"Do you believe what Liang Xiaoshi said? She deliberately splashed dirty water on me and slandered me. "

"I believe what I see."

"What do you see?" I got up a little unnaturally, thinking and recalling, what secret did Wang Nuo see the other day? It seems not. A few days ago, it was very normal. "Let's be frank. We have experienced so many natural and man-made disasters together. Maybe I cheated you. But at that time, what I said to you was absolutely from the bottom of my heart, that is, no matter how it turns upside down in the future, I will stand by you unswervingly."

Wang nuono showed a kind of anger that I had never seen on her face. She was as gentle as a rabbit, and suddenly turned into a wolf: "are you standing? Are you sure? And now you're lying to me? Frankly, do you deserve the word? Hypocrisy is not terrible. Please don't instill hypocrisy in me with the attitude of truth, because I can't help smoking you. "

I'm in a cold sweat. I don't know Wang Nuo. He's terrible. My voice is extremely unnatural: "I've been on your side. How can I cheat you?"

"How did my USB flash drive data get out? Do you know what data is in it? " Wang nuono laughs miserably, "it's customer information. My survival in Jinba group is only half, but this half has spread very seriously. Maybe it's my fault. I use real data to test you because I don't believe what Liang Xiaoshi said. I also believe that data will not flow out because I believe you. As a result, I believe you wrong. I can actually use false data. I'm an idiot and I deserve it. "

I'm stunned. Where is this? U disk has been in ah, even spread out, how to flow? I said: "no, the USB flash disk is always there. It's very safe. It can't be spread."

"The next day has already spread out, and that day, except you, no one entered my office. Although it was plugged into the computer, it didn't open it. It's professional, not roadside goods. No matter how powerful the hacker is, it's impossible to steal in the non startup state. If possible, why do I use it every day but never steal it? So it can only be you. "

"I don't know what's in the USB flash drive at all. I swear, I didn't open it. It's not in your office, and it's not even outside. So there must be some misunderstanding. Maybe we were designed..."

"It's you who designed me. If you don't look at me, I won't believe you any more. I have nothing to say to you!" Wang Nuo stood up and wanted to leave.

I even busy way: "Nuo Nuo, I really did not, wronged ah."

"Wronged? Can you be more shameless? Are you a fool when I am, when I am low IQ, easy to cheat? Well, if you say it's wrong, you can prove it to me, or you'll shut up, don't talk to me, and get out of my sight forever. "

Wang Nuo still left, I didn't stop her, no reason, my explanation is very pale, because I don't know what happened.

How is that possible? Wang Nuo Nuo is also a fool, taking such an important thing to test a person! However, looking at this issue from another angle, it proves that Wang Nuo really trusts me, otherwise she won't be so tentative, and the result will make her lose her wife and lose her army.

I finally understand why Wang Nuo is in such a bad state, not simply losing customer information, but disappointment, deep disappointment, even despair, a matter of human nature. When you trust a person to the extreme, you are betrayed by this person, and you feel that the sky is falling.

I don't know how I got out of the western restaurant or how I got back to the company. I was so confused that I had only one thought in my mind: what's the matter? Who the hell is that? Who set up the bureau? Chaos, tangle, no answer.

Qiao Nan came in from the outside, holding a document in his hand, opened it and said something, but I seemed to have tinnitus and didn't listen to a word. When Qiao Nan finished, he found that I didn't respond and pushed my shoulder twice. Then I responded and said, "what's the matter? What did you just say? "

Qiao Nan said: "you are not listening? I said that drink advertisement, the customer asked... Forget it, I'll make it myself. You're in no state. Are you ok? "

I still shook my head: "nothing, you go out, I want to be quiet, quiet."

What did Qiao Nan want to say? He didn't say anything. Finally, he let out and went outside. But before closing the door, he said, "if you have something, please call me."

I locked the door, sat back in the chair, lit a cigarette and thought.

It's incredible. How could this happen? Who did it? Lin Ying'er? She needs Wang Nuo Nuo's customer information most, but it seems impossible, because Lin Ying'er never stops asking me to steal it. If she already has it, why bother?

Since it's not Lin Ying'er, is it su Banan? No, Wang Nuo is always on guard against subanan. Subanan has been successful for a long time, and then he kicked Wang Nuo out. Is it necessary to wait until today?

Is it Liang Xiaoshi? What's more, if Liang Xiaoshi has mastered Wang Nuo's customer information, he will never commit himself to me these two days. He can kill Su Banan by directly cooperating with Wang Nuo. Why do you need me as a middleman?

So, who else? Anan? It's possible, after all, Anan went to work in the customer department, but Wang Nuo will be careful of her. Does she have a mobile phone?

No one else, tragedy!

Is what Wang Nuo said true? I really let it out? I was very tangled and kept telling myself to be calm. Then I thought about the past few days, especially after I got the USB flash disk. First I met Zhang Jie, and then I went to the club with Zhang Jie.

Could it be Zhang Jie? It's not right. Zhang Jie can't know that I have Wang Nuo's USB flash disk. If Zhang Jie knows, it can't be denied that she can find a laptop in the dressing room to operate it. She changed her clothes and put the USB flash disk in her bag. Zhang Jie took it into the dressing room together.

