Parents want their children to be successful.

But if the child is really not successful, then the parents will accept the reality.

After all, for many people, it is not easy to live the ordinary life of ordinary people after exhausting their life's efforts.

But it's not the same for those big families and rich families. After all, there is such a big family business. Parents want their children to have the ability to inherit and carry it forward.

So when a child like McCann doesn't show his talent, his parents are very disappointed with him.

Fortunately, in addition to McCann, there are several other children in the family, some of whom are excellent.

As for Macon Let's be a child of a rich family. We don't need to expect him to have much success in this life.

Davis has always thought so. After all, McCann has been very ordinary since he was a child. He has no ability. What can he do with such a child?

Give him a job, give him a good family environment, let him spend a happy life, it's very good.

So Davis has long had little hope for McCann.

Today, however, a phone call from McCann made Davis feel that McCann seems to be different.

Because he felt McCann's courage and anger.

In this family, there are few people who dare to question him loudly.

Even his best eldest son did not dare to do so. After all, his prestige was always high.

Today, however, McCann has done it, not because of a personal matter, but because of a cooperation project about the company.

That's business!

It makes Davis really happy.

Because he knows that if he doesn't have anger and courage, he can't succeed in his career.

If we pursue peace and stability too much, we are likely to be conservative. Once we are conservative, we will lose the impetus to move forward.

After a long time, it will naturally regress.

So today, after hearing the anger and courage in his words, he felt a little happy.

After a drink, Davis goes back to his desk and dials Pierce.


As for Chen Feng's "Avatar" cooperation project, pierce thought it was over for a long time. However, after receiving a phone call from the company's big boss, he found that it didn't seem so simple.

I don't know why the headquarters of alengo even knew about the existence of this project, and it seems to attach great importance to it!

This made pierce feel a little strange.

However, this is not something he can control. Since the upper authorities want to know the relevant information, he can only report it truthfully.

However, the importance of this matter in the headquarters was beyond Pierce's expectation. In the end, he had to take Paul and Brian to the headquarters in person.

But pierce wasn't so nervous. After all At the beginning, the requirements he put forward were the standard used by alengo when cooperating with overseas projects, but he stuck the standard to the most strict level.

So it shouldn't be a big problem.


Sure enough, when we arrived at the headquarters of the company, things didn't seem very tense. Davis, the boss of the company, only took ten minutes to meet with Pierce, Paul and Brian. They told us the details of the matter face to face, and then they all left.

It's like nothing happened.

This made pierce himself a little confused.

On the way back, Pierce said nothing and Paul bowed his head. Brian wanted to say something, but at last he looked at pierce and Paul again and didn't say a word.

In the next few days, everyone still went to work as usual, and pierce even created several new projects, ready to do a lot of work

but five days later, the company's headquarters suddenly sent orders.

Pierce was directly transferred to the headquarters to manage logistics, while Paul took over Pierce's position, and even Brian was promoted by two levels.

It happened so suddenly that when pierce received the order, he was still studying the plan of his new project with great interest.

Everything happened like a bolt from the blue, which directly shocked pierce on the spot.

"For Why? Why? " He did not dare to question.

Although it seems easy and pleasant to go to the head office to manage the logistics, it is obviously marginalized and may not be able to interfere in the company's core business in the future.

So, Pierce is not reconciled.

However, the informer gave pierce a flash of an investigation report in his hand, and he did not dare to speak when he came.

After working in such a high position in the company for many years, Pierce's hands can't be clean, so he has done some things that can't be seen.And these things, actually head office there know.

It was his luck not to deal with him before, but as long as the company wanted to clean him up, it could be done at any time.

Therefore, pierce can only accept his fate.


After Paul was promoted to Pierce's position, under the direction of the head office, he soon sent Brian to Chen Feng to discuss the cooperation project of avatar again.

In fact, Davis is not really optimistic about avatar. The current situation of the company can not be saved by such a project. The reason why he decided to support the project was actually due to the face of his youngest son, Macon.

Since the younger son takes a matter so seriously this time, let's give him a chance.

Of course, although this time, the company actively wants to cooperate with Chen Feng, they still follow their own rules. Some cooperation terms are not so strict, but their company still has the upper hand.

As for whether Chen Feng would agree I think I will.

At least this time, Paul and Brian feel that arengo has really made great concessions. At least in previous similar projects, arengo has paid the least and accounted for the most share. After all, the brand of arengo alone is priceless.

So, this time, Bryan went to talk with Chen Feng with confidence.

After learning about the details of avatar, Brian himself is deeply in love with this work, whether it's comic books or movie works. He also hopes to see the finished product released earlier.

This time, brother Allen came to talk with great sincerity. As long as Chen Feng is not too difficult, the probability of successful cooperation will be very high, and avatar is not far away. , the fastest update of the webnovel!