Chapter 118. Feeling Sick

Name:Shrouded Seascape Author:

Chapter 118. Feeling Sick

The time that Charles and Kord had settled upon soon arrived. Close to fourteen exploration vessels of various sizes crowded at the dock.

With such a fleet, the Explorers Association seemed to have been emptied out. Charles found most of the captains to be unfamiliar, not having seen them before. But it was expected, as those whom he was familiar with had left with Elizabeth to conquer the island where 1002 resided.

The presence of a large number of ships attracted the attention of the islanders. Some crew members mingled with the islands and stood in the distance, engaged in conversation and speculation. Perhaps someone had stumbled upon a new island again.

"This number is enough for us to even take down an island, let alone explore one. We'll surely succeed!" Standing next to Charles, it seemed as though Kord was trying to bolster not only Charles' confidence but also his own.

Staring at the ships before him, Charles brought up the most crucial question.

"Let's make things clear first. Who'll be commanding the fleet? I don't want disputes over authority when we are out in the open sea."

"I hired them with my money, so I'll be in command. What's there to talk about?" Kord said as a matter of fact.

"Are you sure? Are you sure that with your current mental state, you can lead us to the Land of Light? I remember you haven't been on shore for a long while. Aren't the chants ringing in your ears?"

Charles cast a doubtful eye on Kord's unusually exhausted face. He was unwilling to entrust his life to someone like that.

Kord glared at Charles. "What do you want then? Do you want to command the fleet?"

"Thank you. Since you offered, I'll accept."

Before Kord could regret it, Charles issued his first command.

"Dipp, semaphore all ships to set sail!"

With a low bellow of her horn, the Narwhale sailed out into the pitch darkness under the watchful gaze of the other crews.

At the sight of the Narwhale's movement, the other exploration ships instinctively thought that their employer was aboard that very ship and had given the command to sail. Chart your course back to the origins of this substance at n0v^lbin

As such, they activated their turbines and followed closely.


In a picturesque garden adorned with blossoming flowers vying for attention, Anna was perched on a swing, her legs tucked beneath her. A gentle smile danced on her lips as she held a creased piece of paper.

"To think that despite Gao Zhiming's lack of dating experience, he's so good at coaxing a woman. My heart is overflowing with warmth. Sigh, if only I were a real woman."

"Sister Anna... please stop teasing me like this. I-I'll come to see you again tomorrow," Margaret stammered as she ran off like a startled deer.

As Margaret's silhouette faded into the distance, the smile on Anna's face gradually disappeared.


Charles' eyes fluttered open, only to find himself submerged in the deep waters and surrounded by an abyss of darkness. He desperately swam upward, but the surface was never in sight.

The increasing sensation of suffocation made him feel as though his lungs were two red-hot coals, ablaze with fervor.

Gurgle, gurgle.

A series of bubbles floated up in front of Charles. They instantly attracted his attention, and Charles mechanically turned his head and peered downward. In an instant, a wave of despair caught his ankles and swiftly spread throughout his body.

Beneath him, a colossal monster stood erect. Its form was as massive as a peak, with octopus-like tentacles extending from it. Its flared scales, coupled with eyes that blanketed its body, induced a feeling of unease to anyone who dared to lay their eyes on it.

The moment Charles noticed the creature, the creature had also discovered Charles' presence. All of its eyes suddenly opened wide and looked upward collectively. In that split second, Charles' consciousness faded out.

"Mr. Charles, are you alright? Mr. Charles! Are you okay? Should I call Grandpa Doctor?"

The innocent tone of Lily's voice roused Charles from his slumber. A splitting headache hit him, and his surroundings seemed to whirl past him. Despite the dizziness, he could vaguely discern that he was in the captain's quarters.

He rolled off the bed and landed on the floor with a thud. Trembling, he struggled to crawl to the ship's window. Upon reaching it, his stomach violently ejected its contents.

As the little amount of food in Charles' stomach was emptied out, the feeling of faintness subsided just a little.

"Lily, get Doctor here. I think I'm sick."

"Got it!" The white mouse swiftly darted out of the door.

Soon, Laesto staggered into the captain's quarters and conducted a series of rough examinations on Charles.

"How are you feeling?" Laesto asked.

"Dizzy, nausea, weak, and cold."

"What did you eat earlier?"

"The same as the others. Five large salt crackers, two black vine fruits, and a bowl of mushroom soup."

"Did you dream of anything just now?"

Charles placed a hand on his forehead and tried to recall. After a few seconds, he shook his head and said, "No, I didn't dream of anything."