Chapter 122: The Tigress Is Here

Chapter 122: The Tigress Is Here


A piercing roar erupted. Gales swept through, instantly blowing the leaves off the surrounding treetops and leaving them bare.

The faces of Tang San and his four companions changed dramatically.

It came, it really came. This was the truly lethal threat!

Shrouded in a blinding green light, a colossal figure smashed onto the ground not far in front of them. The massive shockwave it created as it landed instantly sent them flying backward.

It was about six meters long, with a wingspan of over eight meters. A huge concentration of the wind element swirled around its body, its furious roars even more intense than the Winged Tiger King's.

Damn, the tigress is here! Once we took down the youngling, the mother came right away!

Had the young Winged Tiger not sought to kill Tang San and his group for food, their family would still be intact. Had they known such a family was there, Tang San and his group would have simply walked around them.

However, due to its gluttony, the greedy young Winged Tiger had lost its life, and its parents went into a frenzy as a result.

The pull of bloodline power immediately alerted the Winged Tiger King, who rushed to the scene at once. Following closely was the tigress; she arrived slightly later, but still in time to effectively block Tang San and his companions' path.

Undoubtedly, this was an adult Winged Tiger. In the world of tigers, the females were generally less powerful than their male counterparts. However, being the wife of the Winged Tiger King, this particular tigress was undoubtedly a paragon among her kind.

Just a hair's breadth from the eighth order. That was Tang San's instant assessment. In other words, the tigress before them was at the peak of the seventh order, incredibly close to breaking through.

Though Zhang Haoxuan himself was at the ninth order, even just holding his ground against the Winged Tiger King was an achievement in and of itself. To Wu Bingji, the mayor's presence had been all but absolute assurance, yet now, this mighty guardian was fighting an even mightier foe.

As a result, with their protector unable to fulfill his mission, these children were faced with the formidable seventh-order Winged Tigress that was grieving the loss of her own child.

Wu Bingji and Gu Li were by far not in their peak state, while Tang San and Cheng Zicheng were in a somewhat better condition. However, even Wu Bingji, the one with the highest cultivation among them, was only at the sixth order.

The gap between the sixth and seventh orders was far greater than the one between the fifth and the sixth, not to mention the opponent's formidable physical strength.

He hadn't anticipated such a situation. Not even Zhang Haoxuan could protect them, ninth order and all. Plans can't keep up with changes; only by revealing his trump card could he ensure everyone's survival.

But in his heart, he felt reassured; he hadn't misjudged people, had he? Whether it was Wu Bingji's resolute decision to cover their retreat or Gu Li's seemingly reckless but strong determination in the face of death, it all made him feel like he was back in the past, fighting alongside his companions.

They are all trustworthy.

A faint white light flickered in and out of view in Tang San's eyes. He spoke softly, "Eldest senior brother, brother Gu Li, help me. Ice Spear!"

Responding to Tang San's words without hesitation, Wu Bingji grasped the void with his right hand, rapidly condensing the ice elemental energy in the air. His entire bloodline power surged, not holding anything back in the face of their enemy's immense oppressive force.

The ice spear appeared in the air and shot forward instantly, emitting a piercing howl as it headed straight for the tigress.

Tang San tapped the ground with his toes and leaped up simultaneously landing like a phantom on the spear. Riding the spear, he rushed straight toward the tigress.

Wu Bingji and Gu Li didn't pause. As the ice spear carried away Tang San, they followed closely, charging forward.

Although they didn't know what Tang San was planning, at such a time, they could only give it their all.

Tang San did not use the bloodline imprint of the Wind Wolf Transformation. At this moment, his eyes were filled with a bright white light. Under the gaze of the Discerning Eye of Heaven, the wind element in front of him was visible, surrounded by the intensely dense Wind Astral, entwined with dazzling green light.

In an instant, the tigress moved. Its vast wings flapped violently, and the next moment, its massive figure lunged straight at Tang San. Its right claw swung up, bringing an incomparably fierce aura with it, and five Wind Astral blades generated by its tiger claws descended upon him.

Tang San would be instantly cut into pieces if this claw hit him.

"Freeze!" Tang San shouted explosively.

"Freeze—" Gu Li was already prepared, and the Chrono Croc Transformation was activated at Tang San's signal.

The control of the Chrono Croc Transformation was powerful, even when facing opponents of higher orders.

However, the gap in strength between the two sides was simply too vast. The tigress's swiping claws and lunging torso paused in mid-air, but it was only for a moment, and the Wind Astral on its claw blades did not diminish.

Wu Bingji was charging forward, his heart in his throat. Were his eyes deceiving him? The tigress had paused for the briefest of moments, but to him, it had almost seemed as if...she paused twice in succession?