Lu Yonghe pressed Yang Song for an hour and fell asleep.

When Yang Song woke up and started business in the evening, the whole person was full of energy, like full of electricity.

The business of Baifeng Pavilion is very good.

"I never knew that peeing beef balls were so delicious!"

"Clear soup is as clear as water and as spring rain. It tastes thousands of times and makes people forget their worries."

"No, I have to call my girlfriend tomorrow. I want to propose."

"You always eat brother song's shop, but you still have to call your girlfriend tomorrow? Brother, watch your knees."

"What, my girlfriend is out of town. I'll book her tickets now."

"Good thing, let your sister-in-law come quickly."

"You seem to have forgotten something?" Situ ran, the little meat brother in the uniform of the nearby high school students, has a white and beautiful face, and the little tiger teeth are playful and cute. He has quite a bit of Liu Haoran's style. "Brother song may not sell pee cow pills tomorrow. Even if he sells them, are you sure you can grab them?"

Today, so many people can eat pee cow pills because Baifeng Pavilion only sells this today.

"I heard that this clear soup takes time. If my girlfriend arrives, the soup is gone, and I can't eat pee pills -"

The proposal is over.

"Although I have a wife, I still want to pee ox balls tomorrow."

"A bowl is not enough."

"If I can't eat pee pills tomorrow, I will be sad and can't sleep."

"I can cry alone until dawn tonight."

"Pee cow pill, I can't leave you!"


Today, in order for more people to taste the pee pill, Baifeng Pavilion stipulates that everyone can only order one at a time.

Some people appeal to everyone on the Internet that it's enough to eat once today and leave some opportunities for those who haven't eaten yet.

There are thousands of rumors under this post, which are praised by diners who haven't eaten yet.

As for once eaten: we also want to give up, but we can't.

How many diners finished the meal and simply lined up for another meal.

Some people even eat the first meal, knowing that they can't line up for the second meal at all, they have to line up for the night meal.

Everyone is crazy because of peeing Niuwan.

In the evening, after selling the last pee cow pill, the business hours of Baifeng pavilion are over, and Yang Song has to go back to rest.

Lu Yonghe repeatedly said that he must give Yang Song a full body massage tomorrow.

A personal shadow appeared at the door of Baifeng Pavilion.

"What do you want?" Yang Song thinks the atmosphere is a little wrong.

All ten of them stared at him nervously, clenched their fists and turned red.

There are only sacks and shovel in hand.

A "Song brother" let Yang Song relax.

"What's up?"

Li qingti still plays the Outpost: "brother song, we are entrusted by the real names of 2367 diners. Please make another pee pill tomorrow."

"It's just our wish. It's an application. We're not forcing, we're asking."

"Pee beef balls are delicious!"

That's what happened.

Yang Song said, "pee cow pills have been on the menu. You can all order them in the future, but the quantity may not be as much as today."

Diners like to eat, and Yang Song plans to satisfy everyone.

However, I have to hang a pot of clear soup every day in the future. It's hard, but it's nothing.

"Brother song, look." Li qingti and others stepped back two steps.

Meng Wan and others came out with six big boxes from behind: "brother song, this is our petition."

The box was opened and filled with all kinds of paper.

There are A4 paper, paper torn from notebooks, and colorful post it notes at most.

Some people write very long, just to eat pee pills, and write an application with the length of the composition for the college entrance examination.

Some people only write a few words because of their short-term love. They are full of strength, sincere and determined.

Some of the most powerful people actually stuffed a white short sleeve in, which used various languages to show their longing for peeing cow balls.

Yang Song read several letters and even saw brush calligraphy.

"Brother song, let's continue to eat pee pill tomorrow. I'll treat you to it!"

"Brother song, you can't stop peeing cattle pills."

"Brother song, I have to propose. Peeing ox balls is the golden key to my successful proposal."

"My father will have his fiftieth birthday tomorrow. He can't help taking pee pills."

"I have to ask my future father-in-law and mother-in-law."

Whatever the reason, the beginning is always brother song, and the end is to ask brother song to complete it.

Yang Song understood: "OK, I'll sell cow pee pills for another day tomorrow."

There are too many people who want to eat, and there are more important things in life.

Through a wish list, Yang Song saw everyone's wishes.

"Brother song, do you agree now?" Rick felt incredible. He didn't expect it to be so easy.

Before the petition, all they had in mind was to look after the cottage and ask for thousands of requests.

Originally, I thought it was a difficult place to take a view in 9981, but it turned out to be an immortal step by step.

Yang Song was amused: "if you want to eat, I will do it. Isn't it such a simple thing?"

"OK, go back and rest early. See you tomorrow."

Yang Song, who made tens of thousands of pee pills, dreamed of pee pills that night.

Walking in the world of clear soup, he suddenly burst out a huge pee pill.

"I'm the great God of peeing Niuwan!"

"Mortal, your cooking is superb. Congratulations on understanding the true meaning of peeing ox pill. I salute you on behalf of peeing ox pill."

"You are the best person I've ever seen to make pee cow pills. The gods can't compare with you."

The big God King of peeing Niuwan sent a wave of rainbow farts to Yang Song.

Yang Song had a particularly sweet sleep.

At dawn, Yang Song still got up early and ran in the morning.

This time, not so many people lined up.

Yang Song made an announcement last night not to encourage diners to queue up too much.

"It affects work and rest and is bad for your health. In the long run, it is bound to affect your experience of delicious food. In the future, you can only queue up an hour in advance at most. If you queue up an hour ago, Baifeng Pavilion will be regarded as invalid."

At five o'clock, I didn't see the diners lining up. Yang Song was much more relaxed.

He did several sets of preparatory movements and was about to start running.

Meng Shihan also followed: "I'll do morning exercises with you."

Many couples do morning exercises together.

Yang Song said, "Xiao Han, I get up early mainly for running."

Meng Shihan rode a bike.

"I know."

Boyfriend runs and girlfriend rides.

"Well, let's go."

Yang Song took Meng Shihan to do morning exercises along the moat.

The first twenty minutes were good. They kept the appropriate speed. Handsome men and beautiful women were quite eye-catching.

Half an hour later, Yang Song began to speed up, and Meng Shihan couldn't ride.

"No, I have to sit down and have a rest."

Meng Shihan pushed his bike away and was about to tilt to the rest chair.

Yang Song ran back and stopped her: "I feel tired. I can walk slowly for a while and then sit down. I can't sit down immediately. It's very bad for my health."

Meng Shihan's legs were soft, his pink cheeks were puffing, and what he couldn't control was to pour into Yang Song's arms.

Yang Song had no choice but to help Meng Shihan walk slowly and patiently.

The crooked girl standing next to the bridge pier was fierce to her boyfriend: "look at other people's boyfriend?"

Similarly, the man who can only rely on the bridge pier has crooked corners of his mouth: I was wronged. When I was a child, I had other people's children, and now I have other people's boyfriends!

Yang Song became someone else's boyfriend and cook.