Sure enough, I did not guess wrong, Zheng Qian agreed: "I bet with you, but I have to choose the route, and the other is who lost who disappeared in front of Nono."

"It's OK to disappear, but..." I shook my head and said, "you can't choose the route. You're already blessed. It's up to you to choose the route. You don't have to compete. You win directly. I have to choose this route, or I'll give you a choice. You decide to go from here to the wharf in the north of the city, or to the entrance of the high-speed tunnel in the west of the city, or to the rose garden in the east of the city. Of course, the south of the city is OK. It's just at the gas station in the industrial zone. Finally, you can choose whatever you want. On the contrary, the fastest one is the winner. You choose it right away, because you are not good, Give you time and you'll find someone to stop me

"Shall I?"

"As for, although you just said fair competition, that's bullshit."

"I'll find someone to block you. I'm a pig. I'll pick the rose garden in the east of the city. You'll lose. You'll find yourself."

"Yes, I asked for it. I like to be naked and run." I stood up and said, "you wait. I'll find paper and pen."

Zheng Qian didn't say anything. I went to the toilet immediately. First, I threw the cigarette end into the toilet and washed it away with boiling water. Then I came out, went into the study, took out the paper and pen, brushed and wrote an agreement and handed it to Zheng Qian.

After looking at the agreement, Zheng Qian felt that there was no problem. Then he signed his name, and I also signed my own name. Then he planned to put the agreement into his pocket. Zheng Qian said, "wait a minute, it doesn't work. Why do you keep the agreement?"

I asked, "can I leave it for you?"

"No, it must be released by a third person, or I'm afraid you'll default."

"Can I? But it's OK. You can let Noro be the witness. I can't wait, because if you lose, you don't dare to default. But if you lose, you will lose face in front of Wang Noro. Think clearly. "

Zheng Qian thought a little and thought it was not good, so he said, "write two copies, one for each person."

"No problem, you write it. You take what I write, and I take what you write. When I go out, I'll borrow a red seal from the sales center and put my finger on it."

I handed the agreement to Zheng Qian, and immediately Zheng Qian took up his pen and copied it on the white paper. The font was not bad, but it was a pity for his character.

After writing, Zheng Qian signed his name first, and I also signed my name, one by one.

I said, "come on, Mr. Zheng."

Zheng Qian went to the door of Wang Nuo's room and said, "Nuo, I'll go out and pack some light things to accompany you to dinner in the evening."

Wang Nuo in the room didn't respond, didn't promise, and didn't refuse. I said, "can I go?"

Zheng Qian said, "you don't have time to lose to me?"

I nodded and said, "yes."

Zheng Qian finally agreed to go, and walked very fast. He opened the door like he was going to see me naked and running.

When I got off, I saw Zheng Qian's open top sports car. It was very fashionable, but I didn't worry about it. I didn't compare a broken car with a good one. In fact, it was the technology, not the quality of the car, because I was running on the city road. Technology, intelligence and familiarity can make up for the shortcomings of the car. Before I got on the bus, I said to Zheng Qian, "see you at the sales department outside the door."

Zheng Qian said: "less nonsense."

OK, cut the crap. I immediately got on the bus and drove out first, but it was very slow, zigzagging to block Zheng Qian's advance, which made Zheng Qian very angry.

When I got to the sales department, it was Zheng Qian who borrowed the red seal and touched it with his finger. I said, "Zheng Qian, I'll tell you the ugly story first. If you don't admit it when you lose, I'll send this agreement to the major websites and microblogs of the newspaper. If you have status and status, you can't afford to lose this person, so you have to think about the consequences before you do it."

Zheng Qian said: "similarly, if you admit it, I will let you bear the legal responsibility."

"Good." I lit a cigarette, got on the car, looked at the gas meter, there was enough gas, and said with a smile to Zheng Qian, "I finished smoking this cigarette, and I started to throw the cigarette end immediately. I let you, because after I throw the cigarette end, you can drive out immediately, and I have to reach back and close the window."

Zheng Qian didn't say anything. Anyway, he took advantage of it.

I'm not too busy. It seems very comfortable. In fact, my head is busy. I wonder whether I'm going by myself or following Zheng Qian? And then wait until it's almost there to surpass? It shouldn't be difficult, but it's not safe. If you go by yourself, what route will you take to avoid accidents and get to your destination as soon as possible? I have a map in my mind, but I can't see Zheng Qian. I feel a little insecure, and I'm very tangled.

Before he knew it, a cigarette was almost burnt out. Zheng Qian said, "I'm ok, are you ok?"

I said, "OK, look at it. Throw it right away."

I started the car, put it in gear, stepped on the accelerator to warm it up, and then flicked my cigarette into the air.

Immediately, Zheng Qian drove out. After all, it was a sports car. The speed was increased by more than 100 kilometers a second. It was also a road, so it was a long way away. Of course, I'm an expert in art and bold. Zheng Qian is just a good car. His technology is not very good. I don't need to worry about it. I followed Zheng Qian and caught up with him at a red light intersection. Zheng Qian's advantages were gone. I don't know what Zheng Qian felt, because it was impossible to see two cars in the middle! At this time, I received a short message from Wang Nuo Nuo: I have heard what you said. If you lose, don't appear in front of me again.

Oh, no? Can Wang Nuo hear me? I was in a daze for a few seconds. I turned the light and the car behind me kept honking. Then I started driving. As a result, I found that Zheng Qian's car had disappeared.

