What is a draw?

If it's a game, you win or lose. What draw?

Yang Song cried for his Buddha jumping over the wall.

Ichiro Nozawa jumped off the wall with his Buddha. He wanted to eat it with his head depressed.

Unfortunately, he couldn't eat it and even resisted it.

Yang song makes Buddha jump over the wall. It's really delicious.

Ichiro Nozawa first ate Buddha jumping over the wall more than 20 years ago. It was cooked for him by a Chinese chef living in what country. At that time, Ichiro Nozawa almost didn't eat the bowl.

It's delicious.

"The Buddha jumping over the wall you made is definitely the first in the world!"

"Hahaha! You haven't eaten the real Buddha jumping wall. I'm just a second-class level. You can't taste the real delicious Buddha jumping wall until you go to China."

Ichiro Nozawa didn't believe it at that time, because Chinese people are always very modest. He prefers to call it hypocrisy.

Later, Ichiro Nozawa did eat a more delicious Buddha jumping wall in Heguo, but the first Buddha jumping wall tasted better in his memory.

Yang Song's Buddha jumping off the wall made him find the taste in his memory.

His taste buds, as well as his heart, were wrapped in a secret joy.

The taste was so wonderful that he wanted to have a quiet aftertaste. He absolutely didn't want to be stained by other food.

"Eat quickly and compare." Yang Song is still urging.

Ichiro Nozawa holds the dishes and chopsticks, his eyes are innocent and full of struggle. He is a bit like the upper body of the heroine of Qiongyao drama. The whole world is hurting "her".

Yang Song: "hurry up, I'm sleepy. I'm going back to bed."

Ichiro Nozawa immediately glared: "you're still sleepy. You've been sleeping for so long. How can you say you're sleepy?"

"I have to go back and take a bath." Yang Song said again.

"Hurry up and convince me?"

Ichiro Nozawa didn't speak. He wanted to drag.

Yang Song: "in the future, I will meet this kind of judges who do not recognize the competition results, and I can't get strong evidence. The contestants who keep delaying the competition, I think they can be blacklisted."

"When is there a blacklist for the challenge?"

"Now, the same chef is not allowed to challenge me twice a year without special reasons." Yang Songdao.


"Time is too short to improve cooking." Yang Song: "you see, I beat you this time. It's much easier than last time."

Ichiro Nozawa: "I want to swear."

Yang Song added, "your Buddha jumping over the wall is really not very good. It's OK to fool those who haven't eaten. You're wasting my time competing with me."

Such a game is of no use to Yang Song.

Time has been wasted and we must learn from it.

"If you really don't agree, you can take out your Buddha jumping off the wall and give it to everyone. I believe it's fair."

"If you don't drink the bowl in your hand, take it out first." Yang Song said he was going to pick it up. Ichio Nozawa turned and ran away.

When he ran, Yang Song ran after him, "what are you running for?"

Yoshio Nozawa held his bowl and said nothing.

"You still have a pot over there. Can I just hold it again?" Yang Song wants to laugh. The old boy is funny.

Yoshio Nozawa immediately stopped: "I admit defeat. Don't move."

Yang Song didn't understand: "why?"

If he doesn't admit defeat, how can he say he wants everyone to taste it.

What Yoshio Nozawa thought to himself was: "I don't want more people to know that my Buddha jumping off the wall is rubbish compared with yours. It would be too bad to lose."

In fact, I was going to lose, but there is still a difference between a miserable loss and a particularly miserable loss.

It's like if you go to college, you won't be ashamed if you can't get into Tsinghua and Peking University, but you can't get into junior college, then uh huh, ha ha.

"Leave it alone." Ichiro Nozawa ran to give the trophy to Yang Song: "you won, I lost!"

He also bowed.

Yang Song blinked. All this happened so suddenly.

"Do you agree with the result of this competition? Are you convinced?"

"Recognition, convinced." Ichiro Nozawa was suddenly so honest that Yang Song thought he had been replaced.


"More real than real gold." Ichiro Nozawa willingly conceded defeat, but it didn't mean he was happy. No one gave him vent. He almost crushed the bowl in his hand.

Yang Song: "you are so stingy."

He also explained: "how dare you admit defeat just in order not to let people eat your Buddha jumping over the wall? Being stingy is greater than self-esteem and higher than your ethics as a cook. You are really stingy."

Ichiro Nozawa: "I'm not, I don't."

"Then you can give everyone a taste of the Buddha jumping over the wall. I haven't tasted it yet." Yang Song wanted to hold a bowl for himself, and Ichiro Nozawa took the spoon away.

"As for you? You have eaten my Buddha jumping off the wall."

"If I don't give you food, I've given up. Now I travel and bet. I'll be ten meters away from you. I won't compete with you for cooking within a year. I'll run first."

Ichiro Nozawa shouted to his son to move the Buddha off the wall first and tidy up the rest slowly.

One minute and thirty-eight seconds later, Yang song could not see their grandparents and grandchildren, and jumped over the wall with a pot of Buddha.

"It's hard for several judges and teachers." Yang Song went to thank him and asked politely, "did Yoshio Nozawa give you the hard work?"

With a definite answer, Yang Song completely relaxed.

He went to thank the diners again.

"Thank you for your support. The Buddha jumping over the wall is delicious, but it's not easy to get full."

Southerners may be full. In the northeast, no one can be full. They can taste it at most.

"Buddha jumping over the wall has side dishes. It's too hasty today. Let's eat and play. I'll practice Buddha jumping over the wall and make its real taste. Then I'll put a table and everyone will eat it." Yang Song hasn't let go of such heroic words for a long time.

"Thank you, chef Yang!"

"Thank you, brother song!"

The scene was very lively. Everyone had a sesame cake and ate it red.

Buddha jumping over the wall is limited, but Yang Song has prepared a lot of soup. After eating Buddha jumping over the wall, we will have a big bowl of soup and eat it with small dishes.

"They all had a good time?"


"What do you think of the taste?"

"It's delicious!"

"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long. Are you busy? Is there anything I can do for you?"

"We are not busy, but we are very busy."

In order to enjoy delicious food, how can you not have time?

Yang Song was satisfied and carried out two large boxes: "when you're finished, please write an opinion by the way."

"Don't write so much this time, just one or two hundred words. Open up and give advice. It doesn't matter. Don't be afraid. I can't stand it. Although the words are fierce, don't be afraid!"

"I have nothing else to do today. Just write one and give it to me. I'll see it on the spot."

The diners moved in unison.

Is it too late to say we have something to do now?

I'm careless. Chef Yang is really getting smarter and smarter now.

Yang song really moved tables and chairs and sat, waiting for the students to hand in their papers.

Hand in one and he'll see one.

"You're right. Actually, the bottom of my soup doesn't taste good. It's delicious, but it's not fragrant enough."

"What do you mean a little less? The ingredients are not rich enough?"

"The heat may not be enough? Where is it? You have to show evidence."

"I only put salt in the condiment? Why not put thirteen spices?"