"What is vermicelli?"

Hundreds of people looked at Yang Song curiously, and their eyes were full of thirst for knowledge.

What is vermicelli made of?

Most of them are either sweet potatoes or potatoes.

As it happens, they don't have anything.

Here comes Yang Song.

"Vermicelli is a kind of food material similar to noodles. It is wide and thin. It can be cold mixed or used as stew. It has no taste, but it can absorb soup."

It's no use talking alone.

"Wait a minute, I'll make it. Let's try it."

"Thank you, chef Yang!" Wait, that's it.

Yang Song made the vermicelli here and dried it on the shelf next to it.

The shelf is not enough. Someone moved a new one right away.

"Chef Yang, I usually hang silk with my home. I just wiped it with salt water three times and clean water five times. It's very clean."

"Use mine, my new one!"

"Mine, and me. This is my pearl necklace."

"Bring me the shelf. Where's the pearl necklace?"

"That doesn't matter!"

Some carpenters brought a batch of wooden frames, which were not enough. They made them on the spot with tools.

Yang Song used the last potato to make noodles.

Busy working until the middle of the month, it was dark, then it was dawn, and finally it was finished. The vermicelli were hung on the shelf.

Everyone was relieved.

Yang Song looked at the bright Sunrise: "the weather is good today. It's estimated that you can eat in the afternoon."

Everyone present couldn't help showing a happy expression and a full sense of achievement.

Each of them made a contribution to this powder.

Fortunately, this is the border. The sun is fierce. The weather is actually very cold. There are no mosquitoes.

"You can go back to have a rest and come back at dusk. Then you can eat." Yang Song suggested.

They are all people who have been up all night. They are probably tired.

Yang Song was considerate. As a result, no one was willing to go for a moment.

"Well, I'll cook several pots of sweet potato porridge, divide them, drink a bowl each, and then go back to sleep."

I ate potatoes yesterday, but I just ate sweet potatoes today.

We not only tasted delicious food yesterday, but also knew how to wash and peel potatoes.

So many people are waiting for porridge, washing sweet potatoes and peeling.

"Chef Yang, let's help."

"I'll come too. I used to peel radishes at home."

"I'll chop wood."

"Leave the fire to me, but I can burn a good fire."

"And cut some pickles, right? Give it to me, give it to me!"


More people, more hands and more help. The porridge was cooked quickly.

Millet, rice and sweet potato are cooked in a big iron pot. It's hot and soon the sweet taste comes out.

Yang Song stared at the fire. The difference between big fire and small fire was that no one was allowed to lift the lid of the pot.

"Many people know how to cook porridge, but they don't know that the most important thing to cook porridge is stewing."

The sweet potato porridge was bubbling in the pot, and the onlookers were holding empty bowls and their stomachs were growling.

Other chefs have long been unable to withstand the pressure and turn up the fire. No matter 3721, cook it first.

Yang Song won't.

He is a cook. All chefs are magicians. They can make the food delicious and wonderful. People feel happy before they start.

Eating is actually the same art.

"Is it cooked?"

"When can I eat? I'm starving."

"I'm almost hungry as a beggar."

"Come on, there are no beggars in Baishui city."

There was a shortage of manpower in the fields on Xiaoqing mountain. Yang Song asked the Yamen to come forward and gather the beggars together. After feeding, he also asked the doctor to diagnose the pulse. He had no serious health problems. Those who could work hard were sent to farm. Anyway, he also gave monthly money for food.

Beggars who can't work hard are also assigned simple jobs. Their monthly money is very low. At least they manage their food.

As for those who are unwilling to work, they should be lazy beggars.

Without Yang Song's hand, the official took a few whips: "either work, or take dozens of sticks, be thrown on the wasteland and choose by yourself."

Who else dares to be lazy?

Baishui city is now very clean. Without beggars, there will be no competition for food.

The diners were very disciplined and waited patiently.

You can't be impatient. Yang Song is too polite.

The time when you can see, smell and eat is the hardest.

Yang Song cooked a total of 20 pots of sweet potato porridge, all of which were oversized iron pots.

Diners are eager to see these big iron pots.

"All right, start the pot!" Yang Song said hello, and twenty big iron pots opened the lid at the same time.

The sweet taste rose to the sky.

Everyone couldn't help taking a deep breath, and then greedily absorbed the sweet smell.

"Sweeter than sugar!"

"How delicious! It must be better than cakes!"

"Is this sweet potato?"

After all, rice, millet, we have eaten, there is no such sweet.

Twenty big iron pots, twenty neat teams.

"Try it and give more advice." Yang song can't forget his opinion.

The team was well organized, and the people in charge of holding porridge were very skilled.

Each person has a large bowl of porridge with just the right thickness, three sweet potatoes and a whole bowl of sweet, waxy and smooth.

"Beware of scalding!"

Like everyone else, Yang Song took a bowl of porridge and found a place to drink on the roadside.

Some squatted on the roadside, some leaned against doors and walls, and some even had chairs.

No matter who has porridge in the bowl, there is only that bowl of porridge in his heart.

"The sweet potato is really red!"

"So sweet, like drinking honey!"

"The sweetness of water!"

"How hot!"

"The soup tastes sweet!"

"This sweet potato is really festive. I like it!"

"Why did I finish it?"

"Three big sweet potatoes are too uneaten."


After eating the porridge, everyone found that they had forgotten to eat the pickles.

"You don't have to eat this porridge with vegetables. Just drink it!"

"A bowl down, the whole body warm."

"How comfortable!"

"If only I could have another bowl!"

It really speaks everyone's heart.

Without looking at each other, there is a tacit understanding in my heart.

"Chef Yang, can you have another bowl?"

"Yes, let's help again and cook another 20 pots. I believe many people can drink another bowl."

"Chef Yang, don't worry. We're not tired yet. It's a small thing to do this work."

"Twenty more pots!" It's hard to shout like that!

Yang Song couldn't agree. It was twenty pots, not twenty bowls.

As a professional chef, Yang Song is quite experienced. Eat goods through ancient and modern times. Everyone can eat.

After 20 pots, 20 more, and 20 more.

The sweet potato can't stand it. The chefs can't stand it

Yang Song said: "the first time you eat sweet potato, you can't eat too much. If you're not full, go home and eat some familiar meals at home. It's good for your intestines and stomach. Remember to come and eat vermicelli in the afternoon at dusk. It's absolutely delicious, I promise!"

The present sweet potato tube was not full, and the afternoon noodles could be expected, which reluctantly soothed the hearts of the eaters.