"Koi Abandoned Women: Raising Adorable Babies in a Portable Space (!

Deliberately guarding this area, revealing a flaw, so as to give them a reason to kill the princess Yue Suiyu.

"Come on, take these two people down and hand them over to Vice Admiral Yan." The comer gave an order, and many soldiers rushed in from the outside, and they took down the two dead soldiers in a short while.

After seeing the person being taken away, the person squatted down in front of Yue Suiyu.

"The marshal asked me to tell you, don't worry, he won't let anyone who killed you let go, and he will definitely avenge you." He said to Yue Suiyu faintly.

At this moment, Yue Suiyu was not completely dead at all. Hearing this man's words, his eyes were filled with despair.

She hates God, why let her meet Qianjiyun and An Jiuyue, hate Mingfucheng, why is she so stupid, and Zhan Beiye will budget in advance for any trivial things.

It was after this thought that she gradually lost consciousness, until she no longer breathed, and there was no sign of life at all.

Outside the tent, all ten dead soldiers were arrested, but none of them were alive, all of them had turned into corpses one after another, appearing in front of the soldiers.

"It died so fast."

Deputy General Yan looked at the corpses with cold eyes and shook his head.

He can guarantee that none of these people have the chance to bite the poison hidden in their teeth, but none of them are alive, they are all dead.

What does this mean?

This means that they were given medicine before they came, and whether the mission was successful or not, these people must die.

"It's ruthless, even if it's a dead man, there's no need to make such a move, right?"


On the other side, outside the tent where Zhan Beiye was located, there were also dozens of dead bodies lying sideways.

"It is said that the thief will not fail, this person is really..."

Looking at the bodies of these dead men, Zhan Beiye was speechless, how much he wanted him to die, so he had no brains to send the dead men to kill him.

Although this is a common occurrence when the two armies are at war, but Mingfucheng doesn't think about it, just sending so many dead soldiers over, can he really kill him?

"Marshal, these people have taken poison."

The lieutenant beside him looked at the corpses carefully, and his heart suddenly felt chills.

It is clear that all the dead men have poison in their mouths. As long as they fail and are caught, they will immediately commit suicide by taking poison. They will never give them a chance to seize it, but Mingfu City still gave these dead men another poison.

Doesn't that mean that even if they complete the task, they have to die, and in the end there is no proof.

"As expected."

Zhan Beiye pouted his lower lip without any special expression.

If Mingfu City didn't give these people medicine, then it would be abnormal. Only when these people died, would it have any effect on him.

"Throw these people and the princess' corpse outside the Yueming Camp." He instructed.


The lieutenant was stunned for a moment, as if he did not expect that his own marshal would give such an order.

It's that simple, just throw everyone away? Why don't you make a bigger move and directly ruin Mingfu City?

I have to say this lieutenant thinks too much.

For people like Mingfucheng, where is there any name, he has long been corrupted by himself, and Zhan Beiye naturally doesn't need to worry about it.

"Ah what, go do it."

Zhan Beiye saw that the lieutenant did not understand, and gave another order.

"Yes, Marshal."

The lieutenant responded and ordered the soldiers to remove the corpses.

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