Chapter 456: Ice rain [please full order]

However, the whirlpool Naruto responded very quickly in the case of the immortal mode, so it escaped this skill very lightly.

But I have escaped this attack, but I can't hide all the attacks.

Even if the whirlpool Naruto has a fairy mode, he has no power to hide in the huge number of ice walls.

Because this ice gun is not the same as other ice guns, there are many ice-resistant ninjas, they, made, ice guns, in addition to some physical attacks, there is no additional attack.

But this kind of ice gun of the month, its power, is not the same as those of ordinary refrigerators. On her refrigerator, there is a very strong domineering.

This kind of domineering is the domineering of the overlord color. At the moment of contact with the ground, a very powerful explosion will occur. This explosion is similar to the same-tailed cannon.

Although the power of the ice gun is now dispersed, in the face of this huge ice rain, the ninja of Muye Ninja Village and the ninja of the country of the wind are instantly caught in the great crisis of life and death.

Whether it is dead or alive, it depends on whether this group of people can withstand the attack.

If this group of guys can't go low, then they will only have one dead end.

If this group of guys can resist 690, then they have the hope of living and living.

In this world of weak meat and strong food, natural selection, strong survival, this is the law of all things.

The so-called justice and evil have not been separated for a thousand years.

What is justice and what is love? Do you have to say that the attacking party is evil, and the defensive side is justice?

In the eyes of many people, they always think that the hero is justice, like the whirlpool Naruto Kakashi, that is the hero in their eyes.

Chiba adults snorted, and he knew that only the strong in this world can survive, and there is no justice or evil at all.

If you have to define yourself, then you are fighting for survival and fighting for your own life.

Standing on the stand of Chiba, can you say that you have fought this time for your own life, the so-called evil?

Then we think about it, if you stand in the perspective of the moon, the Chiba adults are killed by the Konoha Ninja village.

Must that adult behave (bebh) to die? Is it true that they are killing thousands of nights? Is it harming the world?

In the eyes of the moon, this is not what is called justice, but it is not what is called evil. It just follows a law of all things in the world, that is, natural selection and survival.

If you don't have the power, then it's only frozen in vain.

"The language of ice, the end of the world!" At this time, she said this sentence very heavily in the month, and in the eyes when she spoke, she did not bring any emotion at all.

This guy's eyes are very empty.

Everyone pays attention to protection!

When I saw this scene, the heart of the mother-in-law was so fast that I couldn’t do it, and I loved Luo, and his expression was a slight wrinkle.

These two guys, the fire shadow of a wooden leaf ninja village, and the other wind and rain, both of them have a responsibility to protect their villagers.

If the last attack was a lucky one, then this attack basically has no concept of luck.

At this time, everyone felt desperate, and their eyes flashed a glimpse of their desire for life.

Many people have begun to seal and try their best to resist their own huge attacks.

And I loved Luo, so I quickly printed, he used his own chakra, and, 80% of the body of Chakra, created a very large rain cover.

The size of the shield is very large, and he is basically covered with a layer. Even this passport has exceeded the protection of the sand armor.

Then I love Luo and see the situation is not right, and quickly protect his villagers under their own sand.

If this powerful ice rain is hit, these people are very willing and will be lucky to survive. If they can't, then they can only say that they have tried their best.

On the other hand, the mother-in-law is very nervous and nervous.

On the other hand, although the amount of her chakra is very large, and the various gunsmiths are very, more powerful, is the elite of the elite, but only her defense strength is quite low.

Because in the past battles of the mother-in-law, she used to attack each time, and she would not be involved in defense. This is not to say that he does not learn defensive skills.

That's because there aren't many opponents in her life. Every time she fights, she is unilaterally killed, so she doesn't need this defensive skills at all.

How to do? What should I do? When the mother-in-law was very distressed, the whirlpool Naruto eyes flashed a glimmer of light.

In this very urgent situation, he thought of a very good idea. Although he said that he could not save all the villagers in Konoha Ninja Village, 70% of them were saved without problems.

"The mother-in-law, hurry to concentrate everyone here, I use, the call of the immortal model, I moved the ninja of Muye Ninja Village to Miaomushan!"

To be honest, the whirlpool Naruto, you never thought of this idea, and he did not think that this wonderful wood mountain actually has such a role.

In the case of the immortal mode, through the scroll, the immortal mode of the whirlpool Naruto, in this case, is connected with Mikiyama, so he can summon the people here after using a certain amount of chakra. Go to Miaomu Mountain.

However, the number of people summoned cannot be too much.

And the whirlpool Naruto, at this time, Chakra in the body, his power is not so big, can not transfer all the ninjas in the Konoha Ninja Village to Miaomu Mountain at one time, only part of which can be transferred.

For the rest, they can only rely on their own strength.

When the mother-in-law heard the suggestion of the whirlpool Naruto, she also nodded slightly, now in this very critical situation.

If it is a solution, it must be used. Even if it is, it is quite good to be able to save more of a ninja in Konoha Ninja Village. .