When Qingu spent more than half a year saving money to upgrade the manor from "ragged" to "junior", a pleasant system prompt came from her consciousness:

[Ding: Congratulations, Engel, you have unlocked the seal of the manor. 】

unlock seal?

What seal? Qin Gu searched the whole manor from the very beginning. He didn't see any special tips.

Then, she saw a group of brilliance projected from the manor, puzzled in her heart, and hurried past.

She is the only one "role" in the whole manor, and no other wild monster can intrude into the manor. Where does this glory come from?

An idea sprang up in her mind Then, people also went to the hospital.

There was a platform in the middle of the manor. A flagpole stood in the center of the platform. A group of transparent ghosts were wandering around the flagpole.

Guanghua is from this flagpole, or from the whole stone platform.

These ghosts? Don't they hang around in one of the rooms all the time?

At the beginning, Qin Gu thought that these ghosts were also wild monsters and would attack her (Xiao Z: it's your own experience value of thinking about others. Qingu:...) It turns out that these ghosts completely ignore the obstacles and her existence, and wander around the whole manor.

They don't attack Qingu, and Qingu has no choice but to do with them. Fortunately, they just hang around and have nothing else, so they have been going on till now.

And now, these ghosts all come to this stone platform and walk around the flagpole. What?

Is it that the system said to untie the seal has something to do with the flagpole or the ghost?

Just then, in the bright white light on the stone platform, the ghosts stopped floating and heard the sound of cheering.

It's like a lot of metal falling to the ground, and then, out of that pile of metal, a person's head, and then his body The body gradually propped up the metal objects and became a soldier in armor.

The ghost is gone, the light group disappears, and instead, soldiers in armor appear on the platform.

These people's faces are like wearing a mask, they are all dignified, but Qin Gu still feels their incomparable excitement from their eyes.

They reached out and touched their armor, and after a while noticed a man standing in the yard.

They rushed down the stone platform in a hurry. The sound of armor collision came to Qin Gu.

Qin Gu was also a little confused by the system's operation. If she hadn't seen that they were white names like herself and NPC members in the same line as her, she would have escaped.

I'm kidding. These people are of the same level as her, fully equipped, and still 20 If you don't run, you stand here for seconds.

Qin Gu's eyes fell above the heads of these people:

Name: Enge's soldiers

rank: 50

defense: 1630

combat effectiveness: 5300

Enge's soldiers, she is now Enge, that is to say, these people are her.

These soldiers in armor came to Qin Gu, knelt down on one knee, clasped their hands and said, "my subordinates, you have successfully recovered your soldiers. 】

accompanied by another clear Yue system prompt sound, countless information poured into Qingu's consciousness.

This is a short film about the origin of Qin Gu's present role.

It turned out that Enge was not a real businessman, but the leader of a commando team. Unexpectedly, he was completely destroyed in a guard battle, and he managed to recover a life under the protection of his soldiers' body and life.

At that time, he was also seriously injured and managed to escape from the lost position.

Enge's grandmother used to be a very powerful witch. He was reluctant to let his soldiers die for himself, so he took the soldiers' soul out of his body by secret method, and planned to find a chance to revive and awaken them.

Enge disguised his real identity as a businessman all the way, and accumulated some money, so he planned to use it as a base to revive his soldiers.

But I didn't expect that his poor management made the manor more and more decadent, and finally

Therefore, from the moment Qin Gu arrived at the manor, he saw the ghosts floating in the dilapidated rooms. In fact, they were the souls of these soldiers.

To get the knapsack skill of this character, you must meet the requirements of the character.

Before Qin Gu thought this was a "poor manor owner", so she only needed to restore or upgrade the manor to a higher level.

Now, I'm afraid the role is not so simple.

Because the real identity of the original character is the defense captain, what is the ultimate mission of the defense captain?

Thinking about it, Qingu inexplicably felt a strong pressure on the body.With this in mind, Qingu could not help but look at the eye task completion: 20%.

Just when upgrading the manor, Qin Gu subconsciously glanced at the task completion, or 0. When the unlock seal became 20%, it can be seen that his guess was right.

At the same time, I can't help but feel a little relieved.

A flash of light, Qingu found that there was something at the base of the flagpole that shook her eyes.

But when she was using character exploration, there was no other display, so she went over and looked at it carefully.

It was found that a black sign was inlaid on the stone of the base, with the words "city building order" written on it.

Why, how can there be a city building order here?

However, it has not been officially recognized by the system. It only exists as an ordinary object.

Qin Gu's heart moved. Did he say that when he upgraded the manor to a higher level, the city building order could become a real prop?

In this way, she can upgrade the manor to a town? From manor Lord to city Lord?!

Qin Gu looked at the team with 20 people in front of him. He was very excited.

This, these people's fighting power is enough to sweep all monsters below level 60, no, 70.

If you take them to upgrade, Qingu will be excited just by thinking about it. Well, there is also the stimulation of the city building order.

The mysterious connection between Qin Gu and these people is followed by the turbulent information. It is as if one of her ideas can control them to do anything. This is probably the so-called command.

Qin Gu asked the people to get up and said some words of comfort and encouragement. They would like to use this place as a base and make a comeback.

Then assign them rooms and daily arrangements.

That's right. All of these people's actions are arranged by her.

There is nothing here. The arrangement of tasks is just to make these soldiers who have just been revived tired in vain, so Qingu lets them "move freely".

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