"What are the little ho people doing?"

"He seems to be laughing at chef Yang. He laughs ill intentioned!"

"Villains laugh like that. We don't discriminate against him, but he doesn't cook well. Why does he laugh at us, chef Yang?"

"I don't know. Does he think he will win?"

"What about dreaming? I think he wants to interfere with Yang Chu."

"Laugh at our chef Yang? Or do you have any other purpose?"

"I seem to ask him."

"Maybe he just wants to laugh. Ignore him and concentrate on appreciating Yang Chu. Yang Chu is still very handsome after being busy for so long."

"You're right!"


Yang Song was still slow and steadily ordered the dishes.

When he finished the dishes, the hanging pot of soup turned off and lifted the lid.

"Sleeping trough, what smells so good?"

"Isn't that sweet?"

Those who fall asleep wake up with saliva.

Before people opened their eyes, saliva hit their feet.

"Is it raining?"

"The rain smells good!"

"You bastard, your saliva is a river!"


The judges in the small dark room chewed steamed bread and ate small fried vegetables, leaving tears of regret.

Why on earth did they promise Ichiro Nozawa that the pit goods were locked up in a small black house?

Is it because of money?

Some people are for this reason, others are not.

The dishes they ate were scrambled eggs with tomatoes, scrambled eggs with balsam pear and a plate of cold bitter chrysanthemum.

It is said that these three dishes are nutritious, clear away heat and fire, and help to maintain the sensitivity of taste.

Have one meal at noon and another at night.

They are as like as two peas.

I woke up hungry in the middle of the night. I don't have to chew steamed bread.

A bowl of tomato and egg noodles was sent to each of them.

The judges smelled the soup outside and almost smashed the bowl.

"Deceive people too much!"

"It's unbearable. Let me see the same thing in the morning. I'll tear down this broken house!"

The person in charge quickly made a guarantee: "absolutely not. We eat steamed stuffed buns, porridge and fruit supply in the morning. It's the next day. More than half of the time has passed, and we can eat Buddha jumping off the wall at noon."

Victory is in sight.

Yang Song's dishes were also packed and simmered.

It's time to rest.

Ichiro Nozawa walked proudly to Yang Song and wanted to say something to him.

He has been waiting for Yang Song for a long time.

He believed that Yang song would talk to him.

After all, it's only the last step. Buddha can jump off the wall and get out of the pot.

They should say something before the final result comes out.

Before he approached, Yang Song took out a large package from one drawer.

'what's that? Secret weapons? " Ichiro Nozawa suddenly stopped and stared at Yang Song nervously, lest he take out some magical ingredients he didn't know and turn defeat into victory.

Yang Song took out another box.

"There are two secret weapons!" Ichiro Nozawa pulled his face with both hands and nearly collapsed.

Yang Song took out a box again.

"The third one! The third one...".

Yang Song couldn't help looking at him, sighed and ignored him.

Ichiro Nozawa ran over, his fingers trembled, pointed to the three secret weapons, and his voice trembled: "how did you prepare so much?"

In the previous steps, the two of them were very different in terms of ingredients and ingredients. Ichiro Nozawa cunningly noticed that Yang Song didn't take out any ingredients and spices I hadn't seen or heard of. It seems that he has no trump card this time, and he's no big deal. I don't have to be afraid at all. Before losing to him, he just accidentally forgot the past and embraced the present, The future victory belongs to me!

Such a good mood lasted until just now.

"You Chinese are so treacherous that you waited until this time to take out your secret weapons. You do everything you can to win." Ichiro Nozawa was hit.

Yang Song said helplessly, "what's wrong with you?"

He opened the big package. It was a set of floor bunks. There were all kinds of bedding and pillows. In particular, the mattress would automatically heat up and would not be cold when sleeping on the ground.

Ichiro Nozawa was silly: "what are you doing with these useless things?"

"What do you care?"

"What's in those two boxes? Are they mysterious ingredients? Or special spices? I knew you Chinese......" Ichiro Nozawa was speechless.

Because Yang Song took out two rectangular curtains and surrounded them on both sides of his bed.

"Come on, I'm going to bed." He even put on his nightcap.

The question mark on Ichiro Nozawa's head is more lush than the four leaf clover on the head of the head of Yang village.

"To remind you, the land you are standing on is called Huaxia. Take care of your mouth and spray feces all over your mouth. I'm very unhappy."

Yang Song pulled on his blindfold and fell asleep.

Breathing evenly and long, Ichiro Nozawa walked back dejected.

The crowd watched him silently.

"Let's beat up the old boy."

"Don't say that. You should be polite if you are an international friend."

"What do you say?"

"Please invite him to eat a red shovel, a steamed stick, and a yellow stewed insole."

"I understand. This grandson is very suitable for tumbling, baby cow!"

Get out of here.

"Ah!" Ichiro Nozawa suddenly let out a shrill scream, which filled the sky and shook the earth.

Yang Song woke up, sighed, took out a pair of earplugs and continued to sleep.

Ichiro Nozawa hurriedly turned down the fire

Yang Song slept peacefully.

On the challenge arena, the audience and the jury in the small black room, it was hard to get a moment of peace.

Ichiro Nozawa's heart hung in mid air.

"What should we do? What should I do? What the hell should I do? I've adjusted the fire for three and a half minutes, and it's late for the sea cucumber. I have to change the time for the fish lips later. I'm finished. This pot is no longer a perfect Buddha jumping over the wall. "

In despair, he saw Yang Song.

Yang Song fell asleep and slept soundly. Would he also miss the time?

Ichiro Nozawa stared at Yang Song and counted the time silently.

In another hour, Yang Song will also eat sea cucumbers.

Ten minutes later, Yang Song slept soundly.

Twenty minutes later, Yang Song is still sleeping.

Forty minutes later, Yang Song slept more soundly.

Fifty minutes later, Ichiro Nozawa heard Yang Song talking in his sleep.


Yang Song as like as two peas in the last three minutes, two minutes, and just the same time.

This is really great!

Ichiro Nozawa is too happy to breathe.

Suddenly, Yang Song stretched himself, sat up, walked steadily to the wine tank, turned off the fire, then quickly put the sea cucumber in and sealed it again. He turned the fire to the maximum, didn't arrive for a second, and then turned it into a slow fire.

Yang Song washed his hands, drank water, and went back to sleep.

As if nothing had happened.

Ichiro Nozawa knows it's different.