Chapter 1302: Is it bad to be stupid?

"Koi Abandoned Women: Raising Adorable Babies in a Portable Space (!

"My lord, do you want to reconsider this matter, after all, it is..."

"Let's talk less, you can do it if you want to do it, are you still waiting for this king to do it himself?" Mingfucheng didn't give him a chance to finish his sentence, so he yelled at him directly.

Yuesuiyu must die!

Of course, he couldn't obviously die in his hands, let alone on the city wall.

Therefore, he could only secretly send someone to kill him. It could be regarded as the last bit of face he gave to Yue Suiyu. The proud princess of Yueming Empire hanged herself in order not to be threatened by others. This kind of news will definitely come Uplifting the hearts of the generals in the camp.

"Yes, my lord."

The lieutenant was unable to persuade him, so he could only respond and leave the tent.


In the tent, Mingfucheng couldn't help but cursed.

Where did Mingfucheng come from? Yue Suiyu was caught. She clearly shouldn't be fighting the Ling Empire.

"A idiot is a idiot, and even if the royal father intends to raise her up, it will not be a big thing." He couldn't help sneering, feeling that the royal father was also blind, and he even gave Yue Suiyu something to do.

It's good now, they went straight to the Zhanling Empire, and they were caught and used to threaten him.

"Um, uh, uh."

In a tent, Yue Suiyu was poured into a bowl of hot medicine.

What she wanted to refuse, she wanted to keep her mouth tightly shut and prevent them from pouring the medicine into her mouth, but when facing the soldiers, she was also a weak woman, how could she be a man's opponent.

Three or two times, a bowl of medicine was taken down.

She felt a burning pain in her throat, and after a while, she could only make a whimpering sound, and she couldn't say a word of other things.

As for her hands, people have already used a unique technique to dislocate all the bones of her hands, not to mention exerting force, just moving, even if she doesn't move, it will hurt her heart.

She wanted to scream and curse, but she couldn't scold them anymore, and she completely lost her voice.

Just after the soldiers finished this series of things, everyone withdrew, and there was only her, a tied woman left in the tent, and then she vaguely saw a figure walking in.

She couldn't make a sound, she could only shake her head and look at the person with tears in her eyes.

She knew this man, and she had seen him in the camp. Those lieutenants called him Marshal, so it could be seen that this man was Zhan Beiye, the prince of the Zhanling Empire.

"Isn't it bad to be stupid? Why should you be so smart before you die?"

Zhan Beiye sat down on the only chair in the tent, and smiled and looked at Yue Suiyu, who was lying on the ground in a mess.

Just now, she just took the cloth off her mouth, and she was there shouting that Qian Jiyun and the two came from Huayan Jue Ding, and he was outside and could hear clearly.

"Don't worry, the people who came in just now at UU Reading are all the confidants of this king. They will never spread the word about your embarrassment. Also, there is a distance from the main camp. , Without the king's orders, the soldiers will not come here casually."

He reminded Yue Suiyu very kindly.

When Yue Suiyu heard his words, all hope in her eyes was dashed.

The reason why she shouted so loudly before was that she hoped that there are people from their Yueming Empire in the military camp, and they could spread the news of Qian Jiyun and the others to the ears of Mingfu City.

However, this battle with Kitano was so well arranged that she had no chance at all.

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