Chapter 374: Praise the Light God

Name:Shrouded Seascape Author:
Chapter 374: Praise the Light God

However, the Pope didn't answer Charles' question. "My child, I'm sure we've shown you enough sincerity. It should be our turn now."

Charles seemed indifferent toward the Pope's decision not to answer his question, but inwardly, he thought, It doesn't matter. He must have gone over the solution in his head. He just has to think of it once, and the Soul Printer can print the answer out for me.

"What's with the pondering face, Charles? What are you thinking about?" the Pope asked, interrupting Charles' train of thought.

Charles tousled his hair, seemingly helpless as he sighed and said, "Just go ahead and ask away."

"What was your life like in the surface world?"

"I was just a normal person. I was eating normally, and I was sleeping normally. I would have lived a normal working life, just like the average person, if I were still on the surface," Charles replied.

"I guess Captain Charles' life at the surface isn't as thrilling as his life here."

"I'd rather not live such a thrilling life. I only wish to go ba" Charles abruptly stopped. Moments later, he continued, "I only want to go back and take a look at the surface world."

"Okay, next question, then." the Pope said, nodding. He decided not to ask any more questions related to Charles' life on the surface. "My next question ishave you seen a starry night sky before? If you have, can you show it to me?"

Charles was taken aback. "What? How do I show that to you?"

"Just close your eyes and visualize the positions of the starry night sky from your memories. I can access those images directly through your mind," the Pope replied and placed his hand on the crown of Charles' head.

It had been a long time since Charles saw a starry night sky. The light pollution in cities was so severe that it was impossible to see any stars.

In fact, Charles reckoned that he had only seen the starry night sky at his grandfather's house in the countryside during summer vacations when he was still a child. Charles closed his eyes and soon recalled scenes of his little self counting stars with his grandfather in the countryside.

A starry night sky? What exactly is he trying to find out? Charles initially thought the Pope would ask more questions about the surface world, so he was truly caught off guard when the Pope decided to ask such a mundane question.

"As stated in our Book of Revelations, the great Light God will lead His faithful sheep toward the Land of Light devoid of pain and torment the moment He is free of his restraints.

"We want to confirm that the surface isn't just a larger prison like the Subterranean Sea."

But what does the starry night sky have to do with the Land of Light? Could it be that the Light God wants to leave the earth and venture into the stars beyond? Charles thought with an incredulous look.

How come it went so smoothly as if he had rehearsed it beforehand? Could it be that the Pope knew that I was going to use the Soul Printer on him? Charles continued reading the remaining sheets of paper until he reached the part where they were talking about the starry night sky.

Something is obstructing my probe into this guy's mind. Lord, I need Your help.

Lord, You caught a glimpse of the starry night sky in his memories? That's great, then. Once we're out of here, let's go somewhere else, then. The further, the better.

A thousand thoughts seemed to swirl in Charles' head as he mulled over the words written on the sheets of paper.

Comparing these words to what the Pope said, it seems like the Light God doesn't want anything to do with the surface world. He probably just wants to leave the Subterranean Sea, and possibly, leave the solar system for the stars beyond.

He's such a wonderful god, so how come I've been so distrustful of Him? However, does such a good thing actually exist in this despair-ridden Subterranean Sea? If the Light God's goal is to conquer the surface world, wouldn't that mean that I've been helping a villain all this while?

As Charles' boiling emotions cooled down, he noticed a questionable remarkIf Lily's soul now belonged to God Fhtagn, how could the Light God snatch it away from a fellow Divinity when He had yet to escape his restraints? It didn't make sense at all.

What if he lied to me to make me think that finding the exit to the surface world means resurrecting Lily, which in turn would make me even more desperate in my search for it? That seems more logical.

Charles lowered his trembling hand, and he stared quietly at Lily's portrait.

But what if what if he couldn't fabricate the Soul Printer's responses? What if all these are true?

A cacophony of conjectures and suspicions stirred up towering waves in Charles' mind, inundating him until he could no longer believe any of them. Charles truly had no idea what to believe in at this point.

He initially thought that the Soul Printer would bring him closer to the truth, but it instead made him become even more distrustful.

Just then, the door was pushed open. A fishman stuck his head out and said, "Captain, it's time for the mandatory daily inspection of the ship. Are you busy? I can do it for you if you are."

Charles took a deep breath and stacked the papers neatly next to Lily's portrait on the table. "No, I'm not busy. I'll go over soon."

Charles had made up his mind. As long as there was no ironclad proof that the Light God wanted to conquer the surface world, then he would continue his search for the exit to the surface world.

Regardless if it was the faint hope of reviving Lily or his deep-rooted desire to return home, he had to find the exit.

After all, he had been searching for it for so many years now, and he was already at the final step. Giving up on the search meant throwing away all his efforts over the last twelve years.