The colder the weather, the more you need to exercise.

Su Qing fainted, her lips were purple with cold, and she still didn't move.

Yang Song: "I've been dizzy for so long. It's estimated that I'm really stimulated. If I faint again, my life may be in danger. Why don't I help you cure it."

"Come here." As soon as Yang Song said hello, Chen Liyang immediately passed by.

"How are your legs?"

"All right." Chen Liyang is a good baby now.

"I cured it. Although it hurts a little, I really can give first aid. Now I'll treat the beauty."

"What do you think?" Yang Song asked Chen Liyang.

This is my favorite little sister. I haven't caught her yet.

The more you don't get, the more precious it is.

Chen liyang's heart was horizontal and said firmly, "she has fainted for so long. She must be in poor health. Brother, you must save him!"

Su Qing: "

"Young man, you have a bright future!"

Is it useful to pretend to be dead?

As the future king of the kitchen god, Yang Song pretends to be dead. He can tell at a glance. He is not afraid at all.

"See the lake water? With ice dregs, there are still a lot of fish, shrimp, crabs and maybe snakes in the water, but they must be asleep. It's not dangerous. If there are creatures in the water, it means that the water is safe. I'll throw you in. You can bubble in it and calm down. You'll be well!"

Yang Song said for a long time, Su Qing still didn't move, but it's not difficult for people with double eyes to see that her eyes are closed more tightly, her eyelashes are shaking, and her jaw is also tight.

"Get out of the way. I'll take care of the chore of sending people into the water."

Still, I'm calm.

"What are you doing? Why don't you take off her coat? Soak it in the water. If you can wear less clothes, you have to wear less clothes, otherwise you won't soak it thoroughly."

She took off her coat. Su Qing was wearing only a white dress.

"The white skirt is good. It goes well with the lake."

"What will soak in water?"

"Don't worry, all the people present are decent people. Don't look at the indecent. We can all control our eyes. Don't shoot those who take mobile phones!"

Yang Song grabbed Su Qing's collar and was about to go to the lake.

"Ah --"

Women's screams are always so sad.

Su Qing woke up, forced herself to open her eyes, and even looked around in confusion: "what happened?"

She seemed to notice that she was held in her hand by Yang Song, like a corpse.

"Little brother, what are you doing? Let go of me!"

"You fainted. I'm going to treat you. I think you're very ill. You have to continue to be treated."

"I'm not sick!" Su Qing coughed at once: "don't you all refuse others? Why are you still holding me? It's easy to misunderstand such nonsense. Please let me go!"

This woman is a cruel character.

"To be clear, what did I refuse you?" Yang Song won't let her hide so lightly.

Su Qing doesn't want to say. It's too bad.

Think of her as a great beauty. There are all kinds of people holding her everywhere, especially men. She has always been invincible.

I didn't expect to kick an iron plate here.

"It seems that your mind is still unclear." Yang Song is going to the lake again.

"I asked for your contact information, but you refused!" Su Qing is really afraid and angry.

Why is this man endless?

Yang Song added, "to be more clear, many people think I am a hooligan molesting you, causing you to cry and causing you to faint. I'm innocent. You have to return my innocence."

You think you can do whatever you want because you're a beauty?

Su Qing bit her lips and refused to say more.

"You still want to take a bath and wake up." Yang song suddenly lowered his voice and said, "I count three times. I don't make it clear. I can quietly pinch your leg and throw you in. Don't think of it if you don't soak for three hours."

"I said!" Su Qing finally said, "I asked him for a phone first, but he refused to give it. I asked him for wechat, but he still refused to give it."

"From beginning to end, have I ever played hooligans with you?"

"No, I'm amorous!"

"But you made me scolded as a hooligan and almost planned to be manipulated. It's terrible!"

"What's wrong with you?" Su Qing trembled with anger when she really fainted?

"I don't know. I didn't say anything. It has nothing to do with me. I just fainted when I cried too hard."

Look, that's what green tea does.

Without saying anything, someone scrambled to be a bad man.

The world is hard, and bad people are men and women.

Yang Song then put her down: "well, explain clearly. I'm finally innocent. Shouldn't there be applause here?"

He was clearly smiling and his eyes were gentle.

But when he saw someone, the man immediately began to applaud.

Chen Liyang and Su Qing are no exception.

Amid the applause, Yang Song nodded to them and enjoyed the pleasure of regaining innocence at the moment.

"To be a man, you should polish your eyes, look at people with your brain, and don't be shot."

This was said to everyone present, especially to Chen Liyang. Yang song specially patted him on the shoulder.

"But you just look at people's faces and bodies and are willing to lick dogs. You two are half weight and half weight. You are a good match."

There was no good man present anyway.

After solving this lawsuit, Yang Song's brain was awake and his mind was light.

Beautiful little sister or something. It seems like that.

What's more, those in his space are just AI.

Explain, ai artificial intelligence.

Yang Song hurried back and began to cook Hu spicy soup at the gate of Tiezhu food store.

Noodles have been fried for a long time. Just gather all the materials in one pot.

Speaking of, Hu spicy soup is actually very suitable for cooking Xiaobai.

Fried noodles may be a little difficult, but they are sold in supermarkets and online.

Just mix the ingredients and spices and cook them in a pot.

Simply put, as long as you can cook rice porridge, you will cook hu la soup.

The magic of hu la soup is similar to Buddha jumping over the wall.

They stew all kinds of ingredients together, and different tastes are integrated to form a unity.

Each bite can taste different ingredients, but their taste is actually the same.

It's amazing.

Yang Song fried noodles himself, then bought the flour into a thicken and poured it into a large iron pot.

Stir the iron spoon with a comparable shovel. This process is a test of the chef's skill.

Hu spicy soup must be made in a big pot. If the Euryale ferox powder can't be stirred, it's half a pot of paste and half a pot of water. Don't say it's delicious, it's a pot of nightmare.

With Yang Song's strength and his excellent basic skills, it's nothing to thicken in a big pot.

Fungus, cauliflower, kelp, peanuts, beef and other ingredients have long been prepared, but the order of cooking and the heat at that time need special attention, otherwise the raw and old ingredients will destroy the soup.