Chapter 2586

Name:Perfect Supreme Author:观鱼
“Give me a roll!”

His fists are constantly smashing out, because in the ghost cloud, a lot of hungry ghosts are pestering him, to devour his flesh and blood!

And he constantly attacks, but in the end is also exhausted, because, other means are invalid for the hungry ghost, only fleshly body power!

In the end, he took countless hungry ghosts and walked towards the finish line!

Those hungry ghosts are entangled in him, constantly consuming his flesh and blood, but the body of Lin Ling Fiendgod is strong, and the swallowing beast appears, and it is also quickly recovering!

While consuming and recovering, Lin Ling is painful and happy to the end!

I don’t know how long it took, when he was bitten by the bones, he finally got out of the ghost cloud!

On the side of the ghost cloud, a half-baked monster appears, it is Lin Ling, if the genius of the three colleges is in, at this moment, it must be scared to kneel down!

Because, Lin Ling has become a half-hearted person, but this guy actually endured this pain and rushed out of the ghost cloud!

At the same time, the lost flesh and blood, but also slowly recovered, but Lin Ling’s nephew is more determined, and a little more vicissitudes!

Because, he is in numbness and pain, out of hell!

Hōng lóng lóng !

At this time, there is a huge imposing manner in which Fiendgod is afraid of the front, Thunder and Thunder, and it is the thunder of the gods!

Thousands of souls face the gods, and they can only bow down to the court!

And Lin Ling’s persevering gaze is also flashing at the moment: “Thunderstorm?”

According to legend, if the demon is to change into a person, then it is necessary to immediately rob the Heaven and Earth, and that is the thunder!

Moreover, the old Lin Ling refining weapon, it will also be born thunder!

Of course, the kind of thunderbolt is nothing compared to the current thunder!

Because the front of the thunder is multi-colored, extremely terrifying, let Lin Ling have an intuition, this thundercloud, he can not wear!

“It’s impossible to rely on strength, and Soul Force doesn’t seem to be possible. How should Thundercloud go!”

Lin Ling stopped at the pace, his brow wrinkled, and finally his eyes lit up, there is only one choice at the moment!

Chaos God!

This powerful cultivation technique, which has the formidable power of refining everything, so you want to go through the thundercloud, perhaps by only refining!

“If I die here, it proves that Lin Ling is just the same. If I am going backwards, how can I face the Red Soul Lord!”

“I Lin Ling, why do people treat me, how can I treat others, the red jade tiger Lord has good for me, I must still be that good!”

Lin Ling word by word paused and said, then strode into the thundercloud!


The terrifying Lightning Snake wraps around Lin Ling, and the entire huge thundercloud emits an ear-splitting sound, and the flash is constantly, the bucket is thick and thunderous, like a dragon-like cockroach, crazy sweeping Lin Ling!

“Give me refining!”

Lin Ling snarls and fights!

His first Dantian is the body of Fiendgod, and the second Dantian is the Fire Attribute Martial Dao. Therefore, the power of refining Thundercloud is now flocking to the third Dantian!

If his third Dantian became the Dantian of Ray, then this thundercloud, he should be immune!

Of course, this is simple and difficult to do. Now he is racing against time and betting everything on top of chaotic gods!

After all, this cultivation technique is the result of Li Xiaoyao’s luck and the only cultivation technique he can’t see. In his guess, this cultivation technique is in the Martial God world, that is unique!

Perhaps this is the god of heaven, the legacy cultivation technique!

At this moment, on the top of a mountain in Qiyun, the mysterious old man is still talking.

“There is no end to chaos, chaos is endless, we guard the land of thunder, and there are five centuries without knowing it!”

“Yeah, the ancient gods are revered, Heaven and Earth are Nine Provinces. It seems to be far away, but it feels like something happened yesterday!”

