Chapter 1307: where was this guy caught

"Koi Abandoned Women: Raising Adorable Babies in a Portable Space (!

There are also several corpses in a water source very close to Zhanling Camp.

The difference is that in addition to several corpses, there is also a living dead man, who is being pinched by Qian Jiyun's chin, and his mouth is full of blood.

On the side of his kneeling body, there was blood all over the place, and there were several blood-stained teeth. It could be seen that Qian Jiyun directly used force to knock down the dead man's poisonous teeth.

"Poisoning water sources, you can really do it."

An Jiuyue was standing at the water source, chuckling and shaking her head, thinking about how many people would die in this world tomorrow if they hadn't met by chance?

Many people here rely on the water in the river for a living, and there are not many people who can afford wells.

And this water source is the clearest, and the most people fetch water here, and this water source is large enough that it can almost be called a sea area.

Not only Zhanling Camp, there are too many people nearby who drink the water here.

"Mingfu City, it's really damn."

She raised her hand and touched her chin, thinking about **** Mingfu City?

On the side, Young Master Nie was also looking at the bodies of those dead soldiers, and his heart was too cold. If this poison was really sprinkled, how many people would die.

For the sake of personal grievances, involving the armies of the two countries has been regarded as a lunatic. Now, do you still want to destroy all the people on the border of the Zhanling Empire?

"Go over there and light a fire and burn the poison completely." He instructed the guards beside him.

The poison had been spilled all over the ground before, and he couldn't pick it up, and only by adding another fire would he be able to rest assured.

"Okay, son."

The guards have this intention. If this poison is left here, who knows if it will harm people?

"Jiuyue, we should go."

Just when she was thinking about **** Mingfu City, she heard the voice of Qianjiyun calling her.


She responded, turned around and walked to his side, and glanced at the dead man who had been tied up.

She discovered this guy in time and fed her a detoxification pill produced in the mall before she was rescued. If you think about it, it is true that her points are really getting less and less.

"Let's go, let's see what Zhan Beiye will do."

After lighting a fire near the poison, several guards dragged a corpse and left with Qian Jiyun.

"Where did you... catch this person?"

Blinking, then blinking sleepily, Zhan Beiye was extremely sure that the corpses he had seen before were wearing such clothes.

So, these two people arrested the dead soldiers sent by Mingfu City?

But hasn't Killing Yue Suiyu and his dead men been cleaned up? Why is there still one.

Moreover, this is still alive, has it not been reinstated with the medicine, or what?

He can conclude that it is impossible without taking medicine, and the only possibility is that the alchemist next to Qian Jiyun has the ability to **** someone from the King of Hell and bring this dead man back to life.

"To the west of the camp, there is a water source at ," Qian Jiyun said.


Zhan Beiye was shocked.

To the west of Zhanling Camp is Wandi Lake, from where all the water in their military camp is taken.

He looked slowly at the dead man who was bound by Wu Hua Da, so, did this man go to Wandi Lake to be poisoned? This is the soldier who wants to make them a barracks...

No, not only the soldiers, but also the people nearby will die of poisoning after drinking the water from Wandi Lake.

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