I don't know why, Qingu found that when he gave these people the order of "free movement", although their expressions were as serious as before, their eyes were shining with bright light.

Full of excitement and joy.

The strange feeling in Qin Gu's heart emerged again and became more and more intense.

She can't help but doubt that these NPCs, like her, have independent thinking.

When Qin Gu couldn't help asking and proving his conjecture, these people just walked around the hospital lazily after "free activities".

There is no "command" when the blankness and daze, in the eyes that wisp of spirit also disappeared. Qin Gu gave up the idea of asking.

Whether these NPCs are independent thinkers like Qingu or a set of code set by the system, in short, 20 more people in the manor means more expenses.

Because these are Enge's own soldiers, which means "our own people", there is no need for Qingu to pay extra.

But since it's her, she can't provide food by the system, but by herself.

There is no shortage of food in Qingu.

These "Enge's soldiers" are all game characters. Qin Gu just needs to wave her big hand and arrange rooms for them.

Then there is the daily food supply, everything is in accordance with the system regulations, click "automatic supply" is done.

She reclaimed a kilometer area around the manor into land, planted various food crops, and all the granaries in the manor were full.

Every time she harvested, she would sell the previous one to the system mall and store it in a new one, so as to go back and forth.

Qingu has developed the land around the manor to the limit, so that we can live a stable life.

However, Qingu is not a person who is content with the status quo. There are only two words in her dictionary: hard work.

So she decided to go to Xiaosang village to look for a breakthrough.

Qin Gu is still wearing level 20 equipment, green quality, and her strength does not match at all.

No way. This is a novice village, so the tailor shop in Xiaosang village sells the highest level of equipment, which is level 20. If you want to be more advanced and better, you have to buy it in big market towns and cities.

Of course, there are all kinds of system shopping malls, even 200 level ones (now the defense layer has been developed to level 200). The quality is everything from white board, green, blue, orange, gold to legend and myth. The key is to have money.

Take Qingu's current level 50. If you buy it from the system mall, even the most rubbish whiteboard needs more than 10 gold. The added attribute is not much better than her green dress of level 20. That's why she's still wearing class 20 equipment at level 50 - poor.

The highest level of wild monsters in the area more than ten miles away from the manor is more than forty. She can no longer gain experience from the wild monsters nearby.

Because the manor owner can't leave his manor for more than three days, unless the manor is upgraded to junior level, equipped with defense, and has a housekeeper.

In the past six months, Qin Gu tried his best to kill monsters and tighten his belt to save money, but he promoted Zhuangyuan to a junior level.

But there is no more money to set up defense and hire a housekeeper. She can't put this money together even if she works for another two years.

So she plans to visit Xiaosang village again. She has dealt with people there many times before, and now she is very familiar with them.

When Qingu came to Xiaosang village again, he found that today's village was not the same as before - lively.

She saw at a glance that there were so many people in the village that there were players coming here?

Qingu saw that many of these players were riding pets, such as Griffin, Tyrannosaurus Rex and so on.

The equipment on the body is also shining, just like there is a layer of halo cover on it, it is high-grade goods at a glance.

When Qingu's idea falls on one of the players riding the golden dragon, the other's attribute bubble will appear:

player: forbidden wind



Qingu is now level 50, which means that the player is at least level 70 or above. However, level 70 has the highest level mount in the game, which is too powerful.

Money, money.

Qingu is just an ordinary NPC wandering around in front of these players.

When he came to the tailor's shop, Qin Gu traded his bear meat to the girl in the grocery store and asked, "little sister, why are there so many players in our village? And they're high-level players. What are they doing here? "

When she saw Qingu, she looked a little nervous. When she heard the other party's question, she got closer and said in a low voice: "I heard that we made a city building order here They are here to do the task of building the city... "

City building order?

Qingu's brain is excited, thinking of his just upgraded manor, that has not yet become a prop "Jiancheng order". Do you think these players are aiming at her villa?However, the city building order is only a piece of scrap iron, not a prop. Even if all this is aimed at her manor, why didn't the system give her any notice before?

Since even the system has not officially released the mission, how can these players come so fast?

Qin Gu blurted out: "these players, what do they want to build a city for?"

In the traditional concept of Qingu, isn't the player killing monsters in the game world? Can they still be building houses with the city building order?

The little sister said, "of course, it's Jiancheng. I said you should be more careful. Don't mess with these people. Although it is good for us to communicate with players more, you are not from Xiaosang village after all. Once you leave this safe area, it is easy to be killed by those people As a NPC, if the accumulated life is not enough to meet the consumption, it will Return to the furnace. "

The little sister said to Qin Gu, "Oh, really. It's a novice village. Why did a city building order come out suddenly..."

Generally speaking, things as important as the city building order can only be painted in high-level maps, very powerful copies or world boss.

Suddenly appeared in a small novice village, nearby also has a small copy, inside the most powerful boss only 20 levels In the eyes of these players, they can't even carry a knife.

It's not clear whether to send the city building order to players.

Before Qin Gu was still talking about why he had just upgraded his "dilapidated" manor to "junior", there was a shadow of "city building order".

It's all for this.

Qin Gu can't say what kind of mood, this is simply, people sitting at home, disaster from heaven.

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