Umbrella Nine Provinces Heaven and Earth €鐣岋纴浠栫敤heaven-parting axe 寮 澶╄缇鍦 澶╄缇鍦 纴鍒嗗寲 纴鍒嗗寲 Nine Provinces 锛屽苟涓斿垎鍓 嚭鍗冧竾鐣岄 锛佲 锛佲

鈥滆 Umbrella 涓︼ 浼犱篃涓岖煡阆撴槸鐪熸槸 杈 ine ine ine ine ine ine ine ine ine Da 纴浣嗘槸涓岖煡涓 綍寰楃煡 Grand Dao 锛屾嫢 chain 夊姝 ivine Ability 锛佲€


鈥滃惉璇 inch洏鍙よ癁鐢熺殑闾d竴鐣岋纴闄ゅ幓浠栦箣澶栵纴杩樻湁鍑犱綅绁炰竴鐣岋纴闄ゅ幓浠栦箣澶栵纴杩樻湁鍑犱綅绁炰锛屾瘮濡锛屾瘮濡コ濞睸enior 锛屾嵁璇达纴Nine Provinces 涓囧崈鐢熺伒渚挎槸濂金紑鍒涚殑锛屽ス涔冩槸浼楃敓涔嬫瘝锛佲€

鈥滃彲鎯滀 锛屼竾鐣屽お澶氱晫闱 锛屼竾鐣屽お澶氱晫闱 锛岃呖浠娄緷镞 锛岃呖浠娄緷镞 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 屾潵锛岀溂涓嫔张铡讳简鍝︷噷锛佲€

鈥滃埆璇撮偅涔堣 浜嗭纴涓岖鏄洏鍙ゅ畾涓嬬殑娉曞垯锛岃缮鏄疦 in Provinces 镄勮寰嬶纴鍙嶆Nine Provinces 镄勫ぉ 戒箣鍦 病 病 病 夊搷璧烽挓澹 夊搷璧烽挓澹 箞灏 箞灏 箞灏 箞灏 箞灏 唬琛ㄥ悇宸炰箣 槸澶╁瓙涔嫔懡锛佲 槸澶╁瓙涔嫔懡锛佲 槸澶╁瓙涔嫔懡锛佲 槸澶╁瓙涔嫔懡锛佲

鈥滈挓澹板搷璧凤纴鏂 Dress up 殑澶╁瓙灏呜璇炵敓锛屽殑澶╁瓙灏呜璇炵敓锛屽鎷挎垜浠潚宸炴潵璇鎷挎垜浠潚宸炴潵璇ぉ瀛愬皢鎴愪 闱掑笣锛屽彲鎯滐纴 闱掑笣锛屽彲鎯滐纴 thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand

闾d簺绁炵镄刼ld man 缂撶紦浜よ皥阆撱€

璁╀汉鎯婅镄勬槸锛岄潚宸炰箣涓婚潚潚潚ely isn鈥檛锲哄畾涓€涓狰loodline 镄勶纴Key 屾槸浠讳綍浜Hong 兘鍙 Pan 纴浣嗗墠鎻愭槸锛屽繀椤 纴浣嗗墠鎻愭槸锛屽繀椤 纴浣嗗墠鎻愭槸锛屽繀椤 潚宸炵阍熷搷璧 潚宸炵阍熷搷璧 潚宸炵阍熷搷璧 箣钖庯纴杩欎唬琛纴鏂 箣钖庯纴杩欎唬琛纴鏂


浜よ皥浜呜涔咃纴 chain 寮€濮嬬殑闾ld man 绐佺劧璇撮 锛岃鍏 锛岃鍏 锛岃鍏 粬浜 粬浜 粬浜 粬浜 € €

鈥滀粬镐曟槸琚汹鍦ㄤ簯涔嬭矾浜嗭纴鍗 娌 娌 ° ° ° ° ° 湁姝 湁姝 纴浣嗕篃鏄竴杈埚瓙閮 纴浣嗕篃鏄竴杈埚瓙閮 纴浣嗕篃鏄竴杈埚瓙閮 嚭涓嶆潵浜嗭紒鈥濇湁浜 嚭涓嶆潵浜嗭紒鈥濇湁浜珛鍗冲洖阆掳紒

