Among the people in line for dinner, there are chefs from other restaurants.

"Aren't you chef song of Songji restaurant? Why do you have time to queue up?"

Songji restaurant is the boss of the second-class restaurant in Baishui city. With good quality and low price, people go to eat no less than the first-class restaurant, but they don't earn more than the first-class restaurant.

After all, Yipin building is a high-end line, and the price is very high.

The major restaurants in Baishui city are full recently. Chef song should not be free.

"Don't talk about me. I didn't see Wang Ji restaurant and chefs of Chen Ji and Feng Ji here?"

With chef song's roll call, the chefs of several major restaurants immediately bowed their heads, or their eyes drifted and looked left and right.

"Don't pretend to be a fool. They are all people who have lived half their lives. Who doesn't know who?"

The diners really recognized it.

"What are you doing when you don't cook well in the restaurant?"

The chefs were not happy with this.

"Of course we're here to line up for dinner!"

"Don't call me chef. Chef Yang is here. We are all young people. Today is to try chef Yang's craft."

"Every time I come back to Baifeng Pavilion for dinner, I will be surrounded by you as monkeys."

"Chef Yang's cooking is delicious. You like it and we like it. It's that simple."

"The reason why I came here today is that chef Yang wrote on the notice that there is no limit today. We will be open from noon to evening. We have to prepare the ingredients in the store and explain to the second chef before we come out."

"Chefs also have time to rest."


This explanation is really reasonable.

Why didn't they expect the cook to go to other restaurants for dinner? It's the same. They order vegetables and pay silver. They are all diners.

The main reason is that in the past, there were not so many chefs who went to a restaurant for dinner.

Generally speaking, no restaurant chef will go to other restaurants for dinner.

Afraid of losing face.

Let people know. It's said that anyone who doesn't eat the dishes of his own restaurant ran to another restaurant.

It's over.

It's not surprising that any chef went to eat in Yang Song's Baifeng Pavilion.

What's more, it's said that there are no limits, and more people come to line up.

Yang Song stared at the people in the back kitchen to cut vegetables.

"You should be careful when cutting the pumpkin, but being careful doesn't mean you have to be timid. You should find the right position and angle and cut it quickly with the most appropriate force. You should be crisp and neat, or if you break the knife, the pumpkin will be broken."

"It's easy to peel corn and green beans. Don't cut the sausage too thin. You should know the method of each ingredient. For example, today's sausage is used for steaming, so it should be cut a little thicker than usual. Only in this way can the steamed sausage have strong skin and soft and tough inside."

"Crucian carp stew, want to stew the milk white of the soup, strong enough, in addition to frying on both sides, you can also make crucian carp into minced meat, fry more thoroughly, and then add soup stew, put tofu or soybean milk, green onion and pickled cabbage, and at least five kinds of mushrooms. Sea salt is the best choice for salt here."

When others fry fish, it's easy to fry the fish. Yang Song teaches them one by one.

"If you put too much oil, you should learn to wipe the pot with oil instead of adding more oil for fear of paste. The fish must be careful and greasy."

"And you, why don't you put oil? What do you mean by cooking without oil?"

"Little fire, little fire, don't worry, don't worry, it's over when you're anxious!"

"Hold on, hold on, you chop the ribs. There's really no need to chop people."

"Don't look at me. Chop the ribs into small pieces. I like the size two fingers wide."

"Did you slice the fish? Crucian carp, did you slice it? It's all right. You can do it according to your own ideas. Come on, I'll have a look later."

"Chop the chicken into mud and make soup? If you have an idea, I just want to ask why you don't blanch before chopping? You have to fry it in oil, do you know?"

"The beef cutter, look at my gesture."

Yang Song took a piece of beef and cut it to him. "When you cut it, learn to scratch it. It's easier to cut. The cut beef is thinner and the knife edge is sharper."

To achieve a good pot of hot rice, the most important thing is the pot bottom soup. Yang Song chose beef clear soup.

Yang Song boiled the clear beef bone soup as clear as water in the space last night.

The so-called hot rice with gold and jade is actually to choose a juicy little pumpkin, cut the top cover, hang the pulp inside the pumpkin, then steam the cooked rice and other ingredients together, and finally sprinkle with seasoning.

Pumpkin is gold, rice is white jade.

This is gold inlaid with jade.

Yang Song made a simple statement about the method, and other chefs said one after another:

"Sounds simple!"

"It's no different from steamed rice, that is, it's put in a basin, and this is put in a pumpkin."

"We have fresh pumpkins here?"

"Can such a simple thing be called gold inlaid jade?"

Some chefs don't like pumpkin steamed rice.

"The simpler the food, the harder it is to make delicious." Yang Song poured cold water on them: "childe Fan said that the gold inlaid jade is not like human food, like heaven's food. If we can't make the taste of cooking gold and jade, people will smash the brand!"

Make the food on earth taste like delicious food in heaven, and make the good taste of God meat and fairy grass.

"Chef Yang, it seems impossible."

"It's too embarrassing. We are all mortals. Who knows who will eat the food first and what the taste is?"

"Is it special to make trouble?"

"Let someone drive him out!"

"People are sitting in the most expensive private room of our family. They can't drive away."


What can I do?

In one sentence, Yang Song made the cooks who were not supposed to be serious face the enemy.

The charm of language is amazing.

Yang Song added, "if you want to know what to do, just look at what I do and study hard. If you have a bad memory, take a book and write it down. I'll only teach it once this time. It won't all depend on you."

Shua, the serious chefs and cooks, as well as the young workers who are peeling potatoes, also took out their books and pens.

A good memory is better than a bad pen.

After the rice is boiled in the water, cook it over high heat for about five or six minutes, then take it out, mix it with corn and green beans, and put it into the pumpkin.

"Put a third of the rice, spread a layer of sausage, and then cover it with tomatoes. If you see no tomatoes, choose this one with green pulp and sour head, put rice, and then put sausage and tomatoes. Then the top layer of rice can't be too full. Add lard and Spareribs Soup and steam it in a pot."

Yang Song adjusted the fire, and then mixed the raw soy sauce, old soy sauce and white sugar into a mixed juice. When the rice is cooked, put fried eggs and scalded small vegetables, sprinkle the mixed juice and mix it.

The watery pumpkin is very sweet, and the rice has strong adsorption, which can absorb the sweetness of the pumpkin. The green beans are soft, tender and refreshing, coupled with the waxy smell of corn, the strong smell of sparerib soup and lard, the acid of tomato and the unique aroma and taste of sausage.

A bite can definitely make people forget their worries.

Worry free is heaven and earth.