I'm not that stupid. I know Lin Ying'er's good move. She knows that Su Banan suspects her. She takes it out and asks Wang Nuo to go to the party. If Wang Nuo and Liang Xiaoshi kill Su Banan, she will benefit. If Su Banan kills Wang Nuo and Liang Xiaoshi, she can protect herself. Damn, what I think is very good. It's always someone else who tries hard. She enjoys her success. How can this woman be so brazen?

Lin Ying'er: there's no way out. Are you going to tell Liang Xiaoshi not to cooperate now? Is it possible? Liang Xiaoshi will think you are playing with her.

Me: Damn, so you know? This is what you do. What do you do when you don't have enough information? Don't you have a high IQ? Don't you think that this is a plan to kill many birds with one stone? You can plant your own cause and eat your own fruit. You must give me 300000, or I'll let you jump on the street

Lin Ying'er: no problem, this mistake and next time. As long as you keep performing the contract, why don't you give it to me? No time. If you have something on your side, please let me know and we'll talk about it!

Lin Ying'er's head turned gray. I held my chin to look back at the chat record, thinking. Is subanan so terrible? Damn, fortunately Lin Ying'er can see the clue. Otherwise, she won't know what's going on. It's obvious that Liang Xiaoshi is a prelude to Su Ba Nan Yin. Through such a thing, Liang Xiaoshi, Wang Nuo Nuo, Lin Yinger, and even those who are more hidden, can see that it's a great opportunity to kill him, so as to show the original shape and cooperate with each other. In fact, it's not an opportunity, but a big trap.

Thinking, I'm in the cold, turn on the air conditioner to cool down!

What should I say to Liang Xiaoshi next? I began to struggle with this problem, to tell the truth, no, how to say? Did Lin Yinger think of it? Isn't that the way it's exposed? If I think of it myself, it's impossible. I don't know so much. If I didn't communicate with Lin Ying'er and Wang Nuo Nuo, how could I know? The key is that all fools know that only Lin Ying'er is as smart as Lin Ying'er, and only those who are close to Su Banan can understand it. No one else can understand it.

It's not convincing to tell lies. Liang Xiaoshi is definitely not willing to give up. If he can't get it right, he will kill Su Banan more strongly and at all costs. In the end, he will not only kill Su Banan but also catch up with himself. This is a result I don't want to see.

In a word, it's troublesome. It's not good to tell the truth, and it's even worse to tell lies. It's not human. Lin Ying'er's intelligence work is not done well.

I haven't finished, Duan Rao replied: just busy, after a few days' rest, I feel very bad when I come back. A lot of work is piling up. I expect to work overtime today.

Me: so miserable? Salary ah, I also want to go with you to cool it!

Duan Rao: let's go at the weekend. Maybe we have to work overtime tomorrow. The customer department is in a bit of a mess. Director Wang is not in a state. He's in a trance. A lot of work has gone wrong. But one good thing is that Lin Liqun has already let go. I'll talk with Director Wang and start in half an hour.

I know that Liang Xiaoshi succeeded. Of course, this will definitely succeed. After all, she has a nest with Lin Liqun. But I'm really not happy. Duan Rao said that Wang Nuo was in a trance. Was the injury so serious? According to Wang Nuo's character, maybe we need to talk to Wang Nuo as soon as possible, otherwise we don't need to work harder from subanan, and Wang Nuo will have been defeated by himself.

Me: I'll see you at the weekend. I'm busy too. I'll have to go out to work at noon.

Duan Rao: Well, let's not say

I adjusted my mood and put my energy into my work, but before long, I suddenly remembered one thing. I quickly opened Lin Ying'er's dialog box and sent a sentence: by the way, there is another thing. Liang Xiaoshi asked me to copy your mobile phone address book. What do you think of her?

Lin Ying'er didn't reply for a long time. I didn't know what I was busy with, so I continued to be busy. At lunch break, I received a sentence from Lin Ying'er: I don't know, just give it to her, think about the process of getting it, and don't show up.

Me: what do you think I should do for you?

Lin Yinger: idiot, go to the computer city to buy a mobile data replication tool.

Me: are mobile data replication tools expensive? Will you give me the reimbursement?

Lin Ying'er: ten yuan you want to reimbursement, you are still a modern person? Have you evolved yet?

Me: you know the price, you must have done this kind of thing, I just want to set your words, you are really shameless, it's time for others to copy you? Remember, don't do to others what you don't want.

Lin Ying'er didn't reply. When I got off the line, I happily locked my computer and went outside. At the same time, I sent a short message to Duan Rao asking if Duan Rao had come back? Short message sent out, I just went to the canteen door has received a reply, Duan Rao has come back, and the contract has been settled, she is in the canteen at the moment. I immediately went back. I didn't want to find Duan Rao, but Wang Nuo. I went to the back stairs to send a short message to Wang Nuo: Nuo, let's talk. I'll wait for you at the western restaurant in the back street. I'll see you all the time!

When the short message was sent out, I quickly left the company, left Daxia and went to the western restaurant on the back street.

