Liu Haiyang didn't score Zhang Xin at all. The two vice presidents scored him only nine points.

Yang Song won without suspense.

The melon eaters at the bottom:

"Although I knew brother song would win, I didn't expect to win so easily."

"This challenge, in fact, has already decided to win or lose at the moment when brother song's pee cow pill came out of the pot. It took so long because Zhang Xin was a nag."

"I still claim to be the king of meatballs. I'm really laughing to death."

"Did you find any problems?"

"Now any cat and dog can challenge brother song. How can this work?"

"It's time to set the rules for the challenge."

Yang Jiajun quickly discussed it in the group.

The matter will be discussed later.

The problem now is that Zhang Xin is banging on the judges' table: "I disagree, I disagree, I don't believe I will lose..."

He doesn't feel pain in his hand.

"Don't accept it. Come and line up tomorrow and try it." Yang Song thought to the judges that he had worked hard. He pulled Zhang Xin apart and handed over the spiritual guys brought by Zhang Xin: "men should be able to afford to lose."

"I didn't lose, I didn't lose!" Zhang Xin struggled desperately and wanted to rush to the theory.

"You really lost, brother song's pee pill, the judges ate it all, and you have left."

Whether the food tastes good or not depends on whether the plate is empty.

This is the most realistic criterion.

Lisa has been watching. She followed to witness Zhang Xin's victory. She is good at cooking and communication. It's impossible not to cook.

With the younger generation who rub their food, they are quite happy in their childhood.

Many famous chefs have a strange temper. They will show the dishes they don't cook easily during cooking exchange.

There are many new dishes that will also appear at the cooking conference.

The Food Association collects and rates all qualified professional chefs.

Sun Xiaoyu has eaten dishes cooked by chefs at all levels. Many dishes have not even been circulated in the market. He has eaten all of them.

The second generation of cooks get together and hold an annual meeting every year.

This annual meeting does nothing else. Each person recommends a chef and the most delicious dish. Through the competition, determine the most popular dish and the most popular chef this year.

Then it will be announced that the most popular dish will become popular, and the most popular chef will be sought after by a crowd of food.

The second generation of cooks have a family background. The dishes and chefs they choose are very trusted by the food products all over the country.

Sun Xiaoyu had a headache this year. He hasn't got the most delicious dishes and the most popular chef for three consecutive years.

This year, seeing that summer is about to pass, he still has no clue. He is only 23 years old and has lost more than 80 hairs a day.

Worried, he found Yang Song in Baifeng Pavilion.

Sun Xiaoyu has been eating in Baifeng Pavilion for half a month. He simply lingers and forgets to return. He simply stays in a hotel near the food street. He eats and drinks every day. He has a beautiful childhood. He never remembered to tell his father that there is a culinary master in Los Angeles.

Until the challenge video of Yang Song and Zhang Xin became popular on the Internet, sun Xiaoyu saw his father and Yang Jiajun's strategy in the video, so he hurried home.

Sun Shaoan just rested at home and was very excited to see his son who hadn't seen him for half a month come back.

"Son, I tell you, there was a culinary master in Los Angeles. His name is Yang Song. He is very young. The pee beef balls made are very delicious. Your father and I have never eaten such delicious pee beef balls in my life. Come on, show your father what clothes I wear to visit chef Yang today. Your mother is not at home. I went on a trip with your grandmother. Our father and son are going Baifengge eats pee cow pills, Dad's treat! "

Sun Xiaoyu didn't expect Yang Song to be so popular with his father. What he had to do was half done.

"Dad, let's go quickly. We won't be in line when we're late. We can't just eat pee beef balls. It's too bad. Brother song pushed out three kinds of noodles today. Everyone can only order one at a time. We can eat two kinds of noodles together. These three kinds of noodles are shredded pork with green pepper, fish soup and Yangchun noodles. I must order shredded pork with green pepper. Dad, what would you like to eat?"

Sun Xiaoyu said and found his father silent.

"Dad, what's the matter with you?"

"How can you know the rules of Baifeng Pavilion so well?"