It is only the first kind of gold inlaid jade made of sausage and ribs.

The big iron pot on the stove lifted the lid, and more than a dozen small pumpkins, fragrant and scattered in the air, slowly floated out of the kitchen and into the lobby in front.

The new diner couldn't help breathing.

"Fragrant, it's really fragrant!"

"My saliva, alas! Luckily I brought a handkerchief!"

"Xiao Er, Xiao Er, give me a gold inlaid jade quickly! Hurry up!"

"I smell sausage. I didn't expect that there could be such authentic sausage in the vast North? It's the smell of wine fermentation!"

"Give me two!"


"Sorry, everyone can only have one."

This is Baifeng Pavilion.

Yang Song has made a total of four flavors of hot rice with gold and jade, and each person can only order one.

"Too unkind!"

"Yes, how can you eat only one?"

"I won't say I'll eat all four. At least let me eat three?"


Until everyone saw the little pumpkins.

No matter how small a pumpkin is, it's bigger than your head.

Yang Song also specifically explained to the waiter.

"Today's meal is heavy. I remind you that you can take it away if you can't finish it. There's no need to finish it all. It's not good to hold it."

At first, the big guys didn't understand.

"It looks like a lot. There aren't many things in it. What can't our big men eat?"

"You can finish whatever you can."

Wait until you eat.

"This pumpkin can also be eaten!"

"Yes, this pumpkin can be eaten!"

"It's not only delicious, but also delicious!"

"It's delicious!"

In a private room of 500 taels of silver, fan Fei couldn't help holding his breath at the first sight of gold and jade.

When you can't remember this kind of thing, it may not exist.

"I've seen this pumpkin!"

The little second brother who is responsible for serving food and has been told by Yang Song to carefully observe the reaction of diners.

"Who hasn't seen this pumpkin?"

Fan Fei couldn't wait to pick up the spoon, dug a spoon, and put the rice wrapped in sausage into his mouth.

"Beware of scalding!" Waiter, it's still late to remind.

"Wuwuwuhuhu..." fan Fei was so hot that he was not willing to spit out the rice.

Still not hot enough, Xiao ER was so frightened that she quickly took a fan and handed her a cup of herbal tea.

"Sir, wait a minute. The gold inlaid jade has been sent to you. No one will rob you. It's not cost-effective to burn it."

Fan Fei drank herbal tea, took a second bite, and finally knew to blow it.

"It's the taste in memory!"

She seems to have returned to a very young age. Her unmarried little aunt went home to visit her relatives. She liked her little niece very much and cooked delicious food for her.

People in the water town with small bridges and flowing water in the south of the Yangtze River live a quiet life.

That was the best time in fan Fei's memory.

Later, there was a flood in Jiangnan, followed by the war. Her little aunt married, and there was no news from then on.

Fan Fei's carefree days are gone forever, except for the delicious food made by her little aunt fan Mengya in her memory.

After missing the delicious food for so long, fan Fei finally ate it again. The little girl dressed as a man wept while eating.

The waiter was so frightened that he hurried to the back kitchen to report to Yang Song.

"Chef Yang, cried, cried, chef Yang!"

The noise made people dizzy.

Holding a kitchen knife, Yang Song pointed to the waiter: "who is crying? Don't shout!"

"Five hundred Liang cried!" The waiter was in a hurry.

The private room where fan Fei eats doesn't have to queue up. This is the exception that Du Lizhi and Yang Song ask for discussion in every way.

Spend one hundred liang of silver, set the position ten days in advance and eat for an hour.

Many people in Baishui city want to do so.

It's just that everyone is watching.

The magistrate is waiting for the magistrate to go first. After all, the magistrate doesn't go. It's hard for him to go as a magistrate.

The rich families in the city are waiting for those who are richer than themselves to go first, such as Huang Yuanwai.

Some black sheep wanted to go, but they were pressed by their father.

"I'm your father. I didn't go. Dare you go!"

"Your father, I'm going to be promoted soon. Dare you go!"

"Your mother and I are lining up below. Go and show me one."


Such conversations are staged in every big family.

The magistrate was about to make a good reputation. He lined up with the people.

Huang Yuanwai didn't have to give the magistrate face. He didn't go for any reason.

He happily goes to the queue every time. After waiting in the queue, he takes a long walk back. His body is twice as good and his food is delicious.

In Baishui City, in addition to the General Chen who guarded the uniform, the most important one was Huang Yuanwai.

If member Huang doesn't go to the private room, who dares to go?

So that the private room was always empty until fan Fei appeared.

Such a big customer actually ate and cried. Yang Song hurried to see it.

When I got to the door of the private room, I heard the cry of Qi AI inside.

Yang Song hesitated. He was nervous and looked forward to it.

After all, the first time someone ate his cooking and cried, it didn't seem to be the first time.

But there are really few people crying so sad.

Yang Song wanted to ask her how she felt.

Knock on the door. With permission, Yang Song walks in and finds the girl eating while crying.

She cried sadly and ate unambiguously. She was almost finished with such a large golden jade, even the pumpkin.

Good appetite!

"What's wrong with eating?" Yang Song asked tentatively.

"No." Fan Fei cried so much that his hair spread out and said with a red cheek, "it's delicious. It's what I ate when I was a child. You're so powerful!"

It's amazing that I can recover in such a short time.

After several seconds, Yang songton couldn't help but say, "since I'm so powerful, do you want to give me some advice?"

"What?" After the girl asked, she dug a large piece of pumpkin rice into her mouth and didn't forget to eat another piece of sausage.

It's delicious.

"It's your dissatisfaction with this meal. I hope I can improve."

"No dissatisfaction. I'm so satisfied. Don't worry, chef. I'll give you more money."

Yang Song waved his hand: "who asked you for money? Who didn't have money? I want opinions. Do you understand opinions?"

"No problem. You have recovered well from this golden inlaid jade."

Yang Song: "

"How can you have no opinion? Why not? This dish really gives you the taste of fairy food?"


A group of people outside were shouting, "Chef Yang, we all ate!"

"Thank you, chef Yang! So this is the day of immortals."

"Hahaha, so the Jade Emperor ate such delicious food!"

"Hey, why do we all eat sausage, not beef, chicken and fish?"

Yang Song hurried out to explain: "only one is available today, the second is available tomorrow, the third is available the day after tomorrow, and so on."

"In this way, we can rest assured. We will queue up every day and eat all four kinds!"