Yang Song checked his homework and it was evening.

Someone in the middle said he was hungry. Tiezhu food cooked immediately.

"Read the menu what you want to eat. I'll give you 100 yuan each." Yang Song is waiting to collect his homework.

"Someone wants to go to the bathroom? It's all right. Go. Walk inside and there's enough public toilets. There's no other way. Come back and write as soon as you're finished. Finish writing as soon as possible and go home as soon as possible."

Are teachers afraid of students who don't hand in their homework?

Are you kidding?

When Yang Song finished correcting all his homework, he stood up and stretched: "I'm so tired."

The students who stayed up until they finally handed in their homework: "

They want to laugh.

"I have missed school life countless times. Now I don't miss it. I hate doing my homework!"

"At that time, I kept a diary every day. Every week, I either wrote a weekly diary or wrote a composition. How did I stick to it?"

"Who knows?"

"Miss what youth? Youth is doing homework. Now I only miss me in graduation season. I don't have homework!"

"Do you still want to eat the food cooked by Yang kitchen in the future?"

In this sentence, no one complained in an instant.

Between homework and Yang Song's dishes, this is a difficult choice.

Whether in Los Angeles or Shenyang, everyone deeply dislikes homework, but they are still flocking to Yang Song's dishes.

"Homework is hard to write, and small compositions are even more annoying, but I still choose Yang Chu's food."

"Chef Yang asked us to do our homework in order to learn lessons, improve our cooking skills and make more delicious dishes. In the final analysis, it's still for us. Let's stop complaining."

"Yes, instead of scratching our ears and cheeks again and again, we might as well go back and practice how to write compositions. In those years, we were also people who wrote several notebook diary compositions. How can we be defeated by a few hundred words now?"

"It makes sense. People can't go back more and more. They can write in those years. It doesn't make sense. They can't write now!"

"I'll go to the bookstore and buy some composition books to practice."

"We also need to buy some books related to food and learn relevant knowledge. Next time, we will try to hand in the papers early."

"Study hard and make progress every day!"

Back to the space, Yang Song carefully studied the students' homework in his study.

The opinions of diners.

Wu Chuang has changed his clothes and danced. He is very excited to say hello to his friends.

The little girl was with me.

Yang Song wanted to summon several ancient chefs to discuss together, but was told by the system that it was not enough.

"At present, according to your level, the host can only summon little sisters and brothers of entertainment nature. The ancient chef belongs to a ceiling like existence in the system. Please work hard and upgrade, and one day sooner or later."

"Your uncle's!"

Yang song can only angrily call Yang Guifei out to dance.

"Tell the master that I need music to dance."

Forget that she is an imitator of imperial concubine Yang.

Yang Song immediately ordered a few more Leji to come out and enjoy singing and dancing.

"If it were true, would imperial concubine Yang be more beautiful?"

"Yes, please rest assured that we can arrange for the host yang Guifei who has lost her memory and Yang Guifei who has false memory."

Yang Song: "will you arrange Tang Minghuang together?"

"It can't be arranged. To some extent, what we arrange is infinitely close to real people, but it's not equal to real people. After all, those people have been dead for many years. I'm just an ordinary system and can't bring humans back to life."

"You're right. I've known for a long time that these are virtual people with only 50% simulation."

"Virtual people are relative hosts. They are real people, at least in this space."

"I see. Kneel down."

System: "haha, haha, haha."

It is scolding Yang Song in Martian, because he doesn't have the courage to really say it, and Yang Song doesn't have the same experience as it.

It is estimated that there is only such a system in his life. As a host, he still needs to be generous occasionally.

Yang Song took out the menu of Baifeng Pavilion and hung it in Tiezhu gourmet restaurant. Anyone came in to order.

The menu is a flag about three meters wide and six meters long. It stands high and swings gently in the sun.

Gao Tiezhu and his wife gave him a hand. Yang Song sometimes explained to them during the production process. The couple benefited a lot.

The people in line outside excitedly stretched out their hands to index the dishes above.

"Darling, there are hundreds of ways on it. Finally, it says how many barbecues can be barbecued. Just order it. Everything in the world can be barbecued."

"My eyes are blurred and I can't see clearly."

"Isn't it stupid? Take photos with your mobile phone and look at the photos."

"I've taken it, converted it into text, and now send it to you."

"In the hair group, in the group, all of us should have the spirit of sharing."

"Send it now."

"I want to eat three Ding steamed stuffed buns, rice wine, jade Longjin, three silk noodles, crystal shrimp dumplings, fried kidney, pickled cabbage fish, prawns with minced garlic, lotus root ribs soup..."

"Have you finished eating?"

"I can't seem to finish it, but I want to eat it all."

"I always feel that after today, there will be no such shop and I can eat as much as I can."

"Let's share the table. Many people can eat more."

"That makes sense. We can order 50 dishes if we have a table of six."

"No, no, you have to take it easy. You can't eat too much or pack up. Waste will be on the blacklist. Let's be reserved and order 49."


"Brother song even made a pot of our northeast food and bacon pancakes."

"If you order a pot, you can't order 49 dishes. It's all right. Call three more."

"Is three enough?"

"Call five."


A group of people get together, know and don't know, and fight with each other, just to eat more dishes.

Yang Song's firepower is fully open, and the cooking speed is amazing.

As long as you serve, there will be dishes on the table in three minutes and in half an hour.

Noble issues tickets outside.

"There is only one cook and only my parents help cook, so the ticket number is only issued to 200 people at a time. Don't wait for the rest. It's easy to be hungry."

"It's all right. We're willing to wait."

"We can wait as long as we smell the smell."

A group of people sat in the room waiting for the dishes, while the people outside repeatedly discussed the dishes to be ordered later.

"I think the fish should be braised. Why do you have to steam it?"

"Why don't you give me some noodles with fried sauce? I also want to eat fried pork."

"I've eaten fried pork before."

"I want to eat again. Why don't you order the flower carving drunk chicken?"

"I don't see. Order now. You can only order one golden sweet plum and plum cold cake."

"Money eggs must be ordered. I haven't eaten them. The name sounds festive."

"Pineapple Gulu meat is sour and sweet. I heard it's delicious."

"Eat dumplings. The shrimp filled dumplings arranged by chef Yang today seem very delicious."

"There's even Beijing roast duck. Eat two."

"How can two be enough?"