When I got to the western restaurant and found a seat to sit down, I began to worry. Will Wang nonuo come? Won't you come? I really don't know. According to Wang Nuo's character of great love, I should come back, but if I'm injured, I may not come, so I don't know!

As time went by, half an hour went by. The waiter had come twice and asked me if I wanted some food? I refused twice, and the third time I was sorry to say that I was waiting for someone, so I ordered a set meal.

After the waiter walked away, I watched my mobile phone to see if there was a reply or a call. At the same time, my eyes were not busy looking towards the door, and I felt particularly sad when I went round and round. If Wang Nuo doesn't come, it will be very troublesome, but it doesn't seem to be very good when Wang Nuo comes. This person really can't make mistakes casually. Once some mistakes are made, they can't be made up with many things. Not everyone, like God, can forgive others. Wang Nuo, who has great love, may not. If you meet someone without great love, such as Lin Yinger's black angel, you'll be hated and even cursed for a lifetime!

Soon, ten minutes later, I ordered half of the set meal. Wang Nuo, who was waiting for me, didn't show up as usual. I could only send another message: Nuo, I'm still waiting for you, or that sentence, see you!

As a result, Wang didn't reply. All the meals I ordered were served. I had to eat first and wait after eating.

At two o'clock, and then at two thirty, it's time to go to work and I haven't been seen back. Qiao Nan called and said, "my director Yang, are you coming back? Is it outside? "

"What's the matter?" I said

"Is a meeting a business?"

"Why didn't I know it was going to be a meeting? What day do you not know today? Salary, you are the head of the Department, you have to participate, otherwise who is responsible for the reward? Do you think Liang Xiaoshi sent it to you in person? "

I thought about it and said, "I don't have time. You can think of a way, or you can go on my behalf."

Qiao Nan is very depressed: "I want to go, but I have to be qualified."

"Do me a favor and see if Wang is in the company."

"What do you want? Meeting, are you kidding me? "

"It's no joke. Go ahead. I'll wait for your good news."

I hung up the phone, waited and watched. I didn't dare to leave, because I agreed that I would not see you. This time should at least be at the end of the business of the western restaurant. Otherwise, Wang Nuo said, what I fear most is that Wang Nuo is staring outside. I just want to see if I care about my work or whether I care about this. So I have no choice but to wait, You have to eat the bitter fruit yourself.

Five minutes later, Qiao Nan called and said that Wang Nuo Nuo was in the office. I asked, "are you sure?"

"Nonsense, I'm still in the general office of the customer department, and so on. Director Wang came out, his face was very bad and angry."

I thought about it and said, "follow her and see what she's doing. If you leave the company, let me know."

"What are you going to do? Don't you pit me? How can I talk to you? Can I go to the top? She's going to the conference room... "

"That's OK, that's it."

Hung up Qiao Nan's phone, I tangled, it seems that Wang Nuo is indifferent, wait or wait? It's too late to go back to the meeting, isn't it?

Finally, I chose to wait and watch the news on my mobile phone to pass the time.

After five minutes, the mobile phone rings and displays Lin Ying'er's number. I know it must be a call asking why I didn't come to the meeting.

Sure enough, I guessed right. As soon as I got through to Lin Ying'er, I said, "director Yang, are you working outside?"

I said, "yes."

"How come the people in your department don't know?"

"I'm not obliged to tell them, am I?"

"Do you know what day it is?"


"For the regular meeting on payday, all department heads have arrived. Except you, you'd better explain what you are going to do when you come back. If there is no reasonable explanation, follow the system. In addition, next time is no exception. Please arrange your time reasonably when you need to go out. Don't go out during the regular meeting. Do you know? "

"Yes, director Lin's lesson is that I will definitely improve, work hard and make progress every day."

Lin Ying'er hangs up with a crackle!

After the play, I was relieved and continued to watch the news. It was a bit boring, so I made a call to Huang Chengzhen. It was originally called tomorrow and Friday, one day ahead of time. I just paid my salary and wanted to remit money back. It took me ten minutes to hang up. Then I looked up at the door and saw a white shadow coming in. Who is it?

Days, after countless historical verification, really adhere to the victory, all not to adhere to the victory, are fluke, are shameless theft.

My heart is very happy and excited, but as Wang Nuo approached gracefully from the door, she became a little bit of withered flowers and willows in a short time. The joy and excitement in my heart were swept away, and replaced by a deep sense of guilt and endless loneliness. It's just like getting married and taking sister Zhiling home. As a result, when I want to get married, I lift my headscarf and see that it's not sister Zhiling, but Sister Feng. I want to cut myself to pieces.

Finally, Wang nonuo walked to sit down, her face did not have the beautiful smile of the past, her voice did not have the gentleness and compassion of the past, became very cold, as if just picked up from the Arctic Ocean, she said: "speak quickly, then go their own way."

My heart aches a way: "Nuo Nuo, what did I do wrong after all?"

"You should ask yourself this question, not me," Wang said