Chapter 373: Chit-Chat

Name:Shrouded Seascape Author:
Chapter 373: Chit-Chat

"What? Your Light God wants to chit-chat with me?"

The Pope smiled and shook his head. "Of course, it's not as simple as that. What he meant was"

Charles raised his hand, interrupting the Pope. He took out his pocket watch and checked the time. Then, he stood up and walked out. "I don't have time for this right now. Visit me at ten in the morning tomorrow. We can have a good chat by then."New novel chapters are published on

"Hey" the Pope called out, but Charles had already disappeared.

Charles had rushed out as if he were running away, and it was all because the Pope's words had made him extremely wary.

The latter didn't even bother hiding his intentions of probing the surface world, and Charles knew that he couldn't answer the Pope just like that. He had to be prepared for the Pope's questions.

Only the heavens knew of what the Pope and his great Light God were planning. If they were planning on invading the surface world, then Charles would rather stay here in the Subterranean Sea rather than endanger everyone up above.

When the Pope was about to explain the Light God's intentions earlier, an idea suddenly came to Charles' mind, so he pulled out his pocket watch and used it as an excuse to return to the Narwhale.

Charles rode the waves between the two ships and grabbed the grab line that the Narwhale had extended over to him. He then hoisted himself using the grab line, and just like that, he was back on deck.

Charles rushed past the sailors cleaning the deck and soon arrived before the door to the Captain's Quarters. A soft click echoed as the door opened gently, revealing the Captain's Quarters strewn with portraits.

Every single portrait was a portrait of Lily, both in her mouse and human form, and the portraits all had one thing in common: Lily looked extremely happy in all of them.

The excitement on Charles' face faded away as he swept his gaze across the portraits. He bent down and picked up one of the portraits on the ground. Then, his trembling hands placed it gently onto the nearby table.

It didn't take long for Charles to pick up every single portrait on the ground, and once he was done placing them on the table, he grabbed the wine bottle nearby and downed what was left of the wine.

Charles then knelt down and stuck his head beneath the bed before rummaging through the mess underneath.

Soon, Charles found a dusty brass printer. He had gone through hell and back just to retrieve this printer from the bottom of the sea. He had used this printer only once since obtaining it, and it had been collecting dust under his bed since then.

A clicking noise echoed all of a sudden, and the brass printer whirred to life, spitting out a piece of paper moments later.

This thing will help me know whether the Pope is lying to me or not. This will also help me know his true goal.

First of all, the Light God had never been at the surface world, as he was sealed away by his fellow Divinities as soon as he was born.

However, the fact that the Divinities had banded together against him meant that the Light God was stronger than the average Divinity, which had to have threatened those Divinities enough to make a move against him.

Charles started tapping the table with his fingers. After a while, he looked up and asked, "Is your god related to Dawn One?"

"Dawn One? Dawn One is nothing more than an active nuclear fusion reactor. It does not deserve to be compared to the great Light God. Of course, we've successfully converted it, and it has become like the many brothers and sisters of our Divine Light Order."

Charles' pupils constricted at the remark. Clearly, the Light God's understanding of the surface world was far greater than Charles had imagined.

"Perhaps He looks similar to Dawn One, but He's the one true God, after all. A single thought is all He needs to create everything from nothing, and He can also destroy the world with a single thought."

Charles stared blankly at the Pope, unsure of how to react.

"My child, you don't believe me, do you?"

"No, I believe you. Keep going."

"He's an extremely powerful being, so don't you think it's very easy for him to resurrect a little mouse?" the Pope said while leaning closer and closer to Charles with a grin.

Charles' heart raced and pounded madly against his chest as he glanced surreptitiously beneath his bed. In an effort to assuage his pounding heart, Charles decided to ask more questions.

"Can the Light God defeat God Fhtagn?" Charles asked.

"What's with that question? Why are we talking about that octopus?" the Pope asked with an odd look.

"I drowned Lily myself, and God Fhtagn claims all drowned souls. If the Light God cannot defeat God Fhtagn, then I'm afraid the Light God can't resurrect Lily," Charles explained.

The Pope shook his head and explained, "That octopus has been sleeping for quite a while now, and it's still asleep. It's actually laughable to compare him to the great Light God.

"Perhaps that mouse's soul now belongs to Fhtagn, but the great Light God always has a solution for every problem, so such a tiny issue is solvable as well."

"What's the solution?" Charles asked with his eyes transfixed on the Pope.