Chapter 123: A Battle To The Death

Chapter 123: A Battle To The Death

When Tang San launched himself forward, he had already made up his mind. Having faced countless challenges across three lifetimes, his combat experience was immensely rich.

Undoubtedly, the creature before them was not something they could confront. With a physique almost akin to an eighth-order demonic beast, even standing still and allowing them to attack might not break its defense.

The Winged Tiger's innate bloodline ability was the Wind Astral, an extremely powerful amalgamation of offense and defense. And it could fly, which made escape impossible.

The fact that the town's mayor could withstand a ninth-order Winged Tiger King was no small feat. Thus, at this moment, they could rely on no one but themselves.

Wu Bingji was not mistaken; the tigress's body had indeed paused twice in mid-air. One pause was due to Gu Li's Chrono Croc Transformation, and the other was from Tang San. This was his first use of the Chrono Crocodile’s bloodline ability.

When using Time Freeze, he felt a portion of his spiritual power being drained instantly, and everything in front of him twisted momentarily.

His Chrono Croc Transformation imprint was only at the third order, so it was theoretically less effective than Gu Li’s. Still, his current spiritual power had liquefied, making him much stronger than Gu Li on a spiritual level, hence the similar effect in time solidification.

Tang San acted in that moment of the tigress's frozen stance. He suddenly sprang from the ice spear, which fell under his stomp. His figure, soaring into the air, flickered ethereally. In the next instant, he had already dodged the tigress's claw. Using the light of the Wind Astral on the tiger's claws as cover, his form abruptly vanished for a moment.

Wu Bingji and the others only saw a blur before Tang San, inexplicably, was already above the tigress's head.

Tang San never stuck to outdated notions, especially in life-or-death situations.

Leopard Flash Transformation!

A single flicker brought him directly above the tigress. He was instantly on the tigress's back after fully activating his Controlling Crane Capturing Dragon technique. Instead of attacking directly, he fully engaged his Mysterious Heaven Technique, frantically devouring energy!

He didn't know if his ability to devour demons would work on demonic beasts. But he knew this was his only chance.

To survive the tigress's attack, he had to do two things: strengthen himself and weaken the enemy.

"Boom—" A massive surge of bloodline power instantly rushed into Tang San's body.

Meanwhile, Tang San had reached peak altitude and was now plummeting back down.

The tigress harbored a more profound hatred for him—the human that had done something to its energy.

It didn't pursue Wu Bingji and Gu Li anymore. Instead, it suddenly lifted its head, flapped its wings, and leaped toward the sky. Its gaping maw opened, and its enormous fangs were poised to bite Tang San in half.

A few more seconds and Tang San would become tiger food

"No—" Wu Bingji bellowed, and in an instant, the ice elemental power burst forth. An ice wall behind him shattered, propelling him like a meteor chasing the moon, rushing straight toward the tigress.

His time with Tang San had been brief, yet he had learned much from him in that short half-month. He could feel that his junior had an astonishingly brilliant talent, even though he only had the lower-tier Demonic God Transformation of the Wind Wolf. Although he was only nine years old, Wu Bingji admired and deeply respected him.

A roar also echoed at this moment: "Freeze!"

Gu Li, his entire body stained red with blood, let out this roar with all his strength. The intense white light mingled with the blood on his body, manifesting the strongest Time Freeze he had ever done in his life.

The tigress clearly slowed down, and its wings stiffened in place. Despite the inertia still carrying it upward, its gaping jaws simply couldn't close.

"Freeze!" A familiar voice rang out at this moment beside Wu Bingji's ear.

Due to being propelled forward by the exploding ice wall, Wu Bingji's back was mangled and bloody. However, the pain allowed him to remain lucid, in spite of being completely drained.

The ice spears he had thrust out instantly shattered on contact with the beast. He suddenly spread his arms wide, and as his ice-blue body collided with the tigress, his arms wrapped tightly around the beast's thick neck.

The ice-blue color instantly spread over the tigress's body. And as the last drops of energy of the sixth-order Ice Nymph Transformation were squeezed in a supreme effort, the tigress froze.

At the same time, the green figure falling from the sky somehow somersaulted and curled up. Faced with the enormous jaws coming to bite him, he didn't evade but instead plunged into them.

The tigress watched him fall into its mouth, but the Time Freeze, coupled with the freezing that chilled its entire body and stiffened its movements, made its jaws clamp down just a beat too late.

The next moment, a dazzling green light burst forth inside its mouth. The tigress let out a heart-wrenching roar, spewing out a thick mist of blood mingled with a green glow.