Plug the phone back to charge, I quickly take clothes to take a bath, because not in a hurry, spend more time, so after the bath out, Qiao Nan has put the food on the table, I sat down and said: "Qiao Nan, you are really fast, hungry crazy?"

Qiao Nan said vaguely: "food doesn't speak, sleep doesn't speak. I'm in a hurry. I'll leave immediately after eating. You can wash the dishes by yourself."

I said with a sly smile, "I'll keep it until you come next time."

"You are really lazy. I suggest you find a woman quickly, so that someone will take care of you and no longer need me to help you. Otherwise, I will move and live far away. If you are so lazy, I will see what you can do."

"Am I lazy? I'm a big man. No, you said you moved. Why did you move? "

"Just like that!"

"Oh, wait until you actually move."

"What about my perfume No. five?"

"After dinner, go out and buy. Don't worry. I'll give it to you on Monday, or I'll give you my last name."

Qiao Nan rolled his eyes and continued to eat. After eating, he left me in a hurry, leaving me alone. Of course, I'm not so evil. I don't clean up after eating.

Half an hour later, I also went out. As soon as I went downstairs, I saw Ming caichen's car parked on the side of the road. After two seconds, I called Qiao Nan and said, "Qiao Nan, did Ming caichen give you the car key?"

Qiao Nan said: "yes, it's on the shoe cabinet. I forgot to tell you. Are you going out?"

"What do you remember? I said I'd buy perfume for you."

"Oh, for the real one, hang up and I'll take the car."

The phone hung up, I returned home, took the car keys down, drove out, went straight to the nearest shopping mall, bought Qiao Nan's perfume No. five, and then went to the supermarket to buy a lot of food to Chunhui garden, and Luigi Nono's family was tragedies. Is Wang nono not at home? Or, because sun Xiaosu answered the phone last night, still angry?

I'm very depressed. I'm wronged. It's such a coincidence.

I knocked for another minute, but still didn't respond. I took out my mobile phone and called Wang Nuo. The first time, I didn't answer. The second time, I turned it off.

Don't think about it. Wang nuonou must be in it. This innocent woman is angry

I continued to knock on the door and said to the inside through the door: "Nuo Nuo, yesterday I had a friend's birthday. I went home to take a bath. As a result, I had just finished the washing, and the neighbor came to borrow the phone to call. It was a little girl named sun Xiaosu. Then you called, she pressed and answered. That's all. If you are angry about this, I will be wronged. I'm telling the truth, Otherwise, the sky will strike thunder. "

This time, there was a little reaction inside. There was the sound of footsteps. Soon after, a key came out of the crack of the door below. I quickly picked up the key to open the door. As soon as I entered, I heard a bang. Wang Nuo entered his room and closed the door.

I put things on the table, then went to the door of the room, across the room door, said: "nono, have you eaten yet?"

"What time is it?" said Wang? It's two o'clock. "

I said, "I'm drunk. I just got up. I'll do it for you right now."

Wang nuonou didn't respond. I waited for more than ten seconds, but the results were all the same, so I sighed and turned away, took the things on the table into the kitchen and began to work. It's really tragic to have a relationship with Wang Nuo. If you don't cheat Wang Nuo, you can say that Wang Nuo is a sheep. But if you cheat Wang Nuo, immediately Wang Nuo will become a very difficult tiger.

It took me about an hour to prepare the meal. When I took it out, I felt very uncomfortable. I was just with Qiao Nan. Qiao Nan made it for me. Now I'm a grandson with Wang Nuo. When I'm ready, I have to knock on the door and tell Wang Nuo that I can eat. Then Wang Nuo still lingers.

Wang Nuo sat down and ate with his meal. I sat opposite and watched. I found that Wang Nuo looked better, at least better than yesterday. I hope it will continue like this! What makes me feel uncomfortable is that I don't know if I can go back to the original relationship with Wang Nuo. After all, some things happen. There are cracks in how to repair them, and even they can't be repaired at all. I was thinking about it when there was a knock on the door. I asked Wang Nuo, "do you have an appointment with a friend?"

Wang Nuo Nuo shook his head and went on eating.

I also said: "will it be a property management fee?"

Wang Nuo Nuo said, "if you go to open the door, you'll know. I can't answer so many questions."

I had to shut up and open the door. As a result, I saw a bunch of very big flowers. Then a head appeared behind the flowers. It was Zheng Qian. I was stunned for two seconds. Of course, Zheng Qian was the same. In the end, I reacted first. I blocked the door and said with a smile: "Mr. Zheng, are you going to the wrong door?"

Zheng Qian said, "I'm going right. I'm looking for Nuo Nuo. Please get out of the way."

I said: "nono has no time to receive you, but you are all guests. I can help you to receive flowers, but don't let flowers in. Because nono is not comfortable these two days, the doctor told you to stay away from flowers and villains. You should not be villains, right?"

Zheng Qian gritted his teeth and said, "I won't talk to you. Get out of the way."

"Why should I get out of the way? You are not the master of this family

"You are not, we go our own way, you stand outside your door, I stand inside my door, we do not interfere with each other."

Zheng Qian was very helpless. He thought that he was not my opponent in any way, and I was right about that. However, I was not right about that. At the critical moment, Wang nuono in it even spoke. She said, "let him in!"

