oom! boom! boom!

The predator hangs on the rock wall, the weapon in his right hand keeps firing, and every shot can explode an alien head.

But the aliens came as fast as a gust of wind, even if the predator had a hundred shots of weapons, they only shot a few aliens and were rushed to the front by a large group of aliens!

Lex leaned against the stone wall, despair in his heart!

There are so many alien creatures, let alone her, even the predator on the rock wall will not be able to last a few rounds, and will be torn to pieces by the alien!

But what surprised Lex was that the aliens who rushed into the hall didn't even attack her!

Instead of attacking her, they didn't even glance at her, completely ignoring her!

In the blink of an eye, all the alien creatures passed through the hall and disappeared into the dark passage!

At this moment, not only Lex was blinded, but the predator hanging on the rock wall was also blinded!

What is going on here?

Was he just ignored by a large group of aliens?

The predator drew the wrist knife from the stone wall and fell from the stone wall.

Lex looked at the predator and said, "They seem to be in a hurry, so there is no time to pay attention to us!"

The predator did not speak.

Lex said again: "It seems that they seem to be more nervous and scared than us. Do you have any particularly powerful characters this time?"

The predator shook his head slowly.

Since Lex could see that those aliens were scared just now, he would naturally not be able to see it without reason.

In fact, the nervousness value of the alien monitored by the microcomputer on the left arm of the predator has reached an astonishing "78" point.

What is the concept of an emotional value of 78 points? If the nervousness value exceeds 60 points, it can be understood as fear. Above 70 points, it has reached the category of fear.

Now the Alien’s nervousness value has reached 78 points, indicating that this group of Alien is very afraid.

But the question is, what are they afraid of?

Nearly a hundred aliens gathered together, and there is no doubt that they can form an extremely powerful combat force!

Even on the Jagged Planet, there are only a handful of hunters who can single out nearly a hundred aliens! Each of them is the top existence, and each of them has won the highest "Hunt King" medal on the Jagged Planet!

But even the top hunters who have won the Hunting King Medal, they have to be very particular about strategy when they single out hundreds of aliens. They will first ensure their own safety, and then eliminate the alien power bit by bit.

If it is surrounded by hundreds of aliens in a small space, they will also be torn to pieces by the aliens!

Therefore, even the top hunters on the iron-blooded planet can't make nearly a hundred aliens feel very scared, and make them flee everywhere!

In the past hunting process of Jagged Planet, there have been situations where hunting failed, aliens reproduced in large numbers, and the situation got out of control.

If this happens, the high-levels of Jagged Planet have two plans. One plan is to directly destroy the area with a powerful bomb; the other plan is to send multiple reloaded hunters to use advanced high-tech thermal weapons. Carry out clearance.

Only under the powerful firepower of the heavy-loaded hunters can a large group of aliens flee around!

But the predator was pretty sure that this time there was no reloading hunter on the spaceship he was riding in.

And even if there is, it will only be used when the situation is completely out of control.

This time, the three predators who participated in the hunting trial have now died two, and he is the last one. Although the situation is unfavorable, the hunting trial is still in progress, far from being out of control, and the spacecraft will definitely not send other hunters to interfere in this trial now.

Suddenly, the predator felt a strong sense of danger in his heart.

He felt an extremely dangerous creature approaching him, but his micro-brain did not catch the trace of that dangerous prey!

The microbrain carried by the predator mainly relies on heat detection technology to monitor its surroundings. If a creature can perfectly control its own heat emission, it can avoid the monitoring of the predator’s microbrain.

Li He happens to be one of the few creatures that can control the heat dissipation throughout the body.

As Li He approached, the sense of crisis in the predator's heart became stronger and stronger!

Intellectually, he should avoid this dangerous creature.

This dangerous creature can cause nearly a hundred aliens to flee. I am afraid that the strength is already incredible!

Such a powerful strength is obviously not something he can contend with, a junior hunter who has not yet completed the formal hunter trial.

But the predator's pride prevented him from allowing himself to make a cowardly act of fleeing without a fight!

Therefore, the predator decided to give it a try. He at least needs to know what this dangerous creature in the dark looks like!


The predator shot a shot into the dark passage based on feeling.

In the brief flames when the bullet was shot, the predator finally saw that the thing was a big golden scorpion!

Moreover, the big scorpion was far closer to him than he had imagined—the big scorpion crawled silently to a place less than five meters away from him!

Then, the big scorpion leaped forward, and the speed of the slender tail spur broke the speed of sound in an instant, pierced the black armor, and pierced the predator's xiong mouth!

"Sure enough, very powerful!" The predator thought in his heart the moment the predator fell.