However, Zhang Jie is a suspect, followed by an Nan. An Nan, whom I met after I separated from Zhang Jie, also met Duan Rao. But Duan Rao misunderstood and ran away? Even if you want a USB flash drive, you don't have a chance to start. The USB flash drive is always in my bag, and it can't be Duan Rao at all. It's possible for Anan to drink together, spend the night together and wake up. Even Anan has left the hotel room.

An Nan is the second suspect. In the end, he contacts Lin Ying'er, but Lin Ying'er has no chance at all, so in the end, he is two suspects. Who has more chance? To tell you the truth, the chances are almost the same. As for the motive of the crime, I think it's more likely to be Anan, because she's from subanan and works in the customer department. When Wang Nuo called to ask me to help with the USB flash drive, she was working with her outside. When she heard what Wang Nuo called, she didn't know. In addition, that night was really weird. She ordered so much wine on purpose, and she didn't resist to touch her or take advantage of her. Wasn't it obvious that she had a purpose?

The key is, I suddenly remember that before I took a bath as fast as I could, Anan seemed to be rummaging through my clothes. Are you wrong? Is it a matter of angle? Is it that coincidence? If it's not so coincident, it means that it's Anan. So much evidence points to her, otherwise it's so easy to be fucked? So this is to get something more important.

I was speechless to myself, but I didn't know so much at that time. I didn't even know what was in the USB flash disk. What could I do? Now an Nan is the most suspect, but it doesn't mean Zhang Jie is innocent. It's just that I believe Zhang Jie more than an Nan.

After thinking about it, I thought I would try Zhang Jie and buy some peace of mind. Then I opened Zhang Jie's dialog box and sent a sentence to her: Zhang Jie, I'd like to ask you a few questions.

Zhang Jie online, quickly replied: you ask.

Me: at the club that day, you took my clothes and bag and left your wardrobe. I lost a beautiful lighter. Did you see it? You opened my bag?

Zhang Jie: How dare I open your bag? I'll go to the club with you to look for it before I get off work. Maybe it's left in the closet. It's very messy. I didn't pay much attention to it.

Me: forget it, you can go by yourself when you are free. I just can't think of anything falling in it. In fact, it doesn't matter. If you can't find it, don't put it in your heart.

Zhang Jie: what kind? Do you have any pictures? If it's because I lost it, I'll buy you one.

Me: no need to. Who do you think I am, and what's our relationship? It's a friend, you work!

I sigh in my heart, because it's not Zhang Jie. If it's her, she will insist that she won't take me to the scene of her crime. This is a very normal psychology. Zhang Jie is so magnanimous that she definitely doesn't look like she has done something bad. But the more like this, the more I sigh. I would rather be Zhang Jie, because if it is Zhang Jie, I can always think of a way to make Zhang Jie pay a heavy price. Even if it doesn't help, it can at least get revenge.

There's another reason. If it's Zhang Jie's ghost, I don't have to be so disgusted. If it's an Nan's ghost, I'll be very sad, because it's sex. The key is that if it's not done well, it will make Wang Nuo very miserable.

Oh, my God. What do you do? Now the point is not to revenge on Anan, but how to help Wang Nuo tide over the difficulties. Wang Nuo will lose so many chips and his status will be shaken. Unless he kills subanan, it won't be long before subanan can kill Wang Nuo.

Do evil, and harm Wang Nuo Nuo! I think it's reasonable for Wang Nuo to hate me and scold me. It's not a pity to die. But to say the least, it has something to do with Liang Xiaoshi. If Liang Xiaoshi didn't talk nonsense, Wang Nuo wouldn't have done such a stupid trial.

I was scolding Liang Xiaoshi in my heart, and my mobile phone suddenly rang. It was Liang Xiaoshi, and I said, "Liang Xiaoshi, I'm going to be killed by you, you know?"

Liang Xiaoshi was stunned and said, "what's the matter?"

"You..." as soon as I said it, I was in a cold sweat. I couldn't tell Liang Xiaoshi about it, because if Wang Nuo hates me, it means that I really have a problem and I really help Lin Yinger. Liang Xiaoshi said at that time that Wang Nuo won't have a problem unless I have a problem. If you tell Liang Xiaoshi something like this, it's not like you don't want to admit it? So I immediately changed the topic and said, "forget it, I don't care about you..."

Liang Xiaoshi asked, "what happened? How can you cooperate with each other? "

Mouth cheap, how to round it? I thought hard: "do you have gynecological disease? I feel itchy, itching for a long time, I just did not go to the meeting is to go to the hospital

"Ah?" Liang Xiaoshi was very surprised, "what do you say? I'm fine. I'm fine. "

I think I'm too talented to think of such a cheap excuse: "what's the matter? I've done it with you. I haven't done it with anyone else. "

"What did the doctor say?"

"It's going to take a few days to wash and take medicine."

"I'll go and have a look. I should be OK. I don't feel it. Forget it. We'd better not be together these days."

Then, I found my own idiot again. This method is good. Liang Xiaoshi will not doubt it, but the chance to do sports with her will be gone in a short time! Damn, there are two sides to everything, good and bad. It's just like a city. If there are ladies, there will be whores and customers, and if there are swindlers, there will be fools