"Koi Abandoned Women: Raising Adorable Babies in a Portable Space (!

"It's really troublesome, why didn't you die in Zhi Yanfeng?"

Zhan Beiye looked at Yue Suiyu who was being dragged away, and said quietly, he would rather this woman be killed by Qian Jiyun on Zhiyan Peak, so that it can save a lot of trouble.

Although Yue Suiyu is in his hands, it can bring a lot of trouble to Mingfu City.

In the tent, there was a sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, accompanied by the man's roar, which was heard in almost half of the camp. Several lieutenants were standing outside the tent, and no one dared to go in, and they provoked their prince again. Not fast.

Mingfu City is really angry, Yue Suiyu is now tied to the city wall of the Zhanling Empire, which not only hinders him, but also loses his face.

Even if Yue Suiyu is useless, it is his sister, who was caught by Zhan Beiye, so what can he say.

"Think of a way, immediately think of a way for this king!"

He roared at the lieutenant beside him, in a word, he must not be defeated by Zhan Beiye just because of one month old jade.

"My lord, in fact, the last commander has already received the news that there is no food in the Northfield Army. Next, as long as we consume them for a few more days, we will definitely be able to take them down."

What can the lieutenant do, although he understands the intention of the prince, he wants to kill the princess.

But this can't be said by his lieutenant. If things are revealed in the future, who knows if the prince will put all the responsibilities on him?

It doesn't matter if he died by himself, but he still has a family. A big family can't live because he wants to please the prince at this time, right?

Mingfucheng was obviously dissatisfied when he heard his words.

Waiting for Zhan Beiye and the others to be too hungry, will he go and reap the benefits of the fisherman?

This is of course impossible, how can he guarantee that Zhan Beiye can't think of a way to solve the crisis of food exhaustion?

Taking ten thousand steps back, if the food is really exhausted and the army is defeated because of the problem of food and grass, Zhan Beiye can leave by himself, and he will not be responsible for the failure of this war.

This is not the result he wants. What he wants is that Zhan Beiye's reputation will be ruined, and he will die without a place to be buried.

"Did Emperor Zhan Ling really send someone to send food to Zhan Beiye?" he asked.

This Emperor Zhan Ling is also stupid enough. In order to let the son he hates die, he can even ignore his own country. It is no wonder that Zhan Beiye is walking on thin ice in the Zhan Ling Empire.

It was also unfortunate for Zhan Beiye to have such a father and emperor on the table, but it fulfilled him.

"Someone has been sent to deliver food and grass, but according to news, it will take at least ten days for the food and grass to reach Zhanling Camp." The lieutenant replied immediately.

In ten days, the day lily was cold. Although the soldiers who cultivated the original soul power would not starve to death, they would still be starving to death. Where would they have the strength to fight?

At that time, UU reading they will have the opportunity to take advantage.

Hearing this, Mingfucheng took a deep breath.

This is not enough, even if Zhan Ling's camp really runs out of food, and they have Yue Suiyu in their hands, he will be constrained by then, and it is impossible to deal with Zhan Beiye wholeheartedly.

"You, find some dead men for this king."

"My lord..."

When the lieutenant heard this, he knew what Mingfucheng wanted to do. He really wanted to kill Yue Suiyu in Zhanling Camp.

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