鍙 ammonia 鍦ㄨ 镞讹纴涓 阆撴椽浜殑阍熷 阆撴椽浜殑阍熷 锛岀獊鐒跺搷璧 锛岀獊鐒跺搷璧 锛岀獊鐒跺搷璧 紒 紒


阍熷0锛岄渿鎱戝洓Read more 笖娉涜捣镞犲敖镄剅 ipple 锛岀洿杈 暣涓︷潚宸烇紒

鍦ㄨ 涓 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 纴闱掑窞镞犳暟浜 纴闱掑窞镞犳暟浜 纴闱掑窞镞犳暟浜 兘钖埌闾 绉樼殑阍熷 绉樼殑阍熷 绉樼殑阍熷 绉樼殑阍熷 锛屼竴涓﹄ 锛屼竴涓﹄ 锛屼竴涓﹄ 锛屼竴涓﹄ 彉浜呜捣鏉ワ纴 彉浜呜捣鏉ワ纴 彉浜呜捣鏉ワ纴 彉浜呜捣鏉ワ纴Chain 夐挓澹 紶阆嶉潚宸烇纴杩椤お terrifying 浜嗗惂锛

簬澶充簬澶ч潚绁炴浈锛屼竴钖嶅悕鍙よ€佺殑powerhouse Tsuen Wan 瀛旗漱澶э紒


杩欐剰Forging Chongzhen forging

鍦ㄩ潚宸炴湁涓€涓︼埃浼狅纴鑻ユ槸阍熷0鍝嶈捣锛岄偅涔堣€乫irst generation 镄勯潚宁濅研究瑕佷笅浣嶏纴鐩村埌鏂 Dress Up闱掑笣宕涜捣锛岃 璇 璇 槑镌 锛岀珵浜夐潚 锛岀珵浜夐潚 锛岀珵浜夐潚 锛岀珵浜夐潚 锛岀珵浜夐潚 濅箣浣岖殑鍙 濅箣浣岖殑鍙 濅箣浣岖殑鍙 濅箣浣岖殑鍙 濅箣浣岖殑鍙

鈥渉undred thousand 骞 锛屼 锛屼 澶 ぉ ぉ ぉ ぉ 箣鍦 箣鍦 箣鍦 箣鍦 夊叓涓ぉ 夊叓涓ぉ 夊叓涓ぉ 夊叓涓ぉ 箣鍦 箣鍦 箣鍦 箣鍦 箣鍦 箣鍦 箣鍦 箣澶╁懡涔 箣澶╁懡涔 箣澶╁懡涔 箣澶╁懡涔嫔湴涓 鐩撮 鐩撮 鐩撮 瀵 瀵 笉锷纴鐜 湪锛岃 湪锛岃 湪锛岃 湪锛岃 湪锛岃 湪锛岃 湪锛岃 湪锛岃 湪锛岃 湪锛岃

Ower owerhouse era 锛屼 涔庡紑钖 era 锛屼 鍟婏紒鈥


涓 灏婂皧镄勬灜 灏婂皧镄勬灜 勶纴涓 灏婂皧镄勫彝 灏婂皧镄勫彝 灏婂皧镄勫彝 灏婂皧镄勫彝 ! ! ! ! !!


“Is it open?”

d chain濈殑瀹涔嬩腑锛屼竴浣岖┛镌€dragon robe Emerald 镄 镄 湁鐪嬬潃澶╃┖锛屼 湁鐪嬬潃澶╃┖锛屼For the phoenix

鈥滃埌搴曟槸璋佸紑钖殑锛岃缮鐪熸槸铡夊鍟婏纴锲犱 锛屾湑宸茬粡绛変 hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun

鈥滆埃浼犱箣涓纴杩欎箖鏄浜哄畾涓嬬殑瑙勭勭勭屾様镞ョ殑屾様镞ョ殑屾様镞ョ殑曟暡鍝崭曟暡鍝崭锛屽紑钖锛屽紑钖锛屽紑钖锛屽紑钖 Chain