I quickly chose a road that was not likely to meet the traffic police. I speeded up and drove in. I crossed left and right on the city road. I was cursed all the way. I didn't mind. I had only one belief in my heart. I had to be faster than Zheng Qian. Otherwise, I couldn't see Wang Nuo any more when I was naked and running. This was an unacceptable consequence. What makes me happy is that I really didn't meet the traffic police all the way and there was no accident. When I finally got to the destination, Zheng Qian didn't arrive. Although it's expected, I'm very happy. One million, one million. It's a big bet.

After getting out of the car, I squatted on the side of the road, lit a cigarette and smoked, waiting for Zheng Qian to arrive. As a result, Zheng Qian arrived three minutes later, followed by four or five police cars. The sound of the police siren was very harsh.

With a creak, Zheng Qian parked his car beside me. The police car arrived soon and got off the car very quickly. As soon as he got off the car, he surrounded all Zheng Qian's cars in the middle. He also took out his gun and yelled to let Zheng Qian get off with both hands raised. Zheng Qian did not take any action. He just looked at me painfully. He was unwilling to lose. How could it be? Driving a BMW sports car, I lost Xiali.

After watching and shouting twice, Zheng Qian did not take action. The police started to catch him. At this time, Zheng Qian responded and said, "what are you doing? Isn't that the red light? Fine is, what's the big deal? "

One of the policemen said, "is it just a red light? You don't stop calling you to stop. You've done something bad and run away, right

Zheng Qian said angrily, "be careful, because I will sue you for slander."

"Come out with your hands up. Be honest."

Zheng Qian still didn't act. He took out his mobile phone to call. At this time, the police rushed to pull him out and search him at the back of the car. At this time, I was smiling and made a goodbye gesture. I went back to my car and drove away

After a while, I got out of the car and bought a bottle of water. I came back to drink a few mouthfuls of it. Then I replied to Wang Nuo: there's no suspense about winning. I'll get a million.

After waiting for five minutes, Wang didn't reply. As a result, Liang Xiaoshi's phone call came in. I answered, "Dear director Liang Chen, do you miss me?"

Liang Xiaoshi said, "well, a little bit. I'm at home alone."

"Oh, it must be empty to be at home alone." I deliberately ambiguous smile, "do you mean to let me go to comfort you?"

Liang Xiaoshi said: "you can come here, but I mainly want to ask you how things are going? Have you copied Lin Ying'er's address book? Did you go to find Nie qiuni? "

"I was just going to look for it, and then you called. How do you want me to answer you?"

"Well, I'll contact you when you find it."

I continued to smile vaguely and said: "yes, it should be like this. You prepare your meal and wash it clean, waiting for me to report to you."

Liang Xiaoshi's tone is very ambiguous: "well, OK, come on!"

Calm for a minute, I put my mobile phone away, identified the direction, and drove to the Mingdong beauty salon on Garden Street.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, I arrived on the road outside Mingdong beauty salon. I found a vacant seat and got off with my mobile phone. I found Nie qiuni's car in the parking lot. I know the license plate number and the phone number. It was sent by Ma Yuqiong last night. It's not difficult to find it. I found Nie qiuni's car. It's a red Audi, and I'm sure it's also there?

I looked around and found a flower shop not far away. Then I went to buy a bunch of less beautiful flowers for 100 yuan. By the way, I wrote a greeting card with the flowers in my arms and strode to the beauty salon.

Entering the door of the beauty salon, I saw two pretty beauties at the front desk. When they saw me, one of them stood up and said, "I'm sorry, sir. We don't accept male guests."

I said, "what if the male guests and the female guests come together? Waiting in the car? "

The beauty said: "there is a coffee shop next door, we can open the card, take our card in the past consumption can get 50%

I smile: "I don't like coffee, in addition, you misunderstand, I am a flower, I look for Nie qiuni, Miss Nie."

"You can't send flowers either. You can only give them to me. I'll send them to miss Nie."

I shook my head and said, "it's no good. The guest told me that I had to send it to miss Nie and she would sign for it in person. Besides, before 4:20, there are still ten minutes left. So I suggest you ask Miss Nie. You just say that the person who sent the flowers is a leader of the industrial and commercial bureau. Miss Nie knows who it is and will definitely invite me in."

The beauty at the front desk didn't have any hesitation. She immediately went to find Nie qiuni. After all, Nie qiuni is a VIP and can't offend her. The most important thing is that the people who send flowers should not offend the Bureau of industry and commerce. It's something that can be done every minute. Of course, all this is in my expectation, otherwise I would not say that, I am deliberately bluffing them to achieve my own goal.

In fact, I can wait outside for Nie qiuni to come out, but it's a waste of time. I don't know when Nie qiuni will come out and when she will wait? I don't want to wait. In addition, if Nie qiuni thought I was a liar after she came out, she would get on the bus and leave without saying a word? Of course, I can also call Nie qiuni and say, but it's not technical enough. The effect I hope to achieve is to let Nie qiuni know that I'm a high IQ and powerful person in places where I'm unlikely to enter, so as to give her a side shock!

I waited for about a minute, the front desk beauty came back, with a very polite face, just a different smile, said: "Miss Nie agrees you to go in, please come with me!"

"Thank you," I said

I followed the beauty at the front desk to the beauty salon with flowers in my hand. After walking about 50 meters, I turned a corner. The beauty at the front desk immediately stopped, knocked on a wooden door nearby, and then opened it. She made a please sign to me. I said thank you, and then walked in