may take forever to heal.

He sighed heavily fighting the tears from falling down his face. He needs to be strong for the two young a.d.u.l.ts during their moments of grief.

He looked at Allison and Larry. "Guys, no one's going to jail. Let's grant your father his last wish. He was trying to atone to all the sins he caused in your lives. He asked for your forgiveness, whether you will forgive him or not in this lifetime, is up to you. I will call the family physician and ask him to declare that your father has died of natural causes so that we can now bring the corpse to the funeral homes and mourn properly. Any question guys?"

Allison shook her head...she has nothing to say...she already killed the person who caused her so much pain. She is free now from her monster father, but why she's not happy?

Mr. Geronimo and Larry exited Allison's room to prepare the funeral.

That afternoon.

The family physician, Dr. Simon arrives in the mansion. He and the lawyer were having a private conversation inside the room for thirty minutes while Dr. Simon read the last letter of the deceased, he now realized that the letter was his friend's dying wish. He was shocked and felt enraged by what his friend had done to his children, but now is not the time to think about those negative emotions. He decided on his own accord that there should be no reason for a murder case to take shape because it will only drag the youngsters' lives into ruin which is too much already considering that they already suffered extreme nightmares in the cruel hands of their deceased father.

In short, the lawyer and the physician agreed and ruled the death of Mr. Bienvinido Javier was caused by a natural death of cardiac arrest.

Since Mr. Bienvinido was an only child and both his parents are already dead, no siblings will question the sudden death.

After checking the body of his friend and client, Dr. Simon signs the death certificate and the body was taken by the funeral parlor for embalming. There was no sign of wound or anything on the corpse's face and the rest of his body... so using cardiac arrest as a reason for death was believable.

One week later, Mr. Bienvinido Javier was finally laid down to his final resting place. Friends, family, relatives, and business associates flocked to the cemetery to pay their farewell to such a generous, well-respected businessman and a loving father.

Alex was sitting silently at the back of his sister's chair together with his adoptive father who is the best friend of the deceased.

Allison was super quiet the whole time the funeral activity took place. She wore sunglasses to hide her grieving eyes.

The teary-eyed Larry sat beside Allison, his red eyes fixed on the casket of his father. He had a troubled look on his face.

Finally, the funeral was finished.

Larry doesn't want to go home yet.

Mr. Geronimo the lawyer and Mr. Simon the physician opted to accompany the grieving children until twilight.

The next succeeding days were very hard.

Allison stays in her room the whole day and the housemaids have to bring her foods in her room so that she can take her meals.

She would become hysterical for a moment then would laugh like crazy in another minute. Her emotional and mental health suffered a great deal after her adoptive father died in her hands.

Every day, she would tell herself that it's okay that she killed her tormentor and rapist but the rest of the day guilt and remorse kicked in hard and no matter what she does to cheer herself up, the truth is, she killed him willingly and it's giving her nightmares.

She would wake up in the middle of the night screaming and having nightmares until she resorted to self-harm by cutting herself with a knife or scissors. Her mental health deteriorated gravely. She was taken to a psychiatric ward for evaluation and medication when her mental health worsens she was finally brought to the mental institution and stay there for three years.

Larry and Alex would regularly visit Allison in the mental institution at least once a month.

Her mental health gradually recovers and after three years of staying in the mental institution, she was finally approved for release with a strict daily medication routine to avoid relapse.