"I've been eating in Baifeng Pavilion for half a month. How can I not know?" Sun Xiaoyu said with a smile, "Dad, you've only eaten brother song's pee pill. You don't know anything else about him. Brother song is not only good at making pee pill, but he's good at all the dishes that can serve hundreds of Fengge menus. The dishes he's not good at don't deserve the menu."

It's said that it's perfect and hasn't been on the menu.

And sugar gourd, what a pity.

Sun Shaoan's face didn't look good, but his son didn't find it. He said to himself, "brother song has high requirements for himself. I was lucky to eat his Hibiscus chicken slices. I think they are delicious, but he said that the hibiscus chicken slices are not satisfactory and are not qualified for the menu. I have to study them again."

Hibiscus chicken slice is a famous dish of Huaiyang cuisine and one of the representatives of palace cuisine.

This dish is very particular about knife work and heat. Many chefs will use it to exercise their knife work and grasp the heat.

Even for quite a long time, hibiscus chicken slices were a must in the chef's grade examination.

But this dish is easy to learn and difficult to refine, and it was replaced later.

The chef's grade test is not passed, but Hibiscus chicken slices are still the favorite of many big chefs.

Not only that, anyone who has eaten Hibiscus chicken slices can't help becoming a repeat customer.

Sun Xiaoyu also eats Hibiscus chicken slices, from snacks to large.

He has a deep affection for this dish, so he is very picky.

Sun Xiaoyu said that Yang Song's Hibiscus chicken slices are delicious, which definitely shows that Yang Song's Hibiscus chicken slices are really delicious.

"He's so hard on himself?" Sun Shaoan can't believe it. "Chef Yang is so young."

Yang Song is not sun Shaoan's perception of young people at all.

Most young people do something, it is easy to be complacent and drift.

There are few chefs with solid basic skills like Yang Song.

Even if sun Shaoan hasn't eaten the hibiscus chicken slices made by Yang Song, he believes in Yang Song's ability.

"I'm down-to-earth, qualified and arrogant, but I'm strict with myself. How can I look like a young man? It's obviously the style of a master."

Sun Shaoan has always been a safe man. He became a first-class cook at a young age. When he became the president of the Los Angeles Food Association, he couldn't help feeling a little elated.

He was proud, too.

Yang Song and sun Shaoan clearly remember that in the challenge that night, Yang Song was always light from beginning to end.

When he cooked, he was very stable. When he finished the dishes, he didn't panic in the face of their three judges. Even when they announced that Yang Song had won, he was still calm.

As if everything was ready.

"He is clearly a young man!"

Yang Song is a young man, but he has a bearing far less than that of adults.

Sun Shaoan felt a little sour. Sun Xiaoyu ate the hibiscus chicken slices he made, but they were still good, far from good.

However, in a different way of thinking, sun Shaoan felt relieved that it was good to have young people with infinite potential like Yang Song in the Chinese catering industry.

Over the years, there are always shameless foreigners stealing Chinese recipes and pretending to be themselves. It's shameless.

China needs more excellent chefs to inherit the essence of Chinese food and carry forward Chinese food.

Not to mention these, sun Shaoan looked at his son with a very complex look.

Sun Xiaoyu was puzzled by his father: "Dad, what's the matter with you? Don't know me?"

"You went to Baifeng Pavilion for dinner half a month ago, but today you remember to tell your father?" Just questioning.

My father is a cook and vice president of the Food Association. What I love most in my life is to study cooking and visit people with excellent cooking skills.

Sun Xiaoyu likes to eat. Sun Shaoan will take him with him when he goes to various cooking activities and let him eat enough.

Now the boy has grown up and eaten well. He can't remember his father for half a month!

Sun Shaoan squinted to see sun Xiaoyu: what's the use of raising this rabbit? To make him feel better.

"Dad, it's my treat today. Help yourself!" Sun Xiaoyu felt something was wrong for the first time and made up for it quickly.

"Dad, you don't know. Brother song is not good at which cuisine. He is good at Shandong cuisine, Guangdong cuisine, Jiangsu cuisine and Sichuan cuisine."

It's true that Yang Song is a man who wants to become a kitchen god. He can't just be a representative of a certain cuisine. He needs to be good at all cuisines.


"Really, you'll know if you eat. There are all kinds of dishes in Baifeng Pavilion."

Father and son said and went out.

Yang Song hasn't had breakfast for two consecutive days.

No way, since the challenge without any difficulty was won, more people came to Baifeng pavilion to eat pee pills.

To be exact, more people go to Los Angeles to eat pee pills.

More diners came from all directions.

"Zhengzhou diners are here."

"Kunming gourmet is here."

"Hainan food has arrived!"

"Sichuan people are coming!"


One of them is a young man from Xinjiang, named shamushak, but he is 19 years old. He looks like Xiao Baiyang. He is beautiful and tall. He came to Los Angeles thousands of miles away.

"I'm here to eat pee pills. I heard you sell pee pills in movies!"

I have to say that Xingye's "God of food" is really deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Huge posters have been pasted at both entrances of the food street. The handsome man on the posters is Yang Song. Under the background of a blue sky, Yang Song's appearance and temperament are dead.

"Brother song reminds me of an idiom."

"Both talent and appearance."

"That's right."

There is a QR code on the poster and a slogan: sweep and get Baifeng Pavilion Food strategy.

It's so simple and straightforward.

Everyone who enters the food street and wants to go to Baifeng Pavilion for dinner has become a little expert in queuing after understanding Baifeng pavilion's food strategy.

There were too many people ordering pee pills, more than two days ago. Yang Song was helpless and could only sell them for a few more days.

A total of five days of pee pills were sold.

He dreamed at night that he was chased by peeing cattle pills.

After eating the pee pill, shamushak was so excited that he even took out his small drum and sang and danced at the door of Baifeng Pavilion.

Attracted many onlookers.

But it didn't affect the order, and Yang Song didn't stop it.

At the end of noon business hours, shamushak came and asked, "brother song, can this pee cow pill really let anorexia patients eat?"

That's what's in the movie.

After dinner, the melon eating people who didn't eat fell into discussion.

"I remember in Xingye's film, this pee cow pill is not only the gospel of anorexia patients, but also can use pee cow pill to play table tennis."

"Fake, it's a movie after all."

Yang Song's microblog and baifengge's publicity are all like this.

That night, the people of shiweige ran out to do things.

"Hurry up and get a pee pill out. Let's see if it can be used to play table tennis!"