Chapter 117. Heading Out to Sea

Name:Shrouded Seascape Author:

Chapter 117. Heading Out to Sea

Emerging from n0v@lbin☆, this material harbors clandestine details.

Slightly crazed, Kord suddenly released his grip on Charles' collar. He lunged again toward the map. His eyes burned with a maniacal desire as he stared at the island marked as the Land of the Light.

"The Sottom pirates have no time for us. It hasn’t been that long since Shadow Island sank. They’re busy raiding the refugees stranded at sea, who are looking for a place to relocate."

Charles' heart pounded with joy. The intelligence Kord offered was timely indeed. If Kord's information were true, it was the perfect opportunity served on a silver platter.

"Are you sure?" Charles wanted to reconfirm.

"I'm a follower of the Divine Light Order. We can't lie. So are you coming? If not, I'll just take my men with me."

"How many exploration ships do you have left?"

"Including the one you brought back, three. But don't worry. I can sell all the properties of the Divine Light Order on the Coral Archipelago.

”I'll also command all disciples to donate their possessions. With that, we will be able to recruit more exploration vessels. With such a fleet, there shouldn't be any problems."

Hearing Kord's words, which echoed the desperation of a gambler going all-in, Charles arched an eyebrow and asked, "Have you thought about what comes after your return?"

Kord suddenly burst into a maniac laughter. "Return? Hahaha! Are you crazy? Why would I return once I’ve reached our Lord's divine land?"

Witnessing Kord's crazed demeanor, Charles suddenly found the guy's obsession with the surface world surpassed his own.

"So, are you joining the voyage, or are you going to drop out?" Kord's intense gaze bore into Charles as he awaited the latter's response.

"I'm in," Charles answered. It was a given. He had tolerated this cursed place for nine years; there was no way he would drop out now.

"Great! You truly deserve your title as the fearless Captain Charles! You’re not a disciple of the Divine Light Order, but I'll earnestly implore our Lord to grant you entry into his kingdom once we’ve arrived at the Land of Light!"

The corners of Charles' lip curved up into a meaningful smile, and he gently patted Kord's shoulder. "Don't worry. Once we're out, I'll send you and your crew to a better hospital for treatment. I'll cover the expenses."

"What do you mean?" Kord asked in confusion.

Hearing Charles' words, disdain was apparent on Laesto's countenance. He scoffed, "You'll be the death of yourself one day."

Charles' gaze turned toward his jubilant crew once more. "Six hours! Six hours later, we shall gather and depart! Whether you wish to give this money to your loved ones or squander it all, get it done soon and gather again!"

The crew swiftly dispersed. Elated, they rushed toward the port exit with the stacks of bills in their arms.

The sight of the green currency made the dock workers' eyes gleam with envy. A hint of malicious greed flickered in their eyes, but their desire was instantly quelled the moment they saw the weapons hanging from the sailors' belts.

These sailors risked their lives to earn such high returns. Even if they stood on the same quay, their realities were worlds apart.

Compared to Charles, Kord's actions stirred more ripples. The Divine Light Order's disciples on the Coral Archipelago swiftly liquidated all their assets.

They kept not a coin, not even a single penny for tomorrow's breakfast, and donated all of it to their Sacred Acolyte.

Speculation stirred among the many different factions over the unexpected major movement.

However, Kord remained unconcerned about the flying rumors and speculations. He was only concerned about converting all his resources into Echo and leveraging these funds to hire more exploration vessels.

He was so committed to his plan that he was even willing to deal with his previous nemesis, the Fhtagn Covenant.

"Great. Hand me the payment, and this cathedral will be yours from now on," Kord said as he stood before the Fhtagn Covenant's High Priest, who was draped in a crimson robe.

Standing by the side, Hook had already written down the amount on the check and handed it over to Kord.

"Heretic, are you planning to leave the Coral Archipelago?" the High Priest questioned. His voice sounded as unpleasant as ever.

Kord stared at the Fhtagnists. His gaze was dripping with disdain as if he were looking at pitiable fools.

"What would you abominations know? Repent humbly while I bask in eternal life in our Lord's holy kingdom. You lot can only suffer forever in these cursed waters!"

Grabbing the check, Kord led his subordinates away with an ecstatic look on his face.

As Kord disappeared into the distance, Hook made no effort to mask the pure animosity in his eyes. "High Priest, why deal with such a person?"

"Acquiring such a large cathedral at half the market price. Why would I turn down such a deal? And don't concern yourself with people like him. Can't you see? The voice of our Lord has driven him to the brink of madness. His death is imminent."