Although the alien body contains a wealth of evolutionary energy, their size is not that big, which allows Li He to swallow an alien in a very short time.

The twelve aliens contributed approximately 24,000 points of evolutionary energy to Li He, plus the few aliens that Li He had swallowed before, the total evolutionary energy that Li He collected in this pyramid has exceeded 30,000 points.

However, as Li He swallowed more and more aliens, the new genes mentioned by the evolutionary system from the alien bodies decreased significantly, which made the single alien contribute less and less evolutionary energy to Li He.

At the beginning, Li He swallowed a sub-adult alien to harvest about 2500 evolutionary energy, and swallowed an adult alien to collect about 3000 evolutionary energy.

But now, the evolutionary energy in an adult alien has dropped sharply to about 1800 points, and the sub-adult alien has dropped below 1000 points.

At this time, the total number of evolutionary energy in Li He's body has reached 75,000 points, which is only 25,000 points away from the 100,000 evolutionary energy required for the sixth evolution.

"Although a single alien can contribute less and less evolutionary energy to me, fortunately there are so many aliens in this pyramid! Even if an adult alien contributes 1,000 evolutionary energy to me, only 25,000 evolutionary energy is needed. 25 adult aliens!"

Li He thought to himself, seeing that he would soon be able to collect the 100,000 points of evolution energy required for the sixth evolution, his mood was really very good!

He even hummed a song in his heart: "Alien, Alien, I love you! Alien, Alien, I love you!"

But Lee Hyuk’s good mood didn’t last too long, because he quickly discovered a problem——

That is, his speed at hunting aliens is getting slower and slower!

This is certainly not because Lee Hyuk's strength has regressed!

In fact, as Li He hunted more and more aliens, he became more and more aware of aliens, and he became more and more comfortable in hunting!

But even if Li He hunted aliens more and more easily, but he hunted fewer and fewer aliens!

For two full hours, Li He only hunted twelve aliens!

Among the twelve aliens, there are only four adult aliens, and the other eight are sub-adult aliens!

The reason for the decrease in the formation of Li He’s hunting aliens is very simple. The ferocious aliens are now scared. They no longer try to hide in the dark and attack Li He-because all the aliens that attacked like this before have now been eaten by Li He. Up the belly!

They also no longer try a dozen aliens to besiege Li He head-on-because all the aliens who besieged Li He in groups before now also enter Li He's stomach!

Since both the secret attack and the frontal siege ended in disastrous defeat, what will the aliens do?

The aliens' method is very simple-escape!

Now, as long as the aliens in the pyramid smell Li Hyuk's breath, they will immediately run around like a frightened little mouse!

However, this pyramid changes its internal passage every ten minutes, which greatly hinders Li Hye's efficiency in chasing and killing aliens.

"I knew that these aliens were so brave, I shouldn't have killed them so badly before! I should pretend to fight the aliens in the dark and give the aliens the illusion that they might win, so that more aliens can be lured over! "

"I'm scared of killing those aliens now. It's more troublesome for me to run away after hearing the wind! But there is also an alien queen in this pyramid. If that alien queen is swallowed, the total amount of evolutionary energy in my body will definitely exceed 100,000 points!"

Li He thought while crawling to the next level of the pyramid.

On the fifth level of the pyramid, Li He's harvest was even smaller, and he only hunted three aliens.

"I just kill one by one, I see where else you guys can escape!"

Li He was fierce in his heart, and quickly climbed to the sixth layer of the inscription.

In the sixth layer of the pyramid, the predator and Lex walked carefully in the dark one after another.

Suddenly, countless winds sounded in the dark aisle——

Obviously, a large group of aliens approached them at high speed!

The microcomputer in the left arm of the predator came to a conclusion after distinguishing the sound of the wind in one second: at least 68 aliens were rushing over at a speed of more than 50 meters per second!

Even if it is a predator, there is no way to contend against the 68 aliens!

So, the predator suddenly turned around and ran in the opposite direction of the expansion!

Lex's reaction was not slow either, and strode behind the predator.

The voice behind him became louder and louder, and the predator suddenly jumped up and rushed to a stone wall in the hall.

During this process, a wrist knife suddenly popped out of the predator's left hand, and the predator stabbed his arm, and the wrist knife pierced into the stone wall, hanging the predator on the stone wall.

When Lex saw this, he didn't know what to do for a while.

She couldn't hang herself on the high stone wall.

Just as Lex hesitated, the alien form behind her was already surging!