What the hell? Let Zheng move in? To be honest, I'm a little stunned, Wang Nuo Nuo. This is absolutely intentional. Of course, Wang Nuo is the owner of the house. Since Wang Nuo has opened his mouth, I have no reason to stop Zheng Qian from entering. However, Zheng Qian's winning posture made me very unhappy. So when Zheng Qian entered, I quietly stretched out my foot. Zheng Qian was not on guard. As a result, he staggered forward for several steps before he stood firm. He was very embarrassed.

I smile in my heart and pretend nothing happened on my face. I close the door, walk back and continue to sit opposite Wang Nuo Nuo. Seeing that Zheng Qian was still standing in the same place, his eyes were burning with anger, I said with a smile: "Mr. Zheng, it's right not to let you in. You see, after you come in, you'll install columns. You look awkward. Don't you have anything to say? If not, put down the flowers and go

"I suddenly have a little stomachache, in the adjustment, now good..." Zheng Qian went over and handed the flowers to Wang Nuo, "Nuo Nuo, I heard you are not very well, I come to see what can help."

Wang did not say, I even busy way: "flowers casually put it, all said to stay away from the flowers, Mr. Zheng, you are helping."

Zheng Qian wanted to smoke, but he couldn't do it in front of Wang Nuo, so he could only cut me with his eyes. He continued to say to Wang Nuo, "Nuo, it's bad for you to eat when you're sick. I'll take you to have a good one."

I said, "Mr. Zheng, did you do it on purpose? The doctor told me to eat light, try to stay at home, do not go outside, otherwise eating unclean things, do not say recovery, but will aggravate the disease, you'd better go, come in now said nothing reliable

Zheng Qian said, "Mr. Yang, if you don't speak, no one thinks you are dumb. Do you know?"

"Why don't I talk? Nono is my girlfriend. Do you want me to give you a chance when you come to visit my girlfriend? Are you sick or am I? "

Before Zheng Qian answered, Wang Nuo said, "have you finished with Yang zuran? Zheng Qian is my friend. Come to see me. What do you do with such a big reaction? "

Suddenly, Zheng Qian was a little complacent, I said: "well, I don't speak, I'll sit here."

Wang Nuo Nuo said to Zheng Qian, "sit down!"

Zheng Qian immediately sat down and put a big bunch of flowers on the other side of the table, blocking my sight. I didn't choose to move the flowers. Instead, I moved my chair to the side. As long as Zheng Qian talked to Wang Nuo, I would make a sound and try my best to destroy the atmosphere. Looking at Zheng Qian's expression, which was clearly angry and had to be magnanimous and indifferent, I couldn't say how happy he was.

After 20 minutes, without saying a word to Wang Nuo, Zheng Qian had to change his strategy and said, "Nuo, it's a fine day today. How about going to the park downstairs and basking in the sun?"

Wang Nuo looked at me and said, "I don't want to walk. I'll go back to my room and have a rest. You can help yourself."

Wang nuonou really went back to his room, and I made a victory gesture to Zheng Qian: "Zheng Qian, if I were you, I would jump off the building. Do you think you are bored? It's a shame. "

Zheng Qian said: "that's not true. Nuo told me that she has nothing to do with you. What do you mean by saying these words to me? It's a hint that if you are your girlfriend, we can compete fairly at most, but I'm sure you will lose in the end. "

Will Wang Nuo say that to Zheng Qian? I really don't know how I feel, because Wang Nuo may really be, because his anger and anger have covered his eyes, but it depends on the situation. Wang Nuo has already regretted that, otherwise he won't tolerate me to treat Zheng Qian like that. Thinking about it, I said with a smile: "why do you always think you will win? I think I really want to show my strength to you. Let me ask you a question first. What car are you driving today? "

Zheng Qian said with pride: "BMW sports car, open Peng, how about you? Should it be the Xiali downstairs? "

I said, "you look down on Charley?"

Zheng Qian disdained to say: "I have a wheel is more expensive than you."

"Yes, you are telling the truth." I laughed, "but do you believe that your BMW sports car can't run my Xiali? It's just like you and me, you are the second generation of the rich, I am the poor, you and I have all kinds of congenital conditions, but you may not win, do not believe to run, dare? Dare you? "

"Don't scare me."

"I'll scare you. What? If you don't sign an agreement first, who will lose and run naked in the street, what do you think? "

Zheng Qian disdained to say: "what's my identity? I'll go naked and run with you? "

"You think you're going to lose, too."

"Nonsense, my BMW sports car will lose you, Charley? I'm kidding. Do you think I'll be scared by you? "

"I don't think you can be intimidated by me. I want you to bet." I took a cigarette out of my pocket, lit one and smoked, "how much do you think it's worth to be naked and run? million? Or half a million? Otherwise, you are a rich man. I'll give you some privileges. If you lose a million, I'll lose. I'll run naked. "

I think Zheng Qian will gamble, because one million is nothing to Zheng Qian. Moreover, there are inherent conditions. BMW sports car has a chance to get Wang nuonou if it wins, so it is no doubt very happy to buy one chance with one million. Of course, I'm very happy. Zheng Qian is so rich that he'll be given a chance to do good deeds if he spends a million dollars. Anyway, he looks like a unscrupulous businessman, and he certainly hasn't done any good deeds.