Chapter 457: Miaomushan [subscription]

Of course, according to the advice of the masters of the mother-in-law, these Chinese people quickly concentrated on the side of the whirlpool Naruto, using the scroll to donate the group of guys to Mt.

As for other things like Kakashi, ah Kay teacher red beans are forbearing.

They can only rely on their own strength to escape this attack.

Kakashi possesses, blood continues to limit, I think, using its ability to escape this attack should not be a problem, but ah Kai and red beans are quite a bit difficult.

In particular, Teacher Akai, although he said that he will have some ninjutsu, but his main thing is ~ body surgery.

Physical skills are his most powerful force.

"In this great crisis of life and death, we should explode the power of our youth, the eternal power, Xiao Li, are you ready?"

Whenever and wherever, no matter where, or even at any time, Teacher Akai is so energetic.

In the face of such a catastrophe, Jiuquan City still maintains a positive, young heart.

Excuse me, fight, burn our youth!

"Yes, Teacher Akai, let's burn youth together!"

Responding to him is a thick-browed boy, to be honest, these two masters and apprentices are not only similar in appearance, very similar.

In terms of personality, it is also very similar. I don't know, is this really influenced by Teacher Kai?

For other reasons, or because the two men's exercise is a physical technique, and the two are best at body skills, so they are very familiar.

If you say that the group of ninjas in Muye Ninja Village do not know, ah Kai teacher, and the thick eyebrows are the relationship between men and women, this group of people will definitely regard the thick eyebrows as the son of Kai’s own son.

Because the two guys are so straight, exactly the same, they can even be said to be carved out of a mold, except that the two people's body and height are somewhat different.

The ice rain of the moon shone down. In an instant, the whole earth was shrouded in fear. Then, countless ice guns quickly flew toward the ground.

And the speed is constantly increasing, getting faster and faster...

"You guys are all going to **** to me, I want you to be buried with thousands of nights!"

Even if the eyes of the moon are very empty, even her spirit has collapsed, but the subconscious in his head has always believed in his belief that he deeply loves his Chiba adults. .

This hatred is he is bound!

At the moment when I saw the rain of ice, Chiba’s forehead flashed a trace of surprise. I didn’t expect that he had just climbed out of the dead.

And I just escaped an attack. I didn't expect this one after another to happen again. Do you want to be cruel!

The last attack has spread to Chiba adults. Even if the ice rain of this month is hit again, even Chiba will feel a little tricky.

To know this massive attack, it is difficult for the Chiba adults to resist.

If it is the attack of these characters in the Naruto world, then the Chiba adults can easily destroy those ice guns by using the shocking fruit.

But the moon's ice gun is a bit different, because there is a very strong domineering on her refrigerator. If the Chiba adults are in fruit, they may not be able to completely resist it!

"What am I doing in the end?"

Chiba, adults can not help but start to spit in the heart.

This person, if you say that if this person is unlucky, then the basic block can not stop a wave of waves.

But now there is no other way for Chiba adults. He must use the shocking fruit to resist this attack.

"Transfer! Miaomushan!"

Accompanied by the sound of the whirlpool Naruto, he began to quickly seal in his hands, and through the scrolls, he released all the chakras on his body and used the summoning technique to transfer most of the ninjas in Konoha Ninja Village. To the wonderful wood mountain.

I saw that this group of ninjas suddenly disappeared in the smoke.

Well, when these people’s eyes were opened, they had already arrived, and Miaojishan, where Miaoji was.

····· Asking for flowers···········

When the group of ninjas came to Miaomu Mountain for the first time, there was a slight surprise in their hearts. They did not expect the scenery of Miaomu Mountain to be very good.

It is completely incomparable with that Gobi and the beach.

The gap between the two is too great, and this Mt. Mushan can be said to be. Birds and flowers, surrounded by mountains, long streams.

It is simply a fairyland. The so-called small bridges are just like this.

However, this description is also very correct. After all, Miaomu Mountain is where the immortals live. These baboons call themselves immortals.

The origin of the immortal model is also due to the whirlpool Naruto, the contract signed with Miaomushan.


"Children, what is this about him?"

My mother-in-law suddenly spoke at this time, and he was seeing the moment of Xiaoming. There was a hint of surprise in the eyes.

Because every time Xiao Ming people came to Miaomu Mountain, they were all alone, but this time, the Uzumaki Naruto came to Sekiyama and did bring a large group of ninjas, so? My mother-in-law was very surprised.

This is not just a simple matter of surprise, because the whirlpool Naruto does not have the power to master it.

The position he moved was a bit special. When the place was released, it was said that in the place where the immortal bathed.

"I am very sorry, I am very sorry, my mother-in-law, I am bothering you, sorry, sorry!"

There is a very large bath in front, in this bath, my aunt is taking a shower, but for this group of wood leaf ninjas, it is really not a big deal to see a bath.

The group of ninjas, very indifferent, can even be said that there is no such thing as a yu.

Because the ninjas in Muye Ninja Village are all human beings, this group of human beings is not interested in animals.

"Is this group of guys so rude?"

If it is said that she is not seeing Xiao Ming, very polite, she has already rushed this group of wood leaf ninjas, the village's ninja, to other places, and will never let this group of people stay in Miaomu